UN Online volunteering
Opportunities to volunteer from wherever you are with whatever you have
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Become a volunteer from wherever you are with whatever you have. The United Nations Online Volunteering initiative gives you the chance to team up to address sustainable development challenges anywhere in the world, from any device. Volunteering online is fast, easy and most of all, effective.
From writing to editing, art and design, translation, research, teaching and training, technology: find the activity that suits you the best.
How to apply
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations and individuals
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Devenez volontaire, où que vous soyez et avec les moyens dont vous disposez. L'initiative de volontariat en ligne des Nations Unies vous donne la possibilité de faire équipe pour relever les défis du développement durable partout dans le monde, depuis n'importe quel appareil. Le volontariat en ligne est rapide, facile et, surtout, efficace.
De la rédaction à l'édition, en passant par l'art et le design, la traduction, la recherche, l'enseignement et la formation, la technologie : trouvez l'activité qui vous convient le mieux.
Comment postuler
Vous devez être âgé.e d'au moins 18 ans
Créez votre profil dans la réserve mondiale de talents du programme VNU où les opportunités de volontariat sont régulièrement publiées
Puis postuler pour les opportunités de votre choix
Plus d’informations ici
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L'iniziativa di volontariato online delle Nazioni Unite ti dà la possibilità di fare squadra per affrontare le sfide dello sviluppo sostenibile ovunque nel mondo, da qualsiasi dispositivo.
Il volontariato online è veloce, facile e soprattutto efficace. Dalla scrittura all'editing, arte e design, traduzione, ricerca, insegnamento e formazione, tecnologia: trova l'attività più adatta a te.
Come candidarsi
- Devi avere almeno 18 anni;
- Crea il tuo profilo nell'UNV Global Talent Pool dove vengono regolarmente pubblicate le opportunità di volontariato;
- Fai domanda per le opportunità di tua scelta.
Per ulteriori informazioni: https://www.unv.org/become-online-volunteer
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Torna-te um voluntário a partir de onde quer que estejas e com o que tiveres. A iniciativa Voluntariado Online das Nações Unidas dá-te a oportunidade de te juntares a nós para enfrentar os desafios do desenvolvimento sustentável em qualquer parte do mundo, a partir de qualquer dispositivo. O voluntariado online é rápido, fácil e, acima de tudo, eficaz.
Da escrita à edição, arte e design, tradução, investigação, ensino e formação, tecnologia: encontra a atividade que melhor se adapta a ti.
Como candidatar-se
Sabe mais aqui.
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Fă voluntariat de oriunde te-ai afla, cu orice ai avea la îndemână. Inițiativa de voluntariat online a Organizației Națiunilor Unite îți oferă șansa de a face echipă pentru a aborda provocările legate de dezvoltarea durabilă oriunde în lume, de pe orice dispozitiv. Voluntariatul online este rapid, ușor și, mai ales, eficient.
De la scriere la editare, artă și design, traducere, cercetare, predare și formare, tehnologie: găsește activitatea care ți se potrivește cel mai bine.
Cum se aplică
Citește mai multe aici.
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UN Youth Volunteers
Volunteering opportunities all over the world for 18 and 29 years old.
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The United Nations Youth Volunteer programme is designed for motivated individuals aged 18-29 who are eager to contribute to development and peace initiatives worldwide.
Who can apply
Young people worldwide who are under 29 for the entire duration of their service. Their educational background and experience required varies by assignment, but generally work experience over two years is not expected.
Volunteer positions
Volunteer opportunities span various sectors, including human rights, climate change, healthcare, disaster management, peacebuilding, and youth engagement, and may involve working with UN agencies or their partner organisations, including universities and governments.
Assignments can last from 6 to 24 months, with shorter 'short-term' or 'UN Youth University Volunteer' assignments ranging from 3 to 6 months.
Volunteers receive a basic living allowance to cover healthy and safe living in their assigned area, with additional provisions for those volunteering outside their home area, such as return travel and other basic costs. Training and orientation are provided.
How to apply
Vacancies are listed on the UNV website or through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for individuals
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Програмата „Младежки доброволци на ООН“ е създадена за мотивирани младежи между 18 и 29 години, които искат да подпомогнат инициативи за развитие и мир по целия свят.
Кой може да кандидатства
Мотивирани и талантливи младежи на възраст между 18 и 29 години (да са под 29 години през целия срок на службата), които искат да се включат в инициативи за развитие и мир в собствената си страна или в друга страна по света.
Изискваното им образование и опит варира в зависимост от назначението, но като цяло не се очаква трудовия им опит да надвишава две години.
Доброволчески позиции
Доброволците могат да работят в областта на правата на човека, адаптирането към изменението на климата, първичните здравни грижи, управлението на бедствия, изграждането на мира, ангажирането на младите хора или много други области.
Те могат да работят директно в агенция на ООН или да бъдат назначени в някоя от нейните партньорски организации, университет или правителство.
Повечето назначения на младежки доброволци на ООН са между 6 и 24 месеца или да са „краткосрочни“, т.нар. Младежки университетски доброволци на ООН от 3 до 6 месеца.
Доброволците получават основна издръжка, която им позволява да живеят здравословно и безопасно в определената област. Ако са доброволци извън родния си район, самолетният билет за връщане или сухопътният транспорт (според случая) и някои други основни разходи се заплащат от приемащата агенция. Те получават насоки и обучение преди и след назначението.
Как да кандидатствам
Свободните места се обявяват на UNV website или в социалните платформи Facebook, Twitter и LinkedIn.
Прочети повече тук.
За повече информация: https://www.unv.org/become-un-youth-volunteer
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Les Jeunes Volontaires des Nations Unies forment une catégorie distincte des Volontaires des Nations Unies, créée récemment en réponse à l’appel du Secrétaire général de l’ONU en faveur d’un plus grand engagement dans le volontariat de la génération des moins de 30 ans, qui est aujourd’hui plus nombreuse qu’à toute autre époque de l’histoire.
Qui sont les Jeunes Volontaires des Nations Unies
- Des jeunes motivés et talenteux, âgés de 18 à 29 ans (vous devez avoir moins de 29 ans pendant toute la durée de votre affectation), qui veulent s’engager dans des initiatives en faveur du développement et de la paix dans leur pays ou dans un autre pays, n’importe où sur la planète.
- Le niveau d’études et d’expérience requis varie selon l’affectation, mais, en général, il n’est pas nécessaire que les Jeunes Volontaires des Nations Unies possèdent plus de deux ans d’expérience professionnelle.
Les Jeunes Volontaires peuvent être appelés à travailler dans les domaines des droits de l’homme, de l’adaptation au changement climatique, des soins de santé primaires, de la gestion des catastrophes, de la consolidation de la paix, de la mobilisation des jeunes ou dans de nombreux autres domaines. Vous pouvez travailler directement au sein d’un organisme des Nations Unies ou encore obtenir une affectation auprès de l’une des organisations partenaires de l’ONU, d’une université ou d’un gouvernement.
En retour, les volontaires vivent une expérience unique dont ils récolteront les fruits toute leur vie durant.
Leur engagement en tant que Jeune Volontaire des Nations Unies leur donnera la possibilité de contribuer à rendre le monde meilleur tout en perfectionnant leurs propres compétences, en élargissant leurs connaissances et en acquérant une meilleure compréhension des réalités du développement international et de la consolidation de la paix.
Les Jeunes Volontaires des Nations Unies étant parrainés par des agences de l’ONU, par leurs partenaires, par des gouvernements ou par des établissements d’enseignement supérieur, la durée d’une affectation dépend des besoins de l’entité qui en fait la demande.
La plupart des affectations de Jeunes Volontaires des Nations Unies durent entre six et vingt-quatre mois. À l’occasion, des affectations de Jeune Volontaire des Nations Unies national ou international sont proposées pour une durée inférieure à six mois, et sont alors appelées « affectations à court terme ».
Un Jeune Volontaire des Nations Unies parrainé par un établissement d’enseignement supérieur est appelé « Jeune Volontaire des Nations Unies universitaire ». Les affectations proposées aux volontaires de cette catégorie sont plus courtes et durent généralement de trois à six mois.
Les Volontaires reçoivent une allocation de subsistance de base qui leur permet de vivre de façon saine et sécuritaire sur leur lieu d’affectation.
Si vous êtes affecté loin de votre lieu de résidence, l’organisation d’accueil paiera votre transport aérien ou terrestre (selon le cas) aller-retour, de même que certains autres frais de base.
Vous bénéficierez de services d’orientation et de formation avant et après votre affectation.
Comment postuler
Les volontaires intéressés peuvent trouver les affectations disponibles ici et/ou Facebook, Twitter et LinkedIn.
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Die Freiwilligen der Vereinten Nationen für Jugendliche sind eine separate Kategorie von Freiwilligen der Vereinten Nationen, die vor kurzem als Reaktion auf die Forderung des Generalsekretärs der Vereinten Nationen nach mehr Engagement für die Freiwilligentätigkeit der größten Generation von Menschen unter 30 Jahren gegründet wurde.
Wer sind die UN Youth Volunteers
Motivierte und talentierte Jugendliche im Alter von 18 bis 29 Jahren (während der gesamten Dauer ihres Dienstes jünger als 29 Jahre), die sich in ihrem eigenen Land oder in einem anderen Land auf der ganzen Welt für Entwicklungs- und Friedensinitiativen engagieren möchten.
Ihr Bildungshintergrund und die erforderlichen Erfahrungen variieren je nach Auftrag. In der Regel werden jedoch keine Berufserfahrungen über zwei Jahre erwartet.
Freiwillige können in den Bereichen Menschenrechte, Anpassung an den Klimawandel, medizinische Grundversorgung, Katastrophenmanagement, Friedenskonsolidierung, Jugendengagement oder in vielen anderen Bereichen tätig sein. Sie können direkt in einer Agentur der Vereinten Nationen arbeiten oder einer ihrer Partnerorganisationen, einer Universität oder der UNO zugeteilt werden Regierung.
Freiwillige werden mit einer Erfahrung belohnt, die sie für den Rest ihres Lebens begleitet.
Ihr Engagement als UN Youth Volunteers wird eine Gelegenheit sein, die Welt zum Besseren zu verändern und gleichzeitig Ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, Kenntnisse zu erwerben und die Realitäten der internationalen Entwicklung und Friedenskonsolidierung besser zu verstehen.
UN Youth Volunteers werden von Organisationen der Vereinten Nationen, ihren Partnern, Regierungen oder akademischen Institutionen gesponsert. Die Dauer des Einsatzes hängt von den Bedürfnissen der anfragenden Stelle ab. Die meisten Aufträge von UN Youth Volunteers dauern zwischen 6 und 24 Monaten. Gelegentlich dauern nationale und internationale Entsendungen von Jugendfreiwilligen der Vereinten Nationen weniger als sechs Monate und werden dann als „kurzfristige“ Entsendungen bezeichnet.
Wenn UN Youth Volunteers von einer akademischen Institution gesponsert werden, heißen sie UN Youth University Volunteers. Freiwillige der UN-Jugenduniversität sind in der Regel zwischen 3 und 6 Monaten kürzer.
Freiwillige erhalten eine Grundzulage, die es ihnen ermöglicht, gesund und sicher in dem zugewiesenen Gebiet zu leben. Wenn sie sich außerhalb ihres Heimatgebiets freiwillig melden, werden die Kosten für den Rückflug oder den Landtransport (sofern zutreffend) und einige andere Grundkosten von der Gastagentur übernommen.
Sie erhalten vor und nach dem Einsatz Orientierung und Schulung.
Wie man sich bewirbt
Interessierte Freiwillige finden freie Stellen in der Rubrik Special Calls for Volunteers,Stellenangebote für nationale UN-Freiwillige, Facebook, Twitter und LinkedIn.
Find out more: https://www.unv.org/become-un-youth-volunteer
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Önkéntes pozíciók:
Az önkéntesek az alábbi területeken találhatnak foglalkoztató helyre: emberi jogok, klímaváltozás, elsődleges egészségügyi ellátás, katasztrófavédelem, béketeremtés, fiatalok elérése, és további más területek. Lehetőségük van közvetlenül az ENSZ szervezeteinél, vagy partnerszervezeteknél dolgozni.
Az önkéntesek életre szóló szakmai tapasztalatot szerezhetnek, melyet a későbbiekben hasznosítani tudnak. Azáltal, hogy ENSZ ifjúsági önkéntessé válnak, lehetőségük van jobbá tenni a világot, valamint fejleszteni a saját képességeiket.
Az önkéntes pozíciók hossza az önkéntesség típusától, és a fogadó szervezettől függ.
A legtöbb ENSZ Ifjúsági Önkéntesség hossza 6-24 hónap között váltakozik. Bizonyos esetekben előfordulhatnak 6 hónapnál rövidebb, „rövid-távú” önkéntességek. Amennyiben egy ENSZ Ifjúsági Önkéntességet a felsőoktatási intézmény is támogat, úgy az ENSZ Egyetemi Ifjúsági Önkéntességnek minősül, és általában 3 és 6 hónapnyi időtartam közé esik.
Az önkéntesek alapvető lakhatási juttatásokban részesülnek, hogy egészségesen és biztonságban élhessenek a kiküldetési helyszínükön. Ha az otthonukon kívül végzik az önkéntességet, akkor minimális utazási visszatérítésben részesülnek a kiküldetés helyszíne, és a lakóhelyük között. Az önkéntesség megkezdése előtt képzést és alapvető eligazítást kapnak a jelentkezők.
Hogyan pályázz: Amennyiben érdekel a felhívás, olvasd el az angol nyelvű tájékoztatót illetve a tájékoztatót az önkéntes helyekről, valamint tekintsd át a Facebook , Twitter és LinkedIN profilokat.
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Gli United Nations Youth Volunteers - Volontari per i Giovani delle Nazioni Unite - sono una categoria separata di volontari delle Nazioni Unite, creata di recente in risposta alla richiesta del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite di impegnarsi maggiormente nel volontariato della più grande generazione della storia di persone con meno di 30 anni.
Chi sono i volontari per i giovani delle Nazioni Unite
Giovani motivati e di talento di età compresa tra 18 e 29 anni (è necessario avere meno di 29 anni per tutta la durata del servizio) che desiderano impegnarsi in iniziative di sviluppo e di pace nel proprio paese o in un altro paese nel mondo. Il loro background educativo e l'esperienza richiesta varia in base al compito, ma in genere non è prevista un'esperienza lavorativa di oltre due anni.
Posizioni di volontariato
I volontari possono lavorare nel settore dei diritti umani, l'adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici, l'assistenza sanitaria di base, la gestione delle catastrofi, la costruzione della pace, l'impegno dei giovani o in molte altre aree. Possono lavorare direttamente in un'agenzia delle Nazioni Unite o essere assegnati a una delle organizzazioni partner, un'università o il governo.
I volontari saranno premiati con un'esperienza che ricorderanno per il resto della loro vita. Il loro impegno come volontari delle Nazioni Unite per i giovani sarà un'opportunità per cambiare il mondo in meglio e allo stesso tempo affinare le proprie capacità, acquisire conoscenze e una migliore comprensione delle realtà dello sviluppo internazionale e della costruzione della pace.
I volontari delle Nazioni Unite per i giovani sono sponsorizzati dalle agenzie delle Nazioni Unite, dai loro partner, governi o istituzioni accademiche, la durata dell'assegnazione dipende dalle esigenze dell'entità richiedente. La maggior parte degli incarichi di volontariato giovanile delle Nazioni Unite è compresa tra 6 e 24 mesi. Occasionalmente, gli incarichi di volontariato a livello nazionale e internazionale sono meno di sei mesi e vengono definiti “a breve termine”. Quando i giovani volontari delle Nazioni Unite sono sponsorizzati da un'istituzione accademica, vengono chiamati UN Youth University Volunteers. I volontari delle università si impegnano per una durata più breve, in genere tra 3 e 6 mesi.
I volontari ricevono un'indennità di base che consente loro di vivere in modo sano e sicuro nell'area assegnata. Se ci si offre volontari al di fuori della propria area di origine, il biglietto aereo di ritorno o il trasporto terrestre (a seconda dei casi) e alcuni altri costi di base sono pagati dall'agenzia ospitante. I volontari riceveranno orientamento e formazione prima e dopo l'incarico.
Come presentare la candidatura
I candidati possono trovare i posti vacanti nella sezione Special Calls for Volunteers, su Vacancies for national UN Volunteers, Facebook, Twitter e LinkedIn.
Per ulteriori informazioni: https://www.unv.org/become-un-youth-volunteer
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O programa Jovens Voluntários das Nações Unidas destina-se a pessoas motivadas, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 29 anos, que desejem contribuir para iniciativas de desenvolvimento e de paz em todo o mundo.
Quem se pode candidatar
Jovens de todo o mundo com menos de 29 anos durante todo o período de serviço. A formação académica e a experiência exigida variam consoante a missão, mas geralmente não se espera uma experiência de trabalho superior a dois anos.
Oportunidades de Voluntariado
As oportunidades de voluntariado abrangem vários sectores, incluindo os direitos humanos, as alterações climáticas, os cuidados de saúde, a gestão de catástrofes, a consolidação da paz e o envolvimento dos jovens, e podem implicar o trabalho com agências da ONU ou com as suas organizações parceiras, incluindo universidades e governos.
As missões podem durar de 6 a 24 meses, sendo as missões de “curta duração” ou de “Voluntário Universitário da Juventude da ONU” mais curtas, de 3 a 6 meses.
Os voluntários recebem um subsidio base para uma vida saudável e segura na região que lhes foi atribuída, com provisões adicionais para os voluntários fora da sua região de origem, tais como viagens de regresso e outros custos básicos. A formação e o acompanhamento estão assegurados.
Como candidatar-se
As vagas são anunciadas no site da UNV ou através de plataformas de redes sociais como o Facebook, o Twitter e o LinkedIn.
Sabe mais aqui.
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Programul de voluntariat pentru tineret al Națiunilor Unite este conceput pentru persoane cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 și 29 de ani, dornice să contribuie la inițiative de dezvoltare și pace din întreaga lume.
Cine poate aplica?
Tineri din întreaga lume care au sub 29 de ani pe toată durata serviciului lor. Contextul lor educațional și experiența necesară variază în funcție de sarcină, dar, în general, nu este obligatorie o experiență de muncă de peste doi ani.
Posturi de voluntari
Oportunitățile de voluntariat acoperă diverse sectoare, inclusiv drepturile omului, schimbările climatice, asistența medicală, managementul dezastrelor, consolidarea păcii și implicarea tinerilor și pot implica colaborarea cu agențiile ONU sau organizațiile partenere ale acestora, inclusiv universități și guverne.
Misiunile pot dura de la 6 la 24 de luni, cu misiuni mai scurte „pe termen scurt” sau „UN Youth University Volunteer” variind de la 3 la 6 luni.
Voluntarii primesc o indemnizație de trai de bază pentru a acoperi viața sănătoasă și sigură în zona desemnată, cu prevederi suplimentare pentru cei care fac voluntariat în afara zonei lor de origine, cum ar fi călătoria de întoarcere și alte costuri de bază. Se asigură instruire și orientare.
Cum se aplică?
Posturile vacante sunt listate pe site-ul UNV sau prin intermediul platformelor de social media, cum ar fi Facebook, Twitter și LinkedIn.
Citește mai multe aici.
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Молоді волонтери Організації Об'єднаних Націй - це окрема категорія волонтерів ООН, нещодавно створена у відповідь на заклик Генерального секретаря Організації Об'єднаних Націй до більшого залучення до волонтерства найбільшого покоління в історії - людей віком до 30 років.
Хто такі молоді волонтери ООН
Мотивована та талановита молодь у віці від 18 до 29 років (необіхдно бути менше 29 років протягом усієї тривалості волонтерськоїслужби), яка хоче брати участь у ініціативах розвитку та миру у власній країні чи в іншій країні по всьому світу.
Освіта та необхідний досвід варіюються залежно від завдання, але загалом досвід роботи не вимагається.
Посади волонтерів
Волонтери можуть працювати в галузі прав людини, адаптації до зміни клімату, первинної медико-санітарної допомоги, управління катастрофами, побудови миру, залучення молоді чи у багатьох інших гадузях.
Вони можуть працювати безпосередньо в агентстві Організації Об'єднаних Націй або бути призначеними в одну з його партнерських організацій, університет чи уряд.
Волонтери отримають досвідом, який залишиться з ними на все життя.
Бути волонтером ООН означає отримання можливості змінити світ на краще, одночасно відточуючи власні навички, здобувати знання та краще розуміти реалії міжнародного розвитку та миротворчості.
Молоді волонтери ООН спонсоруються агенціями Організації Об'єднаних Націй, їх партнерами, урядами чи академічними установами. Тривалість виконання завдань залежить від потреб суб'єкта, що звертається із запитом.
Більшість програм для молодих волонтерів ООН тривають від 6 до 24 місяців. Іноді національні та міжнародні завдання для молодих волонтерів ООН складають менше шести місяців, тому їх називають "короткотерміновими" завданнями.
Коли молоді волонтери ООН фінансуються академічною установою, їх називають молодими волонтерами університету ООН (UN Youth University Volunteers). Такі волонтери мають меншу тривалі завдання, як правило, від 3 до 6 місяців.
Фінансова допомога
Волонтери отримують основну фінансову допомогу на проживання, яка дозволяє їм здорово та безпечно жити на території, де вони проходять службу.
Якщо волонтери працюють за межами своєї країни, авіапереліт або наземний транспорт (за наявності) та деякі інші основні витрати оплачує приймаюче агентство.
Волонтери проходять навчання до і після завдання.
Як подати заявку
Зацікавлені волонтери можуть знайти вакансії тут або на Facebook, Twitter та LinkedIn.
Більше за посиланням: https://www.unv.org/become-un-youth-volunteer
This is a recurring opportunity available for
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Volunteering /
United Nations Youth Volunteers are a separate category of UN Volunteers, recently created in response to the United Nations Secretary-General’s call for greater engagement in volunteerism of history’s largest generation of people under 30.
Motivated and talented youth between the ages of 18 and 29 (be younger than 29 throughout the duration of their service) who want to engage in development and peace initiatives in their own country or in another country around the globe.
Their educational background and experience required varies by assignment, but generally work experience over two years is not expected.
Volunteers may work in human rights, climate change adaptation, primary health care, disaster management, peacebuilding, youth engagement or many other areas.
They may work directly in a United Nations agency or be assigned to one of its partner organisations, a university or the government.
Volunteers will be rewarded with an experience that will stay with them for the rest of their life.
Their engagement as UN Youth Volunteers will be an opportunity to change the world for the better while simultaneously honing your own skills, gaining knowledge and a better understanding of the realities of international development and peacebuilding.
UN Youth Volunteers are sponsored by United Nations agencies, their partners, governments or academic institutions, the length of assignment depends on the requesting entity’s needs.
Most UN Youth Volunteer assignments are between 6 and 24 months. On occasion, national and international UN Youth Volunteer assignments are less than six months and then are referred to as ‘short-term’ assignments.
When UN Youth Volunteers are sponsored by an academic institution, they are called UN Youth University Volunteers. UN Youth University Volunteers undertake shorter duration generally between 3 and 6 months.
Volunteers receive a basic living allowance that allowing them to live healthily and safely in the assigned area.
If they volunteer outside of their home area, return airfare or land transport (as applicable) and some other basic costs are paid by the host agency.
They will receive orientation and training before and after the assignment.
Interested volunteers can find vacancies on the section Special Calls for Volunteers, on Vacancies for national UN Volunteers, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Find out more: https://www.unv.org/become-un-youth-volunteer
This is a recurring opportunity available for
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SCI Short-Term Volunteering
Different options to volunteer in the Service Civil International (SCI).
Read this in 9 languages
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 43 branches and an ever-growing number of partner organisations.
SCI offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to people, such as short, mid- and long term projects, but also the possibility to become active for a local branch or participate in a seminar or training.
Short term voluntary projects, commonly known as workcamps, are organised in cooperation with SCI branches and partner organisations, who in their turn cooperate with local communities.
What is it
A short term voluntary project is a unique form of volunteering, bringing together people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds to live and work together with local communities for a period of two to three weeks.
Everyone who joins a workcamp needs to pay a membership fee to his/ her SCI branch (the sending organisation). SCI is a non-profit organisation and therefore able to keep participation fees low. This makes the workcamps accessible to people with fewer resources.
In some countries, SCI has special programmes for young people with fewer opportunities that facilitate their participation in short term projects.
The project hosts will provide volunteers with food and accommodation during the project but not during their travels to and from the project. Volunteers will have access to drinkable water.
Diversity of workcamps
Every year thousands of short term voluntary projects are organised in different fields and with different types of voluntary work, for example:
- organise an open-air cinema with the Roma community in Kosovo;
- experience life in an eco-village in Finland;
- run activities for refugees in Kenya;
and more.
How to apply
Projects are regularly listed on an on-line workcamp database.
To apply you must register online on your country branch and create your account. Once you have registered you can log in and complete an application form that will be submitted online to your SCI branch (member organisation). Some SCI branches may ask you to pay the placement fee before processing your application.
In case your country does not currently have a branch, please contact SCI International for further support.
Read more here.
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) est une organisation volontaire dédiée à la promotion de la paix par le biais de projets de volontariat pour des personnes de tous âges et parcours. L'organisation est constituée de 43 branches d'un nombre d'organisations partenaires toujours croissant. Vivre et travailler entre personnes de différents parcours aide les volontaires à faire tomber les barrières et les préjugés. Cela leur permet de vivre dans un monde de respect mutuel et de compréhension. Dans ce sens, le volontariat peut être vu comme un art de vivre, une manifestation d'une réalité possible d'un monde solidaire et en paix.
SCI offre une diversité d'opportunités de volontariat telles que des projets de volontariat court, moyen et long-terme, mais aussi la possibilité de devenir actif pour une branche locale ou de participer à un séminaire ou à une formation.
Les projets de volontariat court-terme, communément appelés chantiers, sont organisés en coopération avec les branches et les organisations partenaires SCI, qui coopèrent avec les communautés locales.
Ce que c'est
Un projet de volontariat court-terme est une forme unique de volontariat qui rassemble des personnes de pays, cultures et parcours différents pour vivre et travailler ensemble avec des communautés locales pour une période de 2 à 3 semaines.
Le but est de faire tomber les barrières entre les gens et de développer la compréhension interculturelle. Dans ce sens, ils contribuent à la construction d'une culture de paix entre les gens. Les projets mettent un fort accent sur l'apprentissage interculturel et incluent des éléments d'éducation à la paix. Il y a beaucoup de projets différents qui sont ouverts à tous.
Diversité des chantiers
Chaque année des milliers de projets de volontariat court-terme sont organisés dans différents domaines et avec différents types de travail volontaire, par exemple :
- organiser un cinéma en plein air avec la communauté rom au Kosovo
- expérimenter la vie dans un écovillage en Finlande
- organiser des activités pour les réfugiés au Kenya
- travailler avec des enfants demandeurs d'asile en Belgique
- se réveiller au son des loups qui pleurent aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique
- soutenir le travail quotidien d'un centre de jeunesse palestinien en Israël...
Comment postuler
Les projets pour les projets de volontariat court-terme sont régulièrement mis en ligne sur une base de données. Pour la plupart des projets il est possible de s'inscrire en ligne.
Pour postuler, vous devez vous inscrire en ligne auprès de la branche de votre pays et créer votre compte. Une fois que vous vous êtes inscrit, vous pouvez vous connecter et remplir un formulaire de candidature qui sera soumis en ligne à votre branche SCI (organisation membre). Certaines branches SCI vous demanderont de payer les frais d'affectation avant de traiter à votre candidature. Dans le cas où votre pays n'aurait pas de branche, merci de contacter SCI International pour plus d'informations.
Plus d'informations : www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) е доброволческа организация, посветена на насърчаването на културата на мира чрез организиране на международни доброволчески проекти за хора от всички възрасти и среди. Организацията се състои от 43 клона и постоянно нарастващ брой партньорски организации. Съвместният живот и работа с хора с различен произход помагат на доброволците да преодолеят бариерите и предразсъдъците. Това им позволява да се докоснат до един свят на взаимно уважение и разбирателство. В този смисъл доброволческата дейност може да се разглежда като начин на живот, като демонстрация на възможната реалност на един мирен и кооперативен свят.
SCI предлага на хората разнообразни възможности за доброволческа дейност, като например краткосрочни, средносрочни и дългосрочни проекти, но също така и възможност да се включите активно в работата на местен клон или да участвате в семинар или обучение.
Краткосрочните доброволчески проекти, известни като работни лагери, се организират в сътрудничество с клонове на SCI и партньорски организации, които от своя страна си сътрудничат с местните общности.
Какво представляват работните лагери
Краткосрочният доброволчески проект е уникална форма на доброволчество, която събира хора от различни страни, култури и среди, за да живеят и работят заедно с местните общности за период от две до три седмици.
Целта е да се премахнат бариерите между хората и да се развие междукултурно разбирателство. По този начин те допринасят за изграждането на култура на мир между хората.
Проектите поставят силен акцент върху междукултурното обучение и включват елементи на образованието за мир. Има много различни проекти, от които можете да избирате, и те са отворени за всички.
Всеки, който се присъединява към работен лагер, трябва да плати членски внос на своя клон на SCI (изпращащата организация). SCI е организация с нестопанска цел и поради това може да поддържа ниски такси за участие. Това прави работните лагери достъпни за хора с по-малко средства.
В някои държави SCI има специални програми за млади хора с по-малко възможности, които улесняват участието им в краткосрочни проекти.
Домакините на проекта осигуряват на доброволците храна и настаняване по време на проекта, но не и по време на пътуването им до и от проекта. Доброволците ще имат достъп до питейна вода.
Разнообразие на работните лагери
Всяка година се организират хиляди краткосрочни доброволчески проекти в различни области и с различни видове доброволчески труд, например:
- организиране на кино на открито с ромската общност в Косово;
- да се запознаете с живота в еко-селище във Финландия;
- провеждане на дейности за бежанци в Кения;
- работа с деца на лица, търсещи убежище, в Белгия;
- да се събудите под звуците на плачещи вълци в САЩ;
- подпомагате ежедневната работа на палестински младежки център в Израел...
Как да кандидатствате
Проектите редовно се публикуват в онлайн база данни за работни лагери. За повечето проекти е възможно да се регистрирате онлайн.
За да кандидатствате, трябва да се регистрирате онлайн в клона на вашата страна и да създадете свой профил. След като сте се регистрирали, можете да влезете в системата и да попълните формуляра за кандидатстване, който ще бъде изпратен онлайн на вашия клон на SCI (организация членка). Някои клонове на SCI могат да поискат от вас да платите такса за стаж, преди да обработят кандидатурата ви.
В случай че във вашата страна понастоящем няма клон, моля, свържете се с SCI International за допълнителна помощ.
Прочетете повече тук.
Volunteering /
Le Service Civil International (SCI) est une organisation de volontaires qui oeuvre à la promotion de la paix en organisant des projets de volontariat à l’international pour des personnes de tous âges et de tous horizons. L'organisation comprend 43 branches et un nombre toujours croissant d'organisations partenaires. Vivre et travailler ensemble avec des personnes d'origines différentes aide les volontaires à faire tomber les barrières et les préjugés. Ils peuvent ainsi faire l'expérience d'un monde de respect et de compréhension mutuels. En ce sens, le volontariat peut être considéré comme un mode de vie, une manifestation d’une réalité possible d'un monde pacifique et coopératif.
Le SCI offre une variété d'opportunités de volontariat aux personnes, comme des projets à court, moyen et long terme, mais aussi la possibilité de devenir actif pour une branche locale ou de participer à un séminaire ou une formation.
Des projets de volontariat à court terme, communément appelés chantiers, sont organisés en coopération avec les branches du SCI et les organisations partenaires, qui coopèrent à leur tour avec les communautés locales.
Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Un projet de volontariat à court terme est une forme unique de volontariat, qui rassemble des personnes de différents pays, cultures et milieux pour vivre et travailler ensemble avec des communautés locales pendant une période de deux à trois semaines.
L'objectif est de faire tomber les barrières entre les gens et de développer la compréhension interculturelle. De cette manière, ils contribuent à la construction d'une culture de la paix entre les peuples.
Les projets mettent l'accent sur l'apprentissage interculturel et comprennent des éléments d'éducation à la paix. Il existe de nombreux projets différents et ils sont ouverts à tous.
Toute personne qui participe à un chantier doit payer une cotisation à sa branche du SCI (l'organisation d'envoi). Le SCI est une organisation à but non lucratif et peut donc maintenir des frais de participation peu élevés. Cela rend les chantiers accessibles aux personnes ayant moins de ressources.
Dans certains pays, le SCI a des programmes spéciaux pour les jeunes ayant moins d'opportunités qui facilitent leur participation à des projets à court terme.
Les hôtes du projet fourniront aux volontaires la nourriture et le logement pendant le projet, mais pas pendant leurs déplacements vers et depuis le projet. Les volontaires auront accès à de l'eau potable.
Diversité des chantiers
Chaque année, des milliers de chantiers de courte durée sont organisés dans différents domaines et avec différents types de travail volontaire, par exemple :
Comment postuler
Les projets sont régulièrement répertoriés dans une base de données de chantiers en ligne. Pour la plupart des projets, il est possible de s'inscrire en ligne.
Pour postuler, vous devez vous inscrire en ligne sur votre branche nationale et créer votre compte. Une fois inscrit, vous pouvez vous connecter et remplir un formulaire de candidature qui sera soumis en ligne à votre branche SCI (organisation membre). Certaines branches du SCI peuvent vous demander de payer les frais de placement avant de traiter votre demande.
Si votre pays n'a pas encore de branche, veuillez contacter SCI International pour obtenir une aide supplémentaire.
Plus d’informations ici
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) ist eine Freiwilligenorganisation, die sich für die Förderung einer Kultur des Friedens einsetzt und internationale Freiwilligenprojekte für Menschen jeden Alters und jeder Herkunft organisiert. Die Organisation besteht aus 43 Niederlassungen und einer ständig wachsenden Anzahl von Partnerorganisationen. Das Zusammenleben und Arbeiten mit Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft hilft Freiwilligen, Barrieren und Vorurteile abzubauen. Es ermöglicht ihnen, eine Welt des gegenseitigen Respekts und Verständnisses zu erleben. Freiwilligenarbeit kann in diesem Sinne als eine Lebensweise angesehen werden, die die mögliche Realität einer friedlichen und kooperativen Welt demonstriert.
SCI bietet eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten für Freiwillige, wie zum Beispiel kurz-, mittel- und langfristige Projekte, aber auch die Möglichkeit, für eine Zweigstelle vor Ort aktiv zu werden oder an einem Seminar oder einer Schulung teilzunehmen.
Kurzfristige freiwillige Projekte, die allgemein als Workcamps bekannt sind, werden in Zusammenarbeit mit SCI-Zweigstellen und -Partnerorganisationen organisiert, die wiederum mit lokalen Gemeinschaften zusammenarbeiten.
Was ist das?
Ein kurzfristiges freiwilliges Projekt ist eine einzigartige Form der Freiwilligentätigkeit, bei der Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern, Kulturen und Hintergründen für einen Zeitraum von zwei bis drei Wochen zusammenleben und mit lokalen Gemeinschaften arbeiten. Ziel ist es, Barrieren zwischen Menschen abzubauen und ein interkulturelles Verständnis zu entwickeln. Auf diese Weise tragen sie zum Aufbau einer Kultur des Friedens unter den Menschen bei. Die Projekte legen einen starken Schwerpunkt auf interkulturelles Lernen und umfassen Elemente der Friedenserziehung. Es stehen viele verschiedene Projekte zur Auswahl, die für alle offen sind.
Jeder, der an einem Workcamp teilnimmt, muss einen Mitgliedsbeitrag an seine SCI-Niederlassung (die Entsendeorganisation) zahlen. SCI ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation und kann daher die Teilnahmegebühren niedrig halten.
Dies macht die Workcamps für Menschen mit weniger Ressourcen zugänglich. In einigen Ländern bietet SCI spezielle Programme für junge Menschen mit geringeren Chancen an, die die Teilnahme an kurzfristigen Projekten erleichtern.
Die Projektträger werden den Freiwilligen während des Projekts Verpflegung und Unterkunft zur Verfügung stellen, jedoch nicht während ihrer Reise zum und vom Projekt. Freiwillige haben Zugang zu Trinkwasser.
Vielfalt der Workcamps
Jedes Jahr werden Tausende von kurzfristigen Freiwilligenprojekten in verschiedenen Bereichen und mit verschiedenen Arten von Freiwilligenarbeit organisiert, zum Beispiel:
- ein Open-Air-Kino mit der Roma-Gemeinschaft im Kosovo organisieren;
- Erleben Sie das Leben in einem Öko-Dorf in Finnland;
- Aktivitäten für Flüchtlinge in Kenia organisieren;
- Arbeit mit Kindern von Asylbewerbern in Belgien;
- Wachen Sie mit dem Geräusch von heulenden Wölfen in den USA auf;
- die tägliche Arbeit eines palästinensischen Jugendzentrums in Israel unterstützen…
Wie man sich bewirbt
Projekte werden regelmäßig in einer Online-Workcamp-Datenbank aufgelistet. Für die meisten Projekte ist es möglich, sich online anzumelden.
Um sich zu bewerben, müssen Sie sich online in Ihrer Landesniederlassung registrieren und Ihr Konto erstellen. Sobald Sie sich registriert haben, können Sie sich anmelden und ein Antragsformular ausfüllen, das online bei Ihrer SCI-Zweigstelle (Mitgliedsorganisation) eingereicht wird. Einige SCI-Zweigstellen verlangen möglicherweise die Zahlung der Vermittlungsgebühr, bevor Sie Ihren Antrag bearbeiten.
Falls Ihr Land derzeit keine Niederlassung hat, wenden Sie sich an SCI International, um weitere Unterstützung zu erhalten.
Read more: https://www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
A Service Civil International (SCI) egy önkéntes szervezet, amelynek célja, hogy népszerűsítse a kultúrák közötti békét. Ennek eszközei a mindenki számára nyitott nemzetközi önkéntes projektek. A szervezetnek 43 helyi szervezete van, illetve emellett a partnerszervezeteinek száma is folyamatosan bővül. Azáltal hogy az önkéntesek különböző hátterű emberekkel élnek és dolgoznak együtt, könnyebben küzdik le gátjaikat és előítéleteiket. A program által megtapasztalhatják az egymás iránti költsönös tiszteletet és megértést. Ilyen értelemben az önkéntesség akár életmódként is értelmezhető, vagy kiállásként a békés és együttműködésre épülő világ mellett.
SCI számos önkéntes lehetőséget kínál (rövid-, közepes -és hosszútávú projektek), de akár csatlakozást is helyi szervezethez, vagy részvételi lehetőséget szemináriumokon vagy képzéseken.
Rövidtávú projekteket (workcamps) a helyi SCI szervezetekkel és partnerszervezetekkel együttműködésben szervezik (olyanokkal, akik helyi közösségekkel állnak kapcsolatban).
Mi is ez pontosan?
A rövidtávú önkéntesség az önkéntesség egy sajátos formája, amely különböző országból, kulturából származó és eltérő háttérrel rendelkező embereket hoz össze, akik 2-3 hétig élnek és dolgoznak együtt helyi közösségekkel.
A cél a kultúrák közötti megértés növelése, és az egyéni gátak leépítése. Eképpen járul hozzá az emberek közötti béke megalapozásához.
A projektek erős hangsúlyt fektetnek az interkulturális tanulásra, és tartalmazza a békére nevelés elemeit is. Számos program közül lehet választani, amelyek mindegyik mindenki számára nyitott.
Bárki aki valamely rövidtávú önkéntességre jelentkezne, be kell hogy fizessen tagsági díjat az SCI helyi szevezete (küldő szervezet) számára. Az SCI egy non-profit szervezet, enélfogva a tagsági díjak alacsonyak. Ezáltal lehetséges az is, hogy azok is részt tudnak venni rövidtávú önkéntes projektekben, akik szerényebb anyagi háttérrel rendelkeznek.
Néhány országban az SCI külön programokat biztosít
Néhány országban az SCI speciális programokat kínál a kevésbé jó eséllyel rendelkező fiatalok számára, ami megkönnyítik a rövid távú projektekben való részvételüket.
A projekt az önkéntesek számára étkezést és szállást biztosít a projekt teljes idejére, kivéve az érkezést és a távozást. Az önkéntesek számára ivóvíz biztosított.
Minden évben a rövidtávú önkéntes projektek különböző területen valósulnak meg, így más-más típusú önkéntes munkát igényelnek. Így például:
- szabadtéri mozi szervezése a helyi roma közösséggel Koszovóban;
- élet egy eco-faluban Finnországban;
- programok lebonyolítása menekültek számára Kenyában;
- menedékkérők gyermekeivel való munka Belgiumban;
- síró farkasok hangjára ébredés az Egyesült Államokban;
- a palesztín ifjúsági központ munkájának segítése Izraelben…
Hogyan lehet jelentkezni?
A projektek listája általában megtalálható az on-line workcamp database-ben. A legtöbb projektre lehet on-line regisztrálni.
A jelentkezéshez online kell regisztrálni a helyi szervezetnél, és létre kell hozni egy fiókot. Miután beregisztráltál, be tudsz jelentkezni, és ki tudod tölteni a jelentkezési lapot, ami a helyi tagszervezethez fog majd beérkezni.
További információ: https://www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) è un'organizzazione di volontariato dedita alla promozione di una cultura della pace attraverso l'organizzazione di progetti di volontariato internazionale per persone di ogni età e provenienza. L'organizzazione è composta da 43 branche e un numero sempre crescente di organizzazioni partner. Vivere e lavorare insieme a persone di diversa estrazione aiuta i volontari ad abbattere barriere e pregiudizi. Permette loro di sperimentare un mondo di reciproco rispetto e comprensione. In questo senso, il volontariato può essere visto come uno stile di vita, una dimostrazione della possibile realtà di un mondo pacifico e cooperativo.
Lo SCI offre una varietà di opportunità di volontariato, come progetti a breve, medio e lungo termine, ma anche la possibilità di diventare attivi per una sede locale o partecipare ad un seminario di formazione.
I progetti di volontariato a breve termine, comunemente noti come campi di lavoro, sono organizzati in collaborazione con le diverse sedi SCI e le organizzazioni partner, che a loro volta cooperano con le comunità locali.
Che cos'è
Un progetto di volontariato a breve termine è una forma unica di volontariato, che riunisce persone di diversi paesi, culture e background per vivere e lavorare insieme con le comunità locali per un periodo di due o tre settimane. L'obiettivo è abbattere le barriere tra le persone e sviluppare la comprensione interculturale. I progetti pongono una forte enfasi sull'apprendimento interculturale e includono elementi dell'educazione alla pace. Ci sono molti progetti diversi tra cui scegliere e sono aperti a tutti.
Quote di partecipazione
Chiunque si iscriva a un campo di lavoro deve pagare una quota associativa alla propria filiale SCI (l'organizzazione di invio). SCI è un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro e quindi in grado di mantenere basse le quote di partecipazione per rendere i campi di lavoro accessibili alle persone con meno risorse.
In alcuni paesi, SCI ha programmi speciali per i giovani con minori opportunità che facilitano la loro partecipazione a progetti a breve termine.
Gli host del progetto forniranno ai volontari cibo e alloggio durante tutto il progetto, tranne che durante i loro viaggi da e verso la località del progetto. I volontari avranno accesso all'acqua potabile.
Diversità dei campi di lavoro
Ogni anno migliaia di progetti di volontariato a breve termine sono organizzati in diversi settori e con diversi tipi di volontariato, ad esempio:
- organizzare un cinema all'aperto con la comunità rom in Kosovo;
- sperimentare la vita in un eco-villaggio in Finlandia;
- gestire attività per i rifugiati in Kenya;
- lavorare con i bambini richiedenti asilo in Belgio;
- svegliarsi al suono dei lupi negli Stati Uniti;
- sostenere il lavoro quotidiano di un centro giovanile palestinese in Israele ...
Come presentare domanda
I progetti sono regolarmente inseriti in un database sui campi di lavoro online. Per la maggior parte dei progetti è possibile registrarsi online.
Per candidarsi è necessario registrarsi online nella propria branca nazionale e creare un account. Una volta effettuata la registrazione, è possibile accedere e compilare un modulo di domanda che verrà inviato online alla propria branca SCI (organizzazione membro). Alcune branche SCI potrebbero chiedere di pagare la commissione di collocamento prima di elaborare la domanda.
Contattare SCI Italia per ulteriore supporto.
Per saperne di più: https://sci.ngo/get-involved/volunteer-with-us/workcamps/
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) este o organizație de voluntariat dedicată promovării culturii păcii prin organizarea proiectelor internaționale de voluntariat pentru persoane indiferent de vârstă și background. Organizația are 43 de ramuri (organizații membre) și un număr tot mai mare de oranizații partenere. A trăi și a lucra împreună cu oameni din medii diferite îi ajută pe voluntari să depășească barierele și prejudecățile. Le permite acestora să experimenteze o lume a înțelegerii și respectului reciproc. În acest sens, voluntariatul poate fi văzut ca un mod de viață, o demonstrație a realității posibile a unei lumi pașnice și cooperante.
SCI oferă o varietate de oportunități de voluntariat, cum ar fi proiecte pe termen scurt, mediu și lung, dar, de asemenea, posibilitatea de a deveni activ pentru o filială locală sau de a participa la un seminar sau un curs de formare.
Proiectele de voluntariat pe termen scurt, cunoscute ca tabere de lucru, sunt organizate în colaborare cu organizațiile membre SCI și organizațiile partenere, care la rândul lor cooperează cu comunitățile locale.
Ce este
Proiectul de voluntariat pe termen scurt reprezintă o formă unică de voluntariat, care reunește tinerii din diferite țări, culturi și medii de viață pentru a trăi și a lucra împreună cu comunitățile locale pentru o perioadă de două până la trei săptămâni.
Scopul este de a depăși barierele dintre oameni și de a dezvolta o înțelegere interculturală. Astfel, ei contribuie la construirea unei culturi a păcii între oameni.
Proiectele pun un accent puternic pe învățarea interculturală și includ elemente ale educației pentru pace. Există o mulțime de proiecte din care poți alege și care se adresează tuturor.
Toți cei care participă la o tabără de lucru trebuie să plătească o taxă de membru la filiala SCI (organizația de trimitere). SCI este o organizație nonprofit și, prin urmare, capabilă să mențină un nivel scăzut al taxelor de participare. Acest lucru face ca taberele de lucru să fie accesibile persoanelor cu oportunități reduse.
În unele țări, SCI are programe speciale pentru tinerii cu oportunități reduse ceea ce facilitează participarea acestora în cadrul proiectelor pe termen scurt.
Gazda proiectului va asigura cazarea și masa voluntarilor în timpul desfășurării proiectului, dar nu și în timpul călătoriei la și de la locul de desfășurare al proiectului. Voluntarii vor avea acces la apă potabilă.
Diversitatea taberelor de lucru
În fiecare an, mii de proiecte de voluntariat pe teremen scurt sunt organizate în diferite domenii, de exemplu:
-organizarea unui cinematograf în aer liber cu comunitatea de romi din Kosovo;
-a trăi experiența de a locui într-un sat ecologic din Finlanda;
-desfășurarea de activități pentru refugiați în Kenia;
-să lucreze cu copiii solicitanților de azil din Belgia;
- trezire la auzul sunetului lupilor care urlă din SUA;
-sprijinirea activităților zilnice la un centru de tineret palestinian din Israel…
Cum poți să candidezi
Proiectele sunt listate în mod regulat într-o bază de date online a taberelor de lucru. Pentru majoritatea proiectelor este posibilă înregistrarea online.
Pentru a candida trebuie să te înregistrezi online la filiala din țara ta și să îți creezi propriul cont. După ce te-ai înregistrat poți să te autentifici și să completezi formularul de candidatură care va fi trimis online către filiala SCI (organizația membră). Unele filiale SCI pot solicita plata taxei de plasare înainte de a prelucra candidatura.
În cazul în care țara ta nu are o filială, poți să contactezi SCI Internațional pentru asistență suplimentară.
Mai multe informații: https://www.sci.ngo/
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) — це волонтерська організація, яка займається популяризацією культури миру через організацію міжнародних волонтерських проектів для людей різного віку та походження. SCI складається з 43 філій і постійно зростаючого числа партнерських організацій. Спільне життя та робота з людьми різних середовищ допомагає волонтерам знищити бар’єри та упередження. Це дозволяє їм відчути світ взаємоповаги та розуміння. У цьому сенсі волонтерство можна розглядати як спосіб життя, демонстрацію можливої реальності мирного та спільного світу.
SCI пропонує людям різноманітні волонтерські можливості, наприклад, короткострокові, середньострокові та довгострокові проекти, а також можливість стати активним у місцевому відділенні чи взяти участь у семінарі чи тренінгу.
Короткострокові волонтерські проекти, відомі як робочі табори, організовуються у співпраці з філіями SCI та партнерськими організаціями, які, у свою чергу, співпрацюють з місцевими громадами.
Що пропонуємо
Короткостроковий волонтерський проект – це унікальна форма волонтерства, яка об’єднує людей з різних країн, культур та походження, щоб жити та працювати разом із місцевими громадами протягом двох-трьох тижнів.
Мета – знищити бар’єри між людьми та розвинути міжкультурне взаєморозуміння. Таким чином вони сприяють розбудові культури миру між людьми.
Проекти роблять сильний акцент на міжкультурному діалозі та навчанні, включають елементи виховання миру. Є багато різних проектів на вибір, і вони відкриті для кожного.
Кожен, хто приєднується до проєкту, повинен сплатити членський внесок до свого відділення SCI (організації, що відправляє). SCI є неприбутковою організацією, тому може підтримувати низьку плату за участь. Це робить табори доступними для людей з меншими можливостями.
У деяких країнах SCI має спеціальні програми для молодих людей з меншими можливостями, які полегшують їхню участь у короткострокових проектах.
Організатори проекту забезпечуюють учасників, волонтерів харчуванням та житлом під час проекту, але не видатки на логістику.
Різноманітність проєктів
Щороку організовуються тисячі короткострокових волонтерських проектів у різних сферах та з різними видами волонтерської роботи, наприклад:
Як подати заявку
Проекти регулярно розміщуються в онлайн-базі даних проєктів. Для більшості проектів потрібна реєстрація онлайн.
Щоб подати заявку, потрібно зареєструватися онлайн у відділенні SCI у своїй країні та створити обліковий запис. Після реєстрації ви можете увійти в систему та заповнити форму заявки, яка буде подана онлайн до вашого відділення SCI (організації-члена). Деякі філії SCI можуть попросити вас сплатити збір за розміщення до обробки вашої заявки.
Якщо у вашій країні наразі немає філії, зв’яжіться з SCI International для отримання додаткової підтримки.
Детальніше читайте тут.
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 43 branches and an ever-growing number of partner organisations. Living and working together with people of different backgrounds helps volunteers to break down barriers and prejudices. It allows them to experience a world of mutual respect and understanding. In this sense, volunteering can be seen as a way of life, a demonstration of the possible reality of a peaceful and cooperative world.
SCI offers a variety of volunteering opportunities, such as short-, mid- and long term projects, but also the possibility to become active for a local branch or participate in a seminar or training. Short term voluntary projects, commonly known as workcamps, are organised in cooperation with SCI branches and partner organisations, who in their turn cooperate with local communities.
A short term voluntary project is a unique form of volunteering, bringing together people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds to live and work together with local communities for a period of two to three weeks. The aim is to break down barriers between people and develop intercultural understanding. In that way, they contribute to building a culture of peace among people. The projects place a strong emphasis on intercultural learning and include elements of peace education. There are many different projects to choose from and they are open to everyone.
Everyone who joins a workcamp needs to pay a membership fee to his/ her SCI branch (the sending organisation). SCI is a non-profit organisation and therefore able to keep participation fees low. This makes the workcamps accessible to people with fewer resources. In some countries, SCI has special programmes for young people with fewer opportunities that facilitate their participation in short term projects. The project hosts will provide volunteers with food and accommodation during the project but not during their travels to and from the project. Volunteers will have access to drinkable water.
Every year thousands of short term voluntary projects are organised in different fields and with different types of voluntary work, for example:
- organise an open-air cinema with the Roma community in Kosovo;
- experience life in an eco-village in Finland;
- -run activities for refugees in Kenya;
- work with children from asylum seekers in Belgium;
- wake up to the sound of crying wolves in the USA;
- support the daily work of a Palestinian youth center in Israel…
Projects are regularly listed on an on-line workcamp database. For most projects it is possible to register on-line. To apply you must register online on your country branch and create your account. Once you have registered you can log in and complete an application form that will be submitted online to your SCI branch (member organisation). Some SCI branches may ask you to pay the placement fee before processing your application.
In case your country does not currently have a branch, please contact SCI International for further support.
Visit the official website: https://www.sciint.org
Give a little help and get your stay for free
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Volunteering /
HelpStay is a skills-based volunteering platform that connects travellers with hosts offering projects around the world. Helpers offer a few hours of honest help and get accommodation and food in exchange.
How does it work?
Register to the platform and get access to a database of different hosts to select by location or type of help activity: farms, house holders, art retreat centres, eco-villages, backpacker hostels, surf lodges, yoga & TEFL centres, vineyards, ranches and schools.
As a member you can directly contact and book your stay with any of the available hosts and arrange as many exchanges as you wish.
Volunteers need to be 18 years old.
There are membership fees.
Read more here.
Volunteering /
HelpStay е платформа за доброволчество, базирана на умения, която свързва пътуващите с домакините, предлагащи проекти по целия свят. Помощниците предлагат няколко часа честна помощ и получават настаняване и храна в замяна.
Как работи?
Регистрирайте се в платформата и ще получите достъп до база данни от различни домакини, които може да избирате по местоположение или тип помощна дейност: ферми, домакинства, центрове за отдих, свързани с изкуството, еко-селища, хостели за туристи, сърф хижи, центрове за йога и TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), лозя, ранчо и училища.
Като член можете директно да се свържете и да резервирате престоя си с който и да е от наличните домакини и да организирате толкова обмени, колкото желаете.
Доброволците трябва да са навършили 18 години.
Заплаща се членски внос.
Прочетете повече тук.
Volunteering /
HelpStay este o platformă de voluntariat bazată pe competențe care pune în legătură călătorii cu gazdele care oferă proiecte în întreaga lume. Ajutătorii oferă câteva ore de ajutor onest și primesc în schimb cazare și mâncare.
Cum funcționează?
Înscrie-te pe platformă și obții acces la o bază de date cu diferite gazde pe care le poți selecta în funcție de locație sau de tipul de activitate de ajutor: ferme, proprietari de case, centre de retragere artistică, sate ecologice, pensiuni pentru rucsacari, cabane de surf, centre de yoga și TEFL, podgorii, ferme și școli.
În calitate de membru, poți contacta și rezerva direct cazarea la oricare dintre gazdele disponibile și poți organiza oricâte schimburi dorești.
Voluntarii trebuie să aibă vârsta de 18 ani.
Există taxe de membru.
Citește mai multe aici.
International platform connecting volunteers and their hosts.
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Volunteering /
Workaway is an international platform allowing members to arrange homestays and cultural exchange.
Workaway is a project that allows you fulfill your dream of distant travels without incurring great costs.
Volunteers, or "Workawayers", are expected to contribute a pre-agreed amount of time per day in exchange for lodging and food, which is provided by their host in over 170 countries.
How does it work?
Go to the website, create your profile and find an organisation that needs volunteers like you. Anywhere in the world. You can travel alone, with friends and/or with kids.
You must be 18 years old to register for a profile. The minimum age for volunteering in most countries is 18.
There are membership fees.
Read more here.
Volunteering /
Workaway е международна платформа, която дава възможност на членовете да публикуват информация за настаняване в къщи и културен обмен.
Workaway е проект, който ви позволява да сбъднете мечтата си за далечни пътувания, без да правите големи разходи.
От доброволците или „Workawayers“ се очаква да са ангажирани за предварително договорено време на ден в замяна на квартира и храна, които се осигуряват от техния домакин в над 170 страни.
Как работи?
Влезте в платформата, създайте своя профил и намерете организация, която се нуждае от доброволци като вас. Навсякъде по света. Можете да пътувате сами, с приятели и/или с деца.
Трябва да имате навършени 18 години, за да регистрирате профил. Минималната възраст за доброволчество в повечето страни е 18 години.
В Платформата има такса за достъп.
Прочетете повече тук.
Volunteering /
Workaway est une plateforme internationale permettant aux membres d'organiser des séjours chez l'habitant et des échanges culturels.
Workaway est un projet qui vous permet de réaliser votre rêve de voyages lointains sans engager de frais importants.
Les volontaires, ou "Workawayers", doivent consacrer une partie de leur temps par jour à l'hébergement et à la nourriture, qui sont fournis par leur hôte dans plus de 170 pays.
Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?
Allez sur le site web, créez votre profil et trouvez une organisation qui a besoin de volontaires comme vous. N'importe où dans le monde. Vous pouvez voyager seul, avec des amis et/ou des enfants.
Vous devez avoir 18 ans pour vous inscrire à un profil. Dans la plupart des pays, l'âge minimum pour faire du volontariat est de 18 ans.
Il y a des frais d'adhésion.
Plus d'informations ici.
Volunteering /
Workaway ist eine internationale Plattform, die es den Mitgliedern ermöglicht, Gastfamilienaufenthalte und kulturellen Austausch zu organisieren.
Workaway ist ein Projekt, das es dir ermöglicht, deinen Traum von einer Fernreise zu verwirklichen, ohne dass dir dabei große Kosten entstehen.
Freiwillige oder "Workawayer" müssen eine vorher vereinbarte Zeit pro Tag investieren und erhalten im Gegenzug Unterkunft und Verpflegung, die von ihren Gastgebern in über 170 Ländern gestellt werden.
Wie funktioniert das?
Geh auf die Website, erstelle dein Profil und finde eine Organisation, die Freiwillige wie dich braucht. Überall auf der Welt. Du kannst allein, mit Freunden und/oder mit Kindern reisen.
Du musst 18 Jahre alt sein, um ein Profil zu erstellen. Das Mindestalter für Freiwilligenarbeit ist in den meisten Ländern 18 Jahre.
Es fallen Mitgliedsbeiträge an.
Mehr dazu erfährst du hier.
Volunteering /
Workaway este o platformă internațională care permite membrilor să organizeze cazări la domiciliu și schimburi culturale.
Workaway este un proiect care îți permite să îți îndeplinești visul de a călători la distanță fără a suporta costuri mari.
Voluntarii, sau "Workawayers", trebuie să contribuie cu o cantitate de timp prestabilită pe zi în schimbul cazării și al hranei, care sunt asigurate de gazda lor în peste 170 de țări.
Cum funcționează?
Accesează website-ul, crează-ți profilul și găsește o organizație care are nevoie de voluntari ca tine, oriunde în lume. Poți călători pe cont propriu, cu prieteni și/sau cu copii.
Trebuie să ai 18 ani pentru a te înregistra pentru un profil. Vârsta minimă pentru voluntariat în majoritatea țărilor este de 18 ani.
Există taxe de membru.
Citește mai multe aici.
Cultural exchange for working holiday makers
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Volunteering /
HelpX is an online platform for working holiday makers who would like the opportunity, during their travels abroad, to stay with local people and gain practical experience.
How it works
The platform offers a database of host organic farms, farmstays, homestays, ranches, lodges, backpackers hostels and even sailing boats who invite volunteer helpers to stay with them short-term in exchange for food and accommodation.
In the typical arrangement, the helper works an average of 4 hours per day. This time range can vary considerably depending on the tasks at hand and the host's preferences.
You need to be a least 18 to be a helper. Under 18s are allowed if accompanied by a parent.
Volunteer helpers are required to register for one of two levels of membership, Free or Premier.
There are membership fees.
HelpX operates worldwide including in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Europe
Read more here.
Volunteering /
Helpx е онлайн платформа за хора, които обичат да работят и пътуват, и искат да имат възможност по време на пътуването си в чужбина да отседнат при хора от местната общност като придобият практически опит.
Платформата предлага база данни с приемащи ферми, които отглеждат органични хранителни продукти, ферми за отглеждане на животни, ферми на любители, лайфстайл блокове, домове, ферми тип ранчо, къщи, хостели за туристи и дори ветроходни лодки, които канят доброволци да отседнат при тях за кратко като в замяна им осигуряват храна и настаняване. Обикновено, помощникът работи средно по 4 часа на ден. Времето на работната заетост може да се промени значително в зависимост от характера на работните задачи и предпочитанията на домакина. Някои домакини могат да изискват изпълнение на работни задачи до 2 часа на ден срещу което осигуряват само настаняване, а да ви помолят сами да осигурите и приготвите храната си.
От помощниците-доброволци се изисква да се регистрират за едно от двете нива на членство - Free или Premier. Изисква се заплащане на членски такси.
Право на участие: За да бъдете помощник, трябва да сте навършили 18 години. Лица под 18 години могат да участват, ако са придружени от родител.
HelpX работи в цял свят, включително в Австралия, Нова Зеландия, Канада и Европа.
Научи повече на: https://www.helpx.net
Volunteering /
HelpX este o platformă online pentru turiștii care lucrează în vacanță și care doresc să aibă ocazia, în timpul călătoriilor lor în străinătate, să se cazeze la localnici și să acumuleze experiență practică.
Platforma oferă o bază de date cu ferme organice, ferme, ferme de agrement, ferme de hobby, blocuri de lifestyle, homestay, ferme, cabane, hosteluri pentru rucsacari și chiar și bărci cu vele care invită voluntarii să stea la ei pe termen scurt în schimbul hranei și al cazării. În cadrul unui aranjament tipic, voluntarul lucrează în medie 4 ore pe zi. Acest interval de timp poate varia considerabil în funcție de sarcinile de îndeplinit și de preferințele gazdei. Unele gazde pot solicita doar 2 ore pe zi, doar pentru cazare, și vă cer să vă asigurați și să vă gătiți singuri mâncarea.
Ajutoarele voluntare trebuie să se înregistreze pentru unul dintre cele două niveluri de membru, Free sau Premier.
Există taxe de membru.
Trebuie să aveți cel puțin 18 ani pentru a fi voluntar. Minorii sub 18 ani sunt acceptați dacă sunt însoțiți de un părinte.
HelpX operează în întreaga lume, inclusiv în Australia, Noua Zeelandă, Canada și Europa.
Citește mai multe aici.
GoGlobal Volunteering
Call for English speaking online volunteers
Read this in 6 languages
Volunteering /
The Ukrainian NGO GoGlobal is looking for English-speaking volunteers to be part of their Online Speaking Clubs from mid August 2024 to help Ukrainian youth enhance their English skills while exchanging cultural insights.
Eligible volunteers
How does it work
Speaking clubs are run twice per year, in three waves each lasting one month with a two-week break in between.
Volunteers engage with children through interactive games and thematic activities.
Volunteers are free to choose the number of hours and specific times they can attend.
Ukrainian teachers support volunteers in all activities.
Certificate of participation
Letter of recommendation upon request.
Deadline: there is no fixed deadline. But it is recommend not to apply later than 1 week before the project starts.
Find more here.
Volunteering /
GoCamp ist ein Freiwilligenprogramm in Osteuropa, bei dem Freiwillige aus der ganzen Welt Kinder motivieren, Fremdsprachen zu lernen und Kindern aus der ganzen Ukraine die Welt vorstellen.
GoCamp sucht englisch- / deutsch- / französischsprachige Freiwillige, die in die Ukraine kommen und mit den Kindern auf Englisch, Deutsch oder Französisch interagieren, eine tolle Zeit, neue Freunde und unvergessliche Erfahrungen in den Schulen haben!
Alle Freiwilligen erhalten eine spezielle Ausbildung und die Möglichkeit, ihre Erfahrungen mit jungen ukrainischen Studenten zu teilen und gleichzeitig sozial wertvolle Projekte zu entwickeln, um interessante Aufgaben und Herausforderungen gemeinsam zu bewältigen.
Aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie gibt es die Möglichkeit des ONLINE VOLUNTEERING.
Teilnahmeberechtigte Freiwillige sollten:
Online-Freiwillige werden:
- kostenlose Webinare und Lehrmaterialien erhalten;
- eine spezielle Schulung für die Arbeit mit Kindern erhalten;
- Englisch/Französisch/Deutsch unterrichten und Kinder dazu inspirieren, die ganze Welt zu entdecken, indem sie ihnen Ihre Kultur und Ihre Werte vermitteln;
- sich der Gemeinschaft von über 1200 Freiwilligen aus 78 Ländern und 162 692 Kindern aus der ganzen Ukraine anschließen.
Vorteile der Vor-Ort-Freiwilligen
Wie man sich bewirbt:
Frist: Es gibt keine feste Frist. Es wird jedoch empfohlen, sich nicht später als 1 Woche vor Projektbeginn zu bewerben.
Je früher die Freiwilligen den Antrag einreichen, desto größer sind die Chancen, dass das GoCamp ihrer Präferenz für den Standort des Camps nachkommt.
Finden Sie hier mehr heraus
Volunteering /
A GoCamp egy önkéntesprogram Kelet-Európában, ahol a világ különböző pontjairól érkező önkéntesek motiválják a gyerekeket arra, hogy idegen nyelvet tanuljanak és ahol az önkéntesek kinyitják a világot az ukrán gyerekek számára.
A GoCamp olyan angolul/németül/franciául beszélő önkénteseket keres, akik szívesen elutaznának Ukrajnában és ott angolul, németül vagy franciául beszélgetnének a gyerekekkel, miközben jóléreznék magukat, új barátságokat kötnének és felejthetetlen tapasztalatokat szereznének az iskolákban!
Az önkéntesek mindegyike speciális képzésben részesül, valamint lehetőségük lesz megosztani tapasztalataikat fiatal ukrán tanulókkal, miközben a közösség szempontjából értékes projekteken dolgoznak (amely számos érdekes feladatot és kihívást tartogat a számukra).
Az alkalmas önkéntesnek
Juttatások az önkéntesnek
Hogyan jelentkezz?
Nincs hivatalos jelentkezési határidő.
Az önkéntesek minél hamarabb nyújtják be jelentkezésüket, annál nagyobb eséllyel tudnak részt venni.
További részletek itt.
Volunteering /
GoCamp este un program de voluntariat în Europa de Est, în cadrul căruia voluntari din întreaga lume îi motivează pe copii să învețe limbi străine și le prezintă lumea copiilor din toată Ucraina.
GoCamp caută voluntari vorbitori de engleză/germană/franceză care să vină în Ucraina și să interacționeze cu copiii în engleză, germană sau franceză, să se distreze, să aibă parte de prieteni noi și de o experiență de neuitat în școli!
Toți voluntarii vor avea parte de o pregătire specială și vor avea ocazia de a-și împărtăși experiența cu tinerii elevi ucraineni, în timp ce vor dezvolta proiecte valoroase din punct de vedere social, abordând împreună sarcini și provocări interesante.
Din cauza pandemiei Covid-19, există opțiunea de VOLUNTARIAT ONLINE.
Voluntarii eligibili trebuie să
Voluntariat online
Voluntarii online vor:
Beneficiile voluntarilor la fața locului
Cum se aplică:
Pentru înscrieri, vă rugm să completați formularul de aplicație.
Termen limită: Nu există un termen limită fix. Dar se recomandă să nu aplicați mai târziu de 1 săptămână înainte de începerea proiectului.
Cu cât voluntarii depun mai devreme cererea, cu atât mai multe șanse are GoCamp să le satisfacă preferințele privind locația taberei.
Găsiți mai multe aici.
Volunteering /
GoCamp - це волонтерська програма у Східній Європі, де волонтери з усього світу мотивують дітей вивчати іноземні мови та мотивують школярів вивчати іноземні мови та відкривають світ для дітей з усіх куточків України.
GoCamp GoCamp шукає волонтерів, які володіють англійською, німецькою чи французькою мовами, та хочуть приїхати до України, щоб поділитися знаннями про світ, спілкуватися з дітьми англійською, німецькою чи французькою мовами, провести чудово час, знайти нових друзів та отримати незабутній досвід у школах!
Усі волонтери отримають спеціальну підготовку та можливість поділитися своїм досвідом з молодими українськими студентами, розробляючи соціально цінні проекти, разом вирішуючи цікаві завдання та виклики.
Умови участі:
27 травня -12 червня;
05 - 21 серпня;
02 - 18 вересня.
Переваги для волонтерів
Як взятии участь:
Кінцевий термін подачі заявки не встановлений.
Чим раніше волонтери подать заявку, тим більше шансів, що GoCamp повинен задовольнити свої переваги щодо місця розташування табору.
Більше тут.
Volunteering /
GoCamp is a volunteer programme in Eastern Europe, where volunteers from around the world motivate kids to learn foreign languages and introduce the world to children from all over Ukraine.
*Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there is an option of ONLINE VOLUNTEERING.
NB: September and October sessions are going to take place in Ukraine; Online Volunteering is available on rolling basis*
GoCamp is looking for English/German/French-speaking volunteers who would come to Ukraine and interact with the children in English, German or French, get a great time, new friends and unforgettable experience in schools! All volunteers will get a special training and an opportunity to share their experience with young Ukrainian students while developing socially valuable projects, dealing with interesting tasks and challenges together.
Online volunteers will:
There is no deadline set. The earlier volunteers submit the application the more chances GoCamp has to satisfy their preference of camp location.
Find more on the GoCamp volunteering pages..
AFS Intercultural Programmes
To get involved in intercultural learning opportunities around the world.
Read this in 8 languages
Volunteering /
AFS is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organisation with its own network in over 60 countries, providing intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world.
The AFS Intercultural Programmes involve intercultural learning by living as a resident of a community in Africa, Latin-America, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Asia or Europe.
The programmes are aimed at different target groups:
Each country has its own programmes and deadlines.
Please contact AFS in your country to look for the programme that suits you best.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for organisations and individuals
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
AFS ist eine internationale, freiwillige, gemeinnützige Nichtregierungsorganisation mit einem eigenen Netzwerk in über 60 Ländern, die interkulturelle Lernmöglichkeiten anbietet, um Menschen dabei zu helfen, das Wissen, die Fähigkeiten und das Verständnis zu entwickeln, die sie benötigen, um eine gerechtere und friedlichere Welt zu schaffen.
Die interkulturellen Programme von AFS beinhalten interkulturelles Lernen durch das Leben als Einwohner einer Gemeinschaft in Afrika, Lateinamerika, Nordamerika, Australien, Neuseeland, Asien oder Europa.
Die Programme richten sich an verschiedene Zielgruppen:
- Schülerinnen und Schüler, 15 bis 17 Jahre alt, können mit einer Familie in einer Gemeinde im Ausland leben und ein Jahr oder sechs Monate lang die Schule besuchen. Einige Schüler verbringen die Schulferien (ein bis drei Monate) damit, die Sprache und Kultur eines anderen Landes zu studieren.
- Junge Erwachsene ab 18 Jahren können ehrenamtliche Arbeit in gemeinnützigen Organisationen oder Unternehmen in anderen Ländern leisten und dabei neue Fähigkeiten, die Sprache und die Kultur kennen lernen.
- Die meisten Programme dauern ein Semester (4-6 Monate). Einige AFS-Partnerländer bieten auch Programme für Lehrer an.
Jedes Land hat seine eigenen Programme und Fristen.
Bitte setzen Sie sich mit AFS in Ihrem Land in Verbindung, um das Programm zu finden, das am besten zu Ihnen passt: http://www.afs.org
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
Az AFS egy nemzetközi, önkéntes, civil, non-profit szervezet, amelynek hálózata mintegy 60 országra terjed ki. A szervezet interkulturális tanulási lehetőségeket biztosít, így segítve a fiatalokat tudásuk, ismereteik, készségeik fejlesztésében egy igazságosabb és békésebb világ elérése érdekében.
Az AFS Interkulturális Programok során az interkulturális tanulás úgy valósul meg, hogy a résztvevőknek lehetőségük van Afrika, Dél-Amerika, Észak-Amerika, Ausztrália, Új-Zéland, Ázsia vagy Európa valamely másik országában élni.
A programok különböző korcsoportokat céloznak:
Minden ország saját programokkal és hozzájuk kapcsolódó határidőkkel rendelkezik.
Ahhoz hogy megtaláld a hozzád legjobban illeszkedő programot, kérjük, lépj kapcsolatba a helyi AFS irodával: http://www.afs.org
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
AFS eru alþjóðleg fræðslusamtök. Aðalviðfangsefni samtakanna hér á landi eru nemendaskipti unglinga á aldrinum 15-18 ára. Markmið AFS eru að auka kynni og skilning milli þjóða heims og fólks af ólíkum uppruna, víkka sjóndeildarhring ungs fólks og auka menntun þess.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
L'AFS è un'organizzazione internazionale di volontariato, non governativa e senza scopo di lucro, con una rete che copre oltre 60 paesi. L'obiettivo dell'AFS è di offrire opportunità nel settore dell'apprendimento interculturale al fine di promuovere la conoscenza, le competenze e la comprensione necessarie a creare un mondo più giusto e in pace.
I Programmi Interculturali dell'AFS promuovono l'apprendimento interculturale offrendo l'opportunità di vivere come residente in una comunità in Africa, America Latina, America del Nord, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Asia o Europa e diventare cittadini globali.
I programmi sono indirizzati a diversi gruppi di destinatari:
- Studenti - giovani dai 15 ai 17 anni possono vivere con una famiglia in una comunità all'estero e frequentare una scuola per un periodo di un anno o sei mesi. Alcuni studenti desiderano trascorrere le proprie vacanze (da uno a tre mesi) studiando la lingua e la cultura di un altro paese.
- Giovani adulti - giovani dai 18 anni in su possono svolgere attività di volontariato presso organizzazioni internazionali o imprese in altri paesi e contemporaneamente acquisire nuove competenze e imparare una nuova cultura e una nuova lingua. La maggior parte dei programmi sono per un semestre (4-6 mesi). Alcuni paesi partner AFS offrono anche programmi per insegnanti
- Educatori - possono vivere presso una famiglia in un paese straniero e insegnare nelle scuole locali.
Ciascun paese ha i propri programmi e le proprie scadenze.
Per dettagli contattare il centro AFS del proprio paese.
Per ulteriori informazioni: http://www.afs.org/
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
AFS este o organizaţie internaţională, voluntară, non-guvernamentală, non-profit care coordonează o reţea proprie în peste 55 de ţări. Scopul AFS este de a favoriza învăţarea interculturală care să permită dezvoltarea cunoştinţelor şi competenţelor. Ea încurajează mai buna înţelegere între culturi pentru construirea unei lumi mai juste şi mai pacifiste.
Programele Interculturale AFS oferă posibilitatea unei experienţe de învăţare interculturală într-o comunitate din Africa, America Latină, America de Nord, Australia, Noua Zeelandă, Asia sau Europa.
Programele vizează diferite grupuri ţintă
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
AFS je mednarodna, prostovoljna, nevladna, neprofitna organizacija s svojo lastno mrežo v več kot 55 državah. Organizacija s pomočjo medkulturnega učenja ljudem pomaga pri razvijanju sposobnosti in pridobivanju znanj z namenom ustvariti pravičen in miren svet.
V AFS medkulturnih programih udeleženci živijo in delajo v skupnostih v Afriki, Latinski Amreiki, Severni Ameriki, Novi Zelandiji, Aziji ali Evropi.
Programi so namenjeni različnim ciljnim skupinam:
Prijavni roki so različni po posameznih državah. Za več informacij kontaktirajte AFS v svoji državi: http://www.afs.org/afs_or/link/3034
Če ste med tekstom našli kakšno napako ali kakšna povezava na spletno stran ne deluje, nam to, prosimo, sporočite na e-naslov [email protected].
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
Este programa no ha sido renovado este año por la Comisión Europea. Se informará cuando vuelva a estar activo.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Volunteering /
AFS is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organisation with its own network in over 60 countries, providing intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. The AFS Intercultural Programmes involve intercultural learning by living as a resident of a community in Africa, Latin-America, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Asia or Europe.
The programmes are aimed at different target groups:
Most programmes are for a semester (4-6 months). Some AFS Partner countries also offer programmes for teachers.
Each country has its own programmes and deadlines.
Please contact AFS in your country to look for the programme that suits you best: http://www.afs.org
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela
Opportunity that connects travellers with their hosts around the world.
Read this in 8 languages
Volunteering /
Worldpackers is a collaborative platform that connects travelers with their hosts around the world (170 countries) where they can travel using their skills in exchange for accommodation.
There are hostels, inns, NGOs, communities and ecological projects to which you can offer your help and in return receive free accommodation, meals and other benefits.
How you can apply
1. You must become a verified member (there is an annual membership fee of $49);
2. Candidates for positions with different hosts;
3. You talk to the hosts and you can ask any question;
4. You get pre-approved if the host likes your profile;
5. You confirm the trip.
More information here.
Volunteering /
Worldpackers е платформа за сътрудничество, която свързва пътуващите с техните домакини по света (170 държави), където те могат да пътуват, като в замяна на настаняване споделят своите умения.
Има хостели, НПО, общности и екологични проекти, на които може да помогнете, а в замяна да получите безплатен престой, храна и други предимства.
Как да кандидатствате:
Научете повече: https://www.worldpackers.com
Volunteering /
Worldpackers est une plateforme collaborative qui met en relation des voyageurs avec leurs hôtes dans le monde entier (170 pays). Les membres de la plateforme voyagent en mettant leur compétences en échange d'un hébergement.
Il existe des auberges, des ONG, des communautés et des projets écologiques auxquels vous pouvez proposer votre aide et recevoir en retour un hébergement, des repas et d'autres avantages gratuitement.
Comment postuler
Plus d’informations : www.worldpackers.com
Volunteering /
Worldpackers ist eine Kollaborative Plattform, die Reisende mit Gastgebern auf der ganzen Welt verbindet, wo sie reisen und ihre Fähigkeiten gegen eine Unterkunft austauschen können.
Es gibt Herbergen, Gasthöfe, NGOs, Gemeinden und ökologische Projekte, bei denen du helfen kannst und im Gegenzug einen kostenlosen Aufenthalt, Essen und andere Vorteile erhältst.
Wie man sich bewirbt
Mehr Infos: https://www.worldpackers.com
Volunteering /
A Worldpackers egy olyan felület amely utazókat és szállásadókat köt össze szerte a világban (170 ország részvételével). Az utazók a készségeikért cserében szállást kaphatnak.
Vannak olyan hostelek, vendéglők, civil szervezetek, közösségek és ökológiai projektek, ahol azért cserében, hogy segítesz szállást, étkezést és egyéb juttatásokat kaphatsz.
Hogyan jelentkezhetsz?
További részletek: https://www.worldpackers.com
Volunteering /
Worldpackers è una piattaforma collaborativa che collega i viaggiatori con i loro ospiti in tutto il mondo dove possono scambiare le loro competenze per l'alloggio. Sono presenti ostelli, pensioni, ONG, comunità e progetti ambientali a cui puoi prestare un aiuto ricevendo in cambio un soggiorno gratuito, vitto e altri benefit. Fanno parte della comunità più di un milione di viaggiatori e ospiti provenienti da 170 paesi.
Come presentare la candidatura
1. Diventa un Membro verificato (è prevista una quota associativa annuale di 49 USD);
2. Presenta la tua domanda a più host diversi;
3. Parla con gli host e fai tutte le domande che vuoi;
4. Ottieni la pre-approvazione se all'host piace il tuo profilo;
5. Conferma il tuo viaggio
Scopri di più: https://www.worldpackers.com
Volunteering /
Worldpackers este o platformă de colaborare care îi conectează pe cei care călătoresc cu gazdele lor din întreaga lume (170 de țări) unde ei pot călători folosindu-și competențele în schimbul cazării.
Există hosteluri, hanuri, ONG-uri, comunități și proiecte ecologice cărora le poți oferi ajutorul și primești în schimb ședere gratuită, masă și alte avantaje.
Cum poți să candidezi
1. Trebuie sa devii membru verificat (există o taxă anuală de membru de 49 USD);
2. Candidezi pentru poziții cu diferite gazde;
3. Vorbești cu gazdele si poți pune orice întrebare;
4. Obții în prealabil o aprobare dacă gazdei îi place profilul tău;
5. Confirmi călătoria.
Mai multe informații: https://www.worldpackers.com
Volunteering /
Worldpackers - це спільна платформа, яка з'єднує мандрівників з хостами (приймаючою стороною) по всьому світу (170 країн), куди вони можуть подорожувати, обмінюючись своїми знаннями та навичками в обмін на проживання.
На платформі ви знайдете хостели, корчми, громадські організації, громади та екологічні проекти, яким ви можете допомогти і в обмін отримати безкоштовне проживання, харчування та інші пільги.
Як подати заявку
Більше за посиланням: https://www.worldpackers.com
Volunteering /
Worldpackers is a collaborative platform that connects travellers with hosts around the world (170 countries) where they can travel exchanging their skills for accommodation.
There are hostels, inns, NGOs, communities and ecological projects that you can help with and in exchange receive a free stay, food and other benefits.
Find out more: https://www.worldpackers.com
SCI Long-Term Volunteering
Different options to volunteer in the Service Civil International (SCI).
Read this in 8 languages
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 43 branches and an ever-growing number of partner organisations.
How it works
It provides volunteers with the opportunity to stay abroad from 1 to 12 months.
Long-Term Volunteers can choose from a variety of projects and activities, from working with disabled people, disadvantaged youth, or ethnic minorities, to working in an office or running daily activities in an eco-village.
Who can apply
All people over 18 without any distinction of sex, race, religion, or ideology.
What you get
Food and accommodation, some pocket money and basic SCI health insurance.
How to apply
Projects are regularly listed on an online database for Long Term Volunteering Projects; then click on open projects or search project to look for available volunteering positions.
Get all the necessary information to submit your application here.
For further support, please contact your SCI branch (member organisation) or SCI International.
Read more here.
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) е доброволческа организация, посветена на насърчаването на културата на мира чрез организиране на международни доброволчески проекти за хора от всички възрасти и произход. Организацията се състои от 43 клона и непрекъснато нарастващ брой партньорски организации. Съвместният живот и работа с хора от различен произход, помага на доброволците да разрушат бариерите и предразсъдъците. Това им позволява да преживеят свят на взаимно уважение и разбиране. В този смисъл, доброволчеството може да се разглежда като начин на живот, демонстрация на възможната реалност на един мирен и кооперативен свят.
Програмата за дългосрочно доброволчество (LTV - Long Term Volunteering) на SCI предоставя на доброволците възможност да останат в чужбина от 1 до 12 месеца. Дългосрочните доброволчески обмени се считат за основна дейност в SCI, която допълва краткосрочните доброволчески проекти или ¨работни лагери.
Какво представлява
Дългосрочното доброволчество е нещо повече от работа. Това е опитът да живееш в чужбина и да се учиш от различни култури и хора, докато се ангажираш дълбоко с конкретен проект, който е в полза на местната общност. Това е ангажимент, който дава възможност за продължителна работа за мира, както на конкретно ниво за клоновете на SCI и партньорските организации, но също така и най-вече на личностно ниво за доброволеца и членовете на общността.
Какви проекти
Дългосрочните доброволци могат да избират от различни проекти и дейности, от работа с хора с увреждания, младежи в неравностойно положение или етнически малцинства, до работа в офис или провеждане на ежедневни дейности в еко-селище.
Кой може да кандидатства
Всички хора без никакво разграничение на пол, раса, религия или идеология. Няма горна възрастова граница, но доброволците трябва да са навършили 18 години.
Какво получавате
Всички дългосрочни доброволци получават храна и настаняване, малко джобни пари и основна (базова) здравна застраховка SCI.
Пътните разходи до местонахождението на проекта обикновено се покриват от доброволците.
Как да кандидатствате
Проектите редовно се изброяват в онлайн база данни за дългосрочни доброволчески проекти; след това щракнете върху отворени проекти или потърсете проект, за да потърсите свободни позиции за доброволци.
Интересувате ли се от един от проектите? Получете цялата необходима информация, за да изпратите вашата кандидатура тук.
За допълнително съдействие, моля, свържете се с вашия клон на SCI (организация-член) или SCI International.
Прочетете повече: https://www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) est une organisation volontaire dédiée à la promotion de la paix par le biais de projets de volontariat pour des personnes de tous âges et parcours. L'organisation est constituée de 43 branches d'un nombre d'organisations partenaires toujours croissant. Vivre et travailler entre personnes de différents parcours aide les volontaires à faire tomber les barrières et les préjugés. Cela leur permet de vivre dans un monde de respect mutuel et de compréhension. Dans ce sens, le volontariat peut être vu comme un art de vivre, une manifestation d'une réalité possible d'un monde solidaire et en paix.
Le programme de volontariat long-terme (VLT) du SCI apporte aux volontaires l'opportunité de partir à l'étranger pendant une période de 1 à 12 mois. Les échanges ou volontariats long-terme sont considérés comme une activité essentielle de SCI qui est complétée par les projets de volontariat court-terme ou "chantiers".
Ce que c'est
Le volontariat long-terme est plus qu'un simple travail. C'est l'expérience de vivre à l'étranger et d'apprendre d'autres personnes et cultures, tout en s'engageant profondément dans un projet concert qui oeuvre pour le bénéfice de la communauté locale. C'est un engagement qui se traduit par un travail durable pour la paix, aussi bien pour les branches de SCI que pour ses organisations partenaires, mais aussi et tout particulièrement à un niveau personnel pour le volontaire et les membres de la communauté.
Quel type de projet
Les volontaires long-terme peuvent choisir parmi une diversité de projets et d'activités : travailler auprès de personnes handicapées, de jeunes défavorisés ou de minorités ethniques, ou encore travailler dans un bureau ou animer des activités quotidiennes dans un écovillage.
Qui peut postuler
Toute personne sans distinction de sexe, de race, de religion ou d'idéologie. Il n'y a pas d'âge limite mais les volontaires doivent avoir au moins 18 ans.
Tous les volontaires long-terme reçoivent de la nourriture et un logement, de l'argent de poche et une assurance santé de base SCI. Les frais de voyage sont généralement couverts par les volontaires.
Comment postuler
Les projets pour les projets de volontariat long-terme sont régulièrement mis en ligne sur une base de données. Cliquez ensuite sur projets ouverts (open projects) ou sur rechercher un projet (search project) pour accéder aux projets disponibles.
Intéressé par l'un de ces projets ? Rassembler toutes les informations nécessaires avant de soumettre votre candidature ici.
Pour plus de précisions, merci de contacter votre branche SCI (organisation membre) ou SCI International.
Plus d'informations : www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) ist eine Freiwilligenorganisation, die sich für die Förderung einer Kultur des Friedens einsetzt und internationale Freiwilligenprojekte für Menschen jeden Alters und jeder Herkunft organisiert. Die Organisation besteht aus 43 Niederlassungen und einer ständig wachsenden Anzahl von Partnerorganisationen. Das Zusammenleben und Arbeiten mit Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft hilft Freiwilligen, Barrieren und Vorurteile abzubauen. Es ermöglicht ihnen, eine Welt des gegenseitigen Respekts und Verständnisses zu erleben. Freiwilligenarbeit kann in diesem Sinne als eine Lebensweise angesehen werden, die die mögliche Realität einer friedlichen und kooperativen Welt demonstriert.
Das Long Term Volunteering (LTV) -Programm von SCI bietet Freiwilligen die Möglichkeit, 1 bis 12 Monate im Ausland zu bleiben. Ein langfristiger Austausch von Freiwilligen wird als eine wesentliche Aktivität in der SCI angesehen, die zu kurzfristigen freiwilligen Projekten oder „Workcamps“ komplementär ist.
Was ist das?
Long Term Volunteering ist mehr als nur Arbeit. Es ist die Erfahrung, im Ausland zu leben und von verschiedenen Kulturen und Menschen zu lernen, während man sich intensiv mit einem konkreten Projekt befasst, das der lokalen Gemeinschaft zugute kommt. Es ist eine Verpflichtung, die eine nachhaltige Friedensarbeit ermöglicht, sowohl auf konkreter Ebene für SCI-Zweigstellen und Partnerorganisationen als auch und insbesondere auf persönlicher Ebene für die Freiwilligen und die Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft.
Welche Art von Projekten
Langzeit-Freiwillige können aus einer Vielzahl von Projekten und Aktivitäten wählen, von der Arbeit mit behinderten Menschen, benachteiligten Jugendlichen oder ethnischen Minderheiten bis zur Arbeit in einem Büro oder täglichen Aktivitäten in einem Öko-Dorf.
Wer kann sich bewerben
Alle Menschen ohne Unterschied von Geschlecht, Rasse, Religion oder Weltanschauung. Es gibt keine Altersobergrenze, aber Freiwillige müssen mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.
Was du bekommst
Alle Long Term Volunteers erhalten Verpflegung und Unterkunft, etwas Taschengeld und eine Basis-SCI-Krankenversicherung. Die Reisekosten für das Projekt werden in der Regel von den Freiwilligen übernommen.
Wie man sich bewirbt
Projekte werden regelmäßig in einer Online-Datenbank für Long Term Volunteering Projects aufgelistet; Klicken Sie anschließend auf "Offene Projekte" oder "Projekt suchen" , um nach verfügbaren Freiwilligenstellen zu suchen.
Interessiert an einem der Projekte? Holen Sie sich alle notwendigen Informationen, um Ihre Bewerbung einzureichen here.
Für weitere Unterstützung wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihre SCI-Niederlassung (Mitgliedsorganisation) oder an SCI International.
Read more: https://www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
A Service Civil International (SCI) egy önkéntes szervezet, amelynek célja, hogy népszerűsítse a kultúrák közötti békét. Ennek eszközei a mindenki számára nyitott nemzetközi önkéntes projektek. A szervezetnek 43 helyi szervezete van, illetve emellett a partnerszervezeteinek száma is folyamatosan bővül. Azáltal hogy az önkéntesek különböző hátterű emberekkel élnek és dolgoznak együtt, könnyebben küzdik le gátjaikat és előítéleteiket. A program által megtapasztalhatják az egymás iránti költsönös tiszteletet és megértést. Ilyen értelemben az önkéntesség akár életmódként is értelmezhető, vagy kiállásként a békés és együttműködésre épülő világ mellett.
Az SCI Hosszútávú Önkéntesség programja lehetőséget kínál önkéntesek számára, hogy minimum 1, maximum 12 hónapot töltsenek külföldön. A hosszútávú önkéntesség az SCI egyik alapprogramja, kiegészítve a rövidtávú önkéntes projekteket..
Mi is ez pontosan?
A Hosszútávú Önkéntesség több mint munka. Ezen keresztül megtapasztalható a külföldi élet, általa különböző kultúrákról és emberekről lehet tanulni, és mindeközben egy olyan projektben lehet részt venni, amely nagyban segíti az adott közösséget. Ez egy olyan elkötelezettség, amely lehetővé teszi a békéért való kitartó munkát, mind az SCI helyi szervezeteinek és a partnerszervezeteinek a szintjén, mind pedig az önkéntes és az adott közösség szintjén.
Milyen projektekről van szó?
Az önkéntesek számos projekt és tevékenység közül választhatnak. Így például dolgozhatnak fogyatékkal élő vagy szociálisan hátrányos fiatalokkal, etnikai kisebbségekkel, de akár dolgzohatnak irodában is, vagy éppen egy eco-falu hétköznapjainak fenntartásához járulhatnak hozzá.
Kik jelentkezhetnek?
Bárki mindenféle nemi, származási, vallási avgy ideológiai megkülönböztetés nélkül. Nincs felső korhatár, viszont az önkéntesség 18 éves kor alatt nem lehetséges.
Mit kapsz?
Az önkéntesek számára biztosítanak étkezést, szállást, némi költőpénzt, valamint alap SCI egészségbiztosítást.
Az útiköltséget viszont általában az önkéntes magának fizeti.
Hogyan tudsz jelentkezni?
A projektek listája megtalálható az on-line felületen; kattints az open projects vagy search project gombok valamelyikére, hogy lásd az aktuálisan elérhető lehetőségeket.
Érdeklődsz valamelyik projekt iránt? Járj utána a jelentkezéshez szükséges információnak itt.
További információért lépj kapcsolatbas a helyi SCI szervezettel (tagszervezettel) vagy az SCI International-lel .
Bővebben: https://www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) è un'organizzazione di volontariato dedicata alla promozione di una cultura della pace attraverso l'organizzazione di progetti di volontariato internazionale per persone di ogni età e provenienza. L'organizzazione comprende 43 sedi e un numero sempre crescente di organizzazioni partner. Vivere e lavorare insieme a persone di diversa estrazione aiuta i volontari ad abbattere barriere e pregiudizi e permette loro di sperimentare un mondo di rispetto reciproco e comprensione. In questo senso, il volontariato può essere visto come uno stile di vita, una dimostrazione della possibile realtà di un mondo pacifico e cooperativo.
Il programma di volontariato a lungo termine (Long Term Volunteering - LTV) di SCI offre ai volontari l'opportunità di soggiornare all'estero da 1 a 12 mesi. Gli scambi di volontariato a lungo termine sono considerati un'attività essenziale per lo SCI, complementare ai progetti volontari a breve termine o ai "campi di lavoro".
Il volontariato a lungo termine è molto più che un semplice lavoro. È l'esperienza di vivere all'estero e imparare da culture e persone diverse, mentre si è profondamente coinvolti in un progetto concreto a beneficio della comunità locale. È un impegno che consente un lavoro sostenuto per la pace, sia a livello concreto per le sedi SCI e le organizzazioni partner, ma anche e soprattutto a livello personale per il volontario e i membri della comunità.
Che tipo di progetti
I volontari a lungo termine possono scegliere tra una varietà di progetti e attività, dal lavoro con persone disabili, giovani svantaggiati o minoranze etniche, al lavoro in un ufficio così come un eco-villaggio.
Chi può presentare la candidatura
Tutte le persone senza distinzione di sesso, razza, religione o ideologia. Non esiste un limite massimo di età, ma i volontari devono avere almeno 18 anni.
A cosa si ha diritto
Tutti i volontari a lungo termine ricevono cibo e alloggio, una piccola somma per le spese generali e un'assicurazione sanitaria di base SCI.
I costi di viaggio per il progetto sono generalmente coperti dai volontari.
Come presentare la candidatura
I progetti vengono regolarmente inseriti in un database online per i Progetti di Volontariato a Lungo Termine; è necessario cliccare su progetti aperti o cerca il progetto e vedere le posizioni di volontariato disponibili.
Sei interessato ad uno dei progetti? Ottieni qui tutte le informazioni necessarie per presentare la tua candidatura.
Per ulteriore supporto, contatta la sede SCI più vicina (organizzazione membro) o SCI International.
Per saperne di più: https://sci.ngo/
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) este o organizație de voluntariat dedicată promovării culturii păcii prin organizarea proiectelor internaționale de voluntariat pentru persoane indiferent de vârstă și background. Organizația are 43 de ramuri (organizații membre) și un număr tot mai mare de oranizații partenere. A trăi și a lucra împreună cu oameni din medii diferite îi ajută pe voluntari să depășească barierele și prejudecățile. Le permite acestora să experimenteze o lume a înțelegerii și respectului reciproc. În acest sens, voluntariatul poate fi văzut ca un mod de viață, o demonstrație a realității posibile a unei lumi pașnice și cooperante.
Programul de voluntariat pe termen lung al SCI oferă voluntarilor oportunitatea de a efectua un stagiu în străinătate cu o durată cuprinsă între 1 și 12 luni. Schimburile de voluntariat pe termen lung sunt considerate ca fiind o activitate esențială în cadrul SCI care este complementară cu proiectele de voluntariat pe termen scurt sau “taberele de lucru”.
Ce este
Voluntariatul pe termen lung este mai mult decât o simplă muncă. Este experiența de a trăi în străinătate, de a învăța de la oameni și din diferite culturi, este implicarea într-un proiect concret care se desfășoară în beneficiul comunității locale. Este un angajament care permite o muncă susținută pentru pace, atât la nivel concret pentru filialele SCI și organizațiile partenere, dar, mai ales la nivel personal, pentru voluntar și pentru membrii comunității.
Tipuri de proiecte
Voluntarii din proiectele pe termen lung pot alege dintr-o varietate de proiecte și activități, de la a lucra cu persoane cu dizabilități, tineri cu oportunități reduse sau minorități etnice până la a lucra într-un birou sau a desfășura activități zilnice într-un sat ecologic.
Cine poate candida
Orice persoană indiferent de sex, rasă, religie sau ideologie. Nu există o limită superioară de vârstă, dar voluntarii trebuie să aibă cel puțin 18 ani.
Toți voluntarii din proiectele pe termen lung beneficiază de masă și cazare, o mica sumă pentru bani de buzunar și o asigurare de sănătate de bază SCI.
Cheltuielile de călătorie pentru proiect sunt în general acoperite de voluntari.
Cum poți să candidezi
Proiectele sunt listate în mod regulat într-o bază de date online pentru proiecte de voluntariat pe termen lung; apoi faci clic pe apeluri deschise pentru proiecte sau cauți un proiect pentru a găsi plasamentele de voluntariat disponibile.
Ești interesat de unul dintre proiecte? Poți obține toate informațiile necesare, iar apoi poți trimite candidature ta aici.
Pentru asistență suplimentară, vă rugăm să contactați filiala SCI (organizația membră) sau SCI International.
Mai multe informații: https://www.sci.ngo/
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) - це волонтерська організація, яка займається розвитком культури миру шляхом організації міжнародних добровільних проєкт для людей різного віку та походження. Організація складається з 43 філій та постійно зростаючої кількості партнерських організацій. Жити і працювати разом з людьми різного походження допомагає волонтерам зламати бар'єри і забобони. Це дозволяє їм відчути світ взаємної поваги та розуміння. У цьому сенсі волонтерство можна розглядати як спосіб життя, демонстрацію можливої реальності мирного і кооперативного світу.
Програма довгострокового волонтерства (LTV) надає волонтерам можливість волонтерства за кордоном від 1 до 12 місяців. Довгострокові обміни розглядаються як пріорітетна діяльність в SCI, яка є доповненням до короткострокових волонтерських проектів або «workcamps».
Про волонтерство:
Довгострокове волонтерство - це більше, ніж просто робота. Це досвід життя за кордоном і навчання від різних культур і людей, а також глибоке залучення до конкретного проекту, який створено на користь місцевої громади. Це зобов'язання, яке дає змогу забезпечити стійку роботу заради миру, як на конкретному рівні для філій та партнерських організацій SCI, а й особливо на особистому рівні для волонтерів та членів спільноти.
Які проекти:
Довгострокові волонтери мають необмежений вибір тем: від роботи з інвалідами, малозабезпеченою молоддю або етнічними меншинами, до роботи в офісі або щоденної діяльності в еко-селі.
Хто може подати заявку:
Всі люди будь-якої національності, статі, раси, релігії або ідеології, але волонтери повинні бути не менше 18 років.
Що ви отримуєте:
Для всіх довгострокових волонтерів покривається харчування та житло, надаються кишенькові гроші та базове медичне страхування.
Дорожні витрати на проєкт, як правило, покриваються волонтерами.
Як подати заявку:
Проекти регулярно публікуються в он-лайн базі даних для довгострокових проектів волонтерства; де ви зможете знайти відкриті проекти або шукати проект, який вам цікавий.
Зацікавлені в одному з проектів? Отримайте всю необхідну інформацію, щоб подати заявку тут.
Для подальшої підтримки з контактуйте з SCI branch (членські організації) чи з SCI International .
Деталі: https://www.sciint.org
Volunteering /
Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 43 branches and an ever-growing number of partner organisations. Living and working together with people of different backgrounds helps volunteers to break down barriers and prejudices. It allows them to experience a world of mutual respect and understanding. In this sense, volunteering can be seen as a way of life, a demonstration of the possible reality of a peaceful and cooperative world.
SCI's long-term volunteering programme provides volunteers with the opportunity to stay abroad from 1 to 12 months. Long term volunteering exchanges are considered as an essential activity in SCI which is complimentary to short term voluntary projects or ¨workcamps¨.
Long term volunteering is more than just work. It is the experience of living abroad and learning from different cultures and people, while getting deeply involved with a concrete project that is for the benefit of the local community. It is a commitment that enables sustained work for peace, both on a concrete level for SCI branches and partner organisations, but also and especially on a personal level for the volunteer and the members of the community.
Long term volunteers can choose from a variety of projects and activities, from working with disabled people, disadvantaged youth or ethnic minorities, to working in an office or running daily activities in an eco-village.
All people without any distinction of sex, race, religion or ideology. There is no upper age limit, but volunteers need to be at least 18 years.
All long term volunteers are provided with food and accommodation, some pocket money and a basic SCI health insurance. Travel costs to the project are generally covered by the volunteers.
Projects are regularly listed on an on-line database for Long Term Volunteering Projects; then click on open projects or search project to look for available volunteering positions.
Interested in one of the projects? For further support, please contact your SCI branch (member organisation) or SCI International.
Visit the official website: https://www.sciint.org
IAESTE Volunteering Programme
Volunteering opportunities for former or current IAESTE trainees.
Read this in 7 languages
Volunteering /
IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) offers former or current IAESTE trainees or undergraduate students from universities based in an IAESTE Local Committee opportunities to volunteer and develop new skills (organisational, managerial, financial, social) and make new friends.
Who can apply
To be able to apply, one of these two criteria has to be fulfilled:
How to apply
To get involved, please get in touch with one the local IAESTE committee.
Read more here.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for individuals
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Volunteering /
L'IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) propose à ses anciens et actuels stagiaires ou aux étudiants de premier cycle dans des universités ayant un comité local IAESTE, la possibilité de faire du volontariat et de développer de nouvelles compétences (organisationnelles, managériales, financières, sociales) et de se faire de nouveaux amis.
Qui peut postuler
Pour pouvoir postuler, vous devez remplir l'un de ces deux critères :
Comment postuler
Pour postuler, merci de contacter l'un des comités locaux IAESTE.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Volunteering /
IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) bietet ehemaligen oder gegenwärtigen IAESTE-Auszubildenden oder Studenten von Universitäten, die in einem IAESTE Local Committee angesiedelt sind, die Möglichkeit, sich freiwillig zu melden und neue Fähigkeiten (organisatorische, leitende, finanzielle, soziale) zu entwickeln und neue Freunde zu finden.
Wer kann sich bewerben
Um sich bewerben zu können, muss eines dieser beiden Kriterien erfüllt sein:
Wie man sich bewirbt
Um mitzumachen, wenden Sie sich bitte an eines der lokalen IAESTE Kommittees.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Volunteering /
IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) kínál hallgatók, korábbi és jelenlegi IAESTE gyakornokok számára lehetőségeket arra, hogy önénteskedjenek, fejlesszék készségeiket (szervezési, pénzügyi, közösségi), valamint hogy új barátokat szerezzenek.
Kik jelentkezhetnek?
A jelentkezéshez a következő feltételek valamelyikének teljesülnie kell:
Hogyan lehet jelentkezni?
Ahhoz hogy bekapcsolódj, vedd fel a kapcsolatot a helyi IAESTE bizottsággal.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Volunteering /
IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) offre a ex o attuali tirocinanti IAESTE o studenti universitari di università con sede in un Comitato Locale IAESTE opportunità di fare volontariato e sviluppare nuove competenze (organizzative, gestionali, finanziarie, sociali) e fare nuove amicizie.
Chi può candidarsi
Per poter fare domanda, uno di questi due criteri deve essere soddisfatto:
-il candidato è un ex o attuale tirocinante IAESTE
-il candidato è uno studente universitario di un'università dove esiste un Comitato Locale
Come fare domanda
Per partecipare, si prega di mettersi in contatto con uno dei comitati locali IAESTE.
Per saperne di più, vedere qui.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Volunteering /
IAESTE (Asociaţia Internaţională pentru Schimburi de Studenţi pentru Experienţă Tehnică) oferă foștilor sau actualilor stagiari IAESTE sau studenților, de la universități unde există comitete locale IAESTE, oportunitatea de a face voluntariat, de a-și dezvolta noi competențe (organizaționale, manageriale, financiare, sociale) și de a-și face noi prieteni.
Cine poate candida
Pentru a putea candida, trebuie îndeplinit unul dintre cele două criterii:
Cum poți să candidezi
Pentru a te implica, trebuie să contactezi unul dintre comitetele locale IAESTE.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Volunteering /
IAESTE (Міжнародна асоціація по обміну студентами технічних спеціальностей) пропонує колишнім чи нинішнім стажерам IAESTE або ж студентам бакалаврату в університетах, де є місцевий комітет IAESTE, можливості волонтерства, розвитку нових навичок (організаційних, фінансових, соціальних) та знайомства з цікавими людьми.
Хто може подати заявку
Щоб мати можливість подати заявку, необхідно підходити під один із двох критеріїв:
Як подати заявку
Щоб взяти участь, будь ласка, зв'яжіться з одним із місцевих комітетів IAESTE у вашій країні.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Volunteering /
IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) offers former or current IAESTE trainees, or undergraduate students from universities based in IAESTE countries, opportunities to volunteer, develop new skills (organisational, managerial, financial, social) and make international friends.
To be able to apply, one of these two criteria has to be fulfilled:
To get involved, please get in touch with your local IAESTE committee.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macao SAR China, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Greenpeace volunteer programme
Volunteer to take action for the environment.
Read this in 7 languages
Volunteering /
Do you have a passion for this planet and want to do more? 15,000 volunteers around the world help Greenpeace to do everything from painting signs and organizing local marches, to dropping banners and occupying oil-rigs.
There are basically four different options of volunteering:
Opportunities, as well as eligibility criteria and deadlines, differ, so get in touch with a Greenpeace office in your country for detailed information.
Read more here.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for individuals
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Volunteering /
Имате ли страст към тази планета и искате ли да направите повече за нея? 15 000 доброволци по целия свят помагат на Грийнпийс да направи всичко - от рисуване на знаци и организиране на местни шествия до пускане на банери и окупиране на нефтени платформи.
Има четири различни варианта за доброволчество:
• Можете да създадете своя собствена кампания.
• Можете да се свържете с местния офис на Грийнпийс и да разберете от какви доброволци имат нужда в момента.
• Можете да помогнете на каузата дори чрез туитване, блогване или просто споделяне на съдържанието на Грийнпийс.
• Или можете да плавате на борда на кораб на Грийнпийс като доброволец например.
Възможностите, както и критериите за допустимост и крайните срокове се различават, така че се свържете с офис на Грийнпийс във вашата страна за подробна информация.
Прочетете повече тук.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Volunteering /
La protection de la planète vous passionne et vous souhaitez vous investir davantage ? Dans le monde entier, 15 000 volontaires aident Greenpeace à protéger la planète, qu'il s'agisse de peindre des affiches, d'organiser des marches locales, de déployer des banderoles ou d'occuper des plateformes pétrolières.
Il y a généralement quatre types de volontariat différents :
Les opportunités, ainsi que leurs critères d'éligibilités et dates limites diffèrent. Vous devrez donc contacter le bureau Greenpeace de votre pays pour plus de précisions.
Plus d'informations ici.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Volunteering /
Hast du eine Leidenschaft für diesen Planeten und möchtest mehr tun? 15.000 Freiwillige auf der ganzen Welt helfen Greenpeace dabei, Schilder zu malen und lokale Märsche zu organisieren, Banner zu werfen und Ölplattformen zu besetzen.
Grundsätzlich gibt es vier verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Freiwilligenarbeit:
Die Möglichkeiten sowie die Zulassungskriterien und -fristen sind unterschiedlich. Wenden Sie sich daher an ein Greenpeace-Büro in ihrem Land, um ausführliche Informationen zu erhalten.
Read more here.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Volunteering /
Do you have a passion for this planet and want to do more? 15,000 volunteers around the world help Greenpeace to do everything from painting signs and organizing local marches, to dropping banners and occupying oil-rigs.
Érdekel a bolygónk, és szeretnél többet tenni érte? Világszerte mintegy 15 ezer önkéntes segíti a Greenpeace munkáját minden területen: a táblák festésétől és a helyi menetek megszervezésén át egészen az olajfúrótornyok elfoglalásáig.
Négy különböző önkéntes lehetőség van:
A lehetőségek, a részvételi feltételek és a határidők eltérőek lehetnek, így érdemes a részletekért a hazai Greenpeace irodával kapcsolatba lépned.
További részletek itt.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Volunteering /
Avete una passione per il pianeta e volete fare di più? 15.000 volontari in tutto il mondo aiutano Greenpeace a fare di tutto, dalla pittura di cartelli all'organizzazione di marce locali, dall'affissione di striscioni all'occupazione di piattaforme petrolifere.
Ci sono fondamentalmente quattro diverse opzioni di volontariato:
-Si può creare la propria campagna.
-Ci si può mettere in contatto con l'ufficio locale di Greenpeace e scoprire di quali volontari hanno bisogno al momento.
-Si può aiutare la causa anche solo twittando, bloggando o semplicemente condividendo i contenuti di Greenpeace.
-Oppure si può navigare a bordo di una nave di Greenpeace, ad esempio come marinaio volontario.
Le opportunità, così come i criteri di ammissibilità e le scadenze, variano, quindi contattate l'ufficio di Greenpeace del vostro Paese per avere informazioni dettagliate.
Per saperne di più leggi qui.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Volunteering /
Ai o pasiune pentru această planetă și vrei să faci mai mult? 15.000 de voluntari din întreaga lume ajută Greenpeace să facă totul, de la inscripționarea de pancarte și organizarea marșurilor locale, până la afișarea de bannere și ocuparea platformelor petroliere.
Există practic patru opțiuni diferite de voluntariat:
• Poți crea propria campanie cu GreenpeaceX.
• Poți lua legătura cu biroul local Greenpeace și poți afla care sunt voluntarii de care au nevoie în acel moment.
• Poți ajuta cauza prin tweeting, blogging sau pur și simplu împărtășind conținutul Greenpeace.
• Sau poți naviga la bordul unei nave Greenpeace, de exemplu, cu marinar voluntar.
Oportunitățile, precum și criteriile de eligibilitate și termenele limită diferă, așa că, pentru detalii, contactează biroul Greenpeace din țara ta.
Mai multe informații pot fi găsite aici.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Volunteering /
Do you have a passion for the planet and want to do more? 15,000 volunteers around the world help Greenpeace to do everything from painting signs and organizing local marches, to dropping banners and occupying oil-rigs.
There are four different options of volunteering:
Opportunities, as well as eligibility criteria and deadlines, differ, so get in touch with a Greenpeace office in your country for detailed information.
Read more on Greenpeace volunteering pages.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Congo - Kinshasa, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR China, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States
Humanitarian Aid Volunteering
Cross-border volunteering activities in support of humanitarian aid operations.
Read this in 8 languages
Volunteering /
The European Solidarity Corps is open to the world bringing together volunteers and organisations from different countries and offering cross-border volunteering activities in support of humanitarian aid operations in third countries.
Who can participate
European Solidarity Corps volunteering activities are open to 18-35-year-old people who legally reside in an EU Member State or in a third country associated with the Programme (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Republic of North Macedonia) and who have registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal.
Volunteering activities
You have the choice between individual volunteering and team volunteering:
-Individual volunteering
-Team volunteering
Access to several support services, covered travel costs, a complementary insurances, accommodation and food, a small allowance for personal expenses
Cost for specific needs (e.g. a disability), may also be covered.
Supporting and host organisations
Visas e residence permits
You may need one (or both) of these when moving between countries to take part in your Corps activity.
Please make your request for any such travel or residence permits well in advance, as the process may take several weeks.
For details, contact the relevant National Agency or the Executive Agency.
For general information on visas and residence permits, for both short and long-term stays, check the EU immigration portal.
How to register
You can register here and express your interest in Humanitarian aid volunteering.
Compulsory Online Training Courses
Prior to a volunteering activity volunteers need to have completed successfully a self-assessment, and online and face-to-face training.
Find out more here.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for individuals
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
L’initiative de volontariat de l’aide de l’UE regroupe des volontaires et organisations de différents pays, qui apportent un soutien pratique aux projets d’aide humanitaire et qui contribuent au renforcement de la capacité locale et de résilience des communautés sinistrées.
L’initiative de volontariat de l’aide de l’UE est ouverte à tous les citoyens de l’UE et aux résidents de longue durée vivant en Europe, venant d’horizons très divers et possédant différents niveaux d’expertise (de débutants à professionnels expérimentés).
Les citoyens de pays candidats potentiels, de l’Espace économique européen ou de politique européenne de voisinage seront éligibles pour postuler seulement lorsque l’UE aura signé des accords bilatéraux avec ces pays.
Chaque placement de volontaire dépend des besoins humanitaires de l’organisation d’accueil et du contexte de déploiement. En général, il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir une expérience précédente dans le volontariat. Toutefois, les volontaires peuvent se référer au profil de compétences du poste à pourvoir qui les intéresse, de façon à savoir si leur profil correspond au poste.
Profils des volontaires
Il existe deux principaux profils de volontaires :
Dans un premier temps, il peut être demandé aux juniors de passer jusqu’à 6 mois dans une organisation située dans l’UE (apprentissage) de façon à ce qu’il se familiarise avec la nature humanitaire de son projet. Pour chaque mission, il sera précisé si le volontaire attendu est un profil junior ou professionnel. Certains volontaires de l’aide de l’UE ont des connaissances spécifiques et particulièrement utiles dans le contexte humanitaire. Il peut s’agir de logistique et de transport, capacité organisationnelle et développement des compétences, eau et installations sanitaires, abri et protection, nutrition et santé, données et connaissances des catastrophes, services médicaux et paramédicaux, etc.
Missions et durée
Les volontaires travaillent sur différents types de missions, selon leur profil de compétence et leur expérience. Les activités interviennent dans des domaines tels que le développement des connaissances, la gestion de projet, la gestion de risque après un désastre, l’alimentation et la nutrition, l’eau et assainissement, etc. Les volontaires seront déployés dans des pays en dehors de l’UE, où se déroulent des opérations d’aide humanitaire. Ils ne seront pas déployés dans des pays ou régions dans lesquels ont lieu des conflits armés internationaux ou non..
La durée du déploiement dépend du projet spécifique sur lequel travaille le volontaire. Elle peut varier d’1 à 18 mois.
Le programme couvre les dépenses pendant le déploiement, frais de voyage, assurance et logement inclus. De plus, les volontaires recevront une indemnité de subsistance mensuelle qui couvre les dépenses du quotidien telles que la nourriture, le transport sur place, et d’autres dépenses selon le pays de déploiement. Tous les volontaires participeront à un programme de formation centralisé et à la suite duquel, ils seront évalués pour savoir s’ils sont ou non prêts à être déployés.
Les volontaires en ligne de l’aide de UE
Ceux qui ne peuvent pas quitter leur pays peuvent saisir l’opportunité de rejoindre une plateforme de volontariat en ligne qui les mettra en contact avec des organisations qui ont besoin de soutien qui peut être offert à distance.
Des opportunités de volontariat en ligne spécifiques sont publiées sur la plateforme des postes à pourvoir.
Comment postuler
Les opportunités de déploiement et de volontariat en ligne sont publiées sur la plateforme des volontaires de l’aide de l’UE.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
Инициативата „Доброволци на ЕС за хуманитарна помощ“ е отворена за граждани на ЕС и дългосрочно пребиваващи в държавите членки граждани на трети страни с широк спектър от опит и с различен опит – от новодошли до опитни професионалисти.
Гражданите на потенциалните страни кандидатки, страните от ЕИП или Европейската политика за съседство ще могат да кандидатстват само когато ЕС подпише двустранни споразумения с тези страни.
Всяка доброволческа позиция зависи от хуманитарните нужди на приемащата организация и от контекста на разполагането. Обикновено не е необходим предишен опит на доброволците. Въпреки това, доброволците могат да се позоват на изискваните компетентности за свободното работно място, което ги интересува, за да разберат дали техният профил е подходящ за позицията.
Профил на доброволците
Съществуват два основни доброволчески профила:
От младшите професионалисти може да се изиска първо да прекарат шест месеца в организация със седалище в ЕС (чиракуване), за да се запознаят с хуманитарния характер на проекта.
Всяка задача ще определи дали е необходим старши или младши професионалист-доброволец.
Някои доброволци на ЕС за хуманитарна помощ разполагат със специализирани познания в областта на хуманитарната помощ като логистика и транспорт, организационно развитие и изграждане на капацитет, водоснабдяване и канализация, защита и подслон, храна и здравно хранене, данни и знания за бедствия, медицински и парамедицински услуги и др.
Задачи и продължителност
Доброволците ще работят по различни типове задачи, в зависимост от профила и опита им.
Дейностите ще бъдат в области като организационно развитие и изграждане на капацитет, управление на проекти, подкрепа за управление на риска от бедствия, храна и здравословно хранене, водоснабдяване и канализация и др.
Доброволците ще бъдат разположени в страни извън ЕС, където се извършват операции за хуманитарна помощ. Те няма да бъдат изпращани в страни или региони с международни или немеждународни въоръжени конфликти.
Продължителността на дейностите зависи от конкретния проект, по който доброволецът работи. Това може да бъде от 1 месец до 18 месеца.
Програмата покрива разходите по време на дейностите, включително пътни разходи, застраховки и настаняване.
В допълнение, доброволците получават месечни надбавки за престоя, които покриват ежедневните разходи като храна, местен транспорт и други разходи в зависимост от страната на разполагане.
Всички доброволци ще получат централизирано организирана програма за обучение и ще бъдат оценени по отношение на тяхната готовност за включване в дейностите.
Онлайн доброволци на ЕС за хуманитарна помощ
Тези, които не могат да напуснат страната си, могат да се възползват от възможността да се присъединят към онлайн платформа за доброволчество и да се свържат с организации, които се нуждаят от подкрепа, която може да бъде предоставена дистанционно.
Специфичните възможности за онлайн доброволчество се публикуват на платформата за свободни работни места веднага щом те станат достъпни.
Как се кандидаства
Възможностите за дейности на терен и онлайн доброволчество се публикуват в платформата на инициативата „Доброволци на ЕС за хуманитарна помощ“.
Научете повече: http://ec.europa.eu/echo/what/humanitarian-aid/eu-aid-volunteers_en
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
Le Corps européen de solidarité est ouvert au monde. Il rassemble des volontaires et des organisations de différents pays et propose des activités de volontariat transfrontalières pour soutenir des opérations d'aide humanitaire dans des pays tiers.
Qui peut participer ?
Les activités de volontariat d'aide humanitaire du Corps européen de solidarité sont ouvertes aux personnes âgées de 18 à 35 ans qui résident légalement dans un État membre de l'UE ou dans un pays tiers associé au programme (Islande, Liechtenstein, Turquie et République de Macédoine du Nord) et qui se sont inscrites sur le portail du Corps européen de solidarité.
Activités de volontariat
Vous avez le choix entre le volontariat individuel et le volontariat en équipe, pour une période plus ou moins longue.
Le volontariat individuel :
Le volontariat en équipe :
Tous les volontaires auront accès à une série de services de soutien tels que le soutien linguistique et la formation. Le programme couvre les dépenses pendant le déploiement, y compris les frais de voyage, une assurance complémentaire, l'hébergement et la nourriture. En outre, les volontaires recevront une petite indemnité pour leurs dépenses personnelles. Les frais liés à des besoins spécifiques (par exemple un handicap) peuvent également être pris en charge.
Organisations de soutien et d'accueil
Si vous êtes sélectionné pour partir à l'étranger dans le cadre d'un volontariat d'aide humanitaire, au moins trois organisations seront impliquées :
Les premières opportunités devraient être publiées au cours du deuxième trimestre 2023.
Visas et permis de séjour
Vous pouvez avoir besoin de l'un de ces documents (ou des deux) lorsque vous vous déplacez d'un pays à l'autre pour participer à l'activité de votre Corps.
Veuillez présenter votre demande de permis de voyage ou de séjour suffisamment à l'avance, car la procédure peut prendre plusieurs semaines.
Pour plus de détails, contactez l'agence nationale compétente ou l'agence exécutive.
Pour obtenir des informations générales sur les visas et les permis de séjour, pour les séjours de courte et de longue durée, consultez le portail de l'UE sur l'immigration.
Comment s'inscrire
Vous pouvez vous inscrire ici et manifester votre intérêt pour le volontariat dans le domaine de l'aide humanitaire.
Formation en ligne obligatoire
Avant d'entreprendre une activité de volontariat, les volontaires doivent avoir réussi une auto-évaluation et une formation en ligne et en face-à-face.
La formation obligatoire est dispensée en ligne sur la plateforme de l'Académie européenne. Ceux qui réussissent le test participeront ensuite à une formation en face-à-face de 5 jours en groupes d'environ 25 candidats.
La formation en ligne sur EU Academy est accessible via l'onglet « Formation en ligne » du compte des volontaires du Corps européen de solidarité. Les volontaires doivent sélectionner l'option « Formation à l'aide humanitaire » (et non la formation générale en ligne). Une fois sur la plateforme de l'EU Academy, ils seront d'abord invités à faire une auto-évaluation, puis, s'ils décident de poursuivre leur parcours, ils commenceront la formation obligatoire au volontariat dans l'aide humanitaire.
Plus d'informations ici
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
Die EU-Freiwilligeninitiative für humanitäre Hilfe bringt Freiwillige und Organisationen aus verschiedenen Ländern zusammen, bietet praktische Unterstützung für humanitäre Hilfsprojekte und trägt zur Stärkung der lokalen Kapazität und Widerstandsfähigkeit der von Katastrophen betroffenen Gemeinden bei.
Die EU-Freiwilligeninitiative für humanitäre Hilfe steht EU-Bürgern und langfristig in einem Mitgliedstaat ansässigen Drittstaatsangehörigen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund und unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen offen, von Neueinsteigern bis zu erfahrenen Fachleuten.
Bürger potenzieller Bewerberländer, Länder aus dem EWR oder der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspolitik können nur dann einen Antrag stellen, wenn die EU bilaterale Abkommen mit diesen Ländern unterzeichnet.
Jede freiwillige Unterbringung hängt von den humanitären Bedürfnissen der aufnehmenden Organisation und dem Kontext des Einsatzes ab. Normalerweise ist keine Erfahrung als Freiwilliger erforderlich. Freiwillige können sich jedoch auf das Kompetenzprofil der Stelle beziehen, an der sie interessiert sind, um zu verstehen, ob ihr Profil für die Position angemessen ist.
Es gibt zwei Hauptprofile für Freiwillige:
Nachwuchskräfte müssen möglicherweise zunächst bis zu sechs Monate in einer Organisation mit Sitz in der EU verbringen (Praktikum), um sich mit dem humanitären Charakter Ihres Projekts vertraut zu machen. In jedem Auftrag wird angegeben, ob es sich bei dem benötigten Freiwilligen um einen Senior- oder Junior-Profi handelt .
Einige EU - Freiwilligen für humanitäre Hilfe verfügen über Fachkenntnisse im Zusammenhang mit humanitärer Hilfe wie Logistik und Transport, Organisationsentwicklung und Kapazitätsaufbau, Wasser - und Sanitärversorgung, Schutz und Unterkunft, Ernährung und Gesundheit, Katastropheninformationen und - kenntnisse, medizinischen und paramedizinischen Diensten usw .
Aufgaben und Dauer
Die Freiwilligen werden in Abhängigkeit von ihrem Kompetenzprofil und ihrer Erfahrung an verschiedenen Arten von Aufgaben arbeiten.
Die Aktivitäten umfassen Bereiche wie Organisationsentwicklung und Kapazitätsaufbau, Projektmanagement, Unterstützung beim Katastrophenrisikomanagement, Ernährung, Wasser und Sanitärversorgung usw.
Freiwillige werden in Ländern außerhalb der EU eingesetzt, in denen humanitäre Hilfsmaßnahmen durchgeführt werden. Sie werden nicht in Länder oder Regionen mit internationalen oder nicht internationalen bewaffneten Konflikten entsandt. Die Dauer des Einsatzes hängt von dem spezifischen Projekt ab, an dem der Freiwillige arbeitet. Dies kann zwischen 1 Monat und 18 Monaten liegen.
Das Programm deckt die Ausgaben während des Einsatzes ab, einschließlich Reisekosten, Versicherungen und Unterbringung.
Darüber hinaus erhalten die Freiwilligen ein monatliches Tagegeld, das die täglichen Ausgaben wie Essen, Transport vor Ort und andere Ausgaben abhängig vom Einsatzland abdeckt.
Alle Freiwilligen erhalten ein zentral organisiertes Schulungsprogramm und werden auf ihre Einsatzbereitschaft überprüft.
EU Aid Online Volunteers
Diejenigen, die ihr Land nicht verlassen können, können die Gelegenheit nutzen, sich einer Online-Freiwilligenplattform anzuschließen und sich mit Organisationen in Verbindung zu setzen, die Unterstützung aus der Ferne benötigen. Spezifische Online-Freiwilligenangebote werden auf der Stellenplattform veröffentlicht, sobald sie verfügbar sind.
Wie man sich bewirbt
Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten und die Online-Freiwilligenarbeit werden auf EU Aid Volunteers Platform veröffentlicht.
Hier finden Sie mehr Informationen dazu.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
Az EU Aid Volunteers egy olyan kezdeményezés, mely különféle szervezeteket és az önkénteseket hoz össze több országból, hogy közös erővel valósíthassanak meg humanitárius segítő projekteket, és elősegítsék a katasztrófa sújtotta közösségek talpra állását.
Az EU Aid Volunteers kezdeményezés nyitva áll minden olyan EU állampolgárok, vagy harmadik országból származó, de tartósan az EU-ban tartózkodó személyek számára, akik elhivatottak az emberi jogok és humanitárius értékek iránt, és szeretnének segíteni. A programban való részvételnek nem feltétele korábbi önkéntes tapasztalat, ugyanakkor bizonyos területeken szerzett munkatapasztalat előnyt jelenthet.
Az önkéntesek két csoportjának várják jelentkezését:
A Junior szakembereknek az első hat hónapot olyan EU székhelyű szervezetnél kell tölteniük, ahol megismerkedhetnek a projektek humanitárius természetével. A lehetőségeknél fel van tüntve, hogy junior vagy senior önkéntesek jelentkezését várják. , emellett Az önkéntesek adminisztrációs, szervezési és alapvető egészségügyi ismeretekkel is gazdagodnak.
Feladatok és időtartam:
Az önkéntesek különböző típusú megbízásokat kapnak a rátermettségük és tapasztalatuk alapján.
A megbízatások széleskörűek lehetnek a szervezetfejlesztéstől kezdve, projektmenedzsmenten át a katasztrófavédelmen át az alapvető élelmezési és higiénés ellátásokig.
Az önkénteseket olyan EU-n kívüli országokba küldik, ahol a különböző humanitárius akciók zajlanak, ugyanakkor egy önkéntes sem fog olyan országba kerülni, ahol fegyveres harcok folynak. A kiküldetések az egyes humanitárius akciók hosszától (1-18 hónap) függően változnak.
A program alatt az önkéntesek minden költségét fedezik, beleértve az utazási költségeket, a biztosítást és a szállást is. Ezek mellett az önkéntesek havonta részesülnek kiegészítő támogatásban, melyből finanszírozni tudják mindennapi kiadásaikat (étkezés, tömegközlekedés, stb).
Az önkénteseket központilag szervezett tréningeken készítik fel a kiküldetésekre.
EU Online Aid Volunteers
Azoknak, akik valamilyen oknál fogva nem hagyhatják el az országukat, lehetőségük van az online önkéntes platformhoz csatlakozni, mellyel távolról segíthetik a szervezetek munkáját. Az egyes online önkéntes lehetőségekó elérhetőek lesznek a szervezetek honlapján, amint elindul a program.
Hogyan pályázz:
Mind a személyes, mind az online önkéntes lehetőségek az angol nyelvű Portálon találhatók.
További információ itt található.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
L'iniziativa EU Aid Volunteers riunisce volontari e organizzazioni di diversi paesi, fornendo supporto pratico ai progetti di aiuto umanitario e contribuendo a rafforzare la capacità locale e la resilienza delle comunità colpite da disastri.
L'iniziativa EU Aid Volunteers è aperta ai cittadini dell'UE e ai residenti di lungo periodo di paesi terzi in uno Stato membro da una vasta gamma di background e con esperienze diverse, dai nuovi arrivati ai professionisti esperti.
I cittadini dei potenziali paesi candidati, i paesi SEE o dela Politica Europea di Vicinato saranno ammissibili alla candidatura solo quando l'UE firmerà accordi bilaterali con tali paesi.
Ogni collocamento di volontariato dipende dalle esigenze umanitarie dell'organizzazione ospitante e dal contesto di implementazione. Normalmente non è richiesta un'esperienza precedente di volontariato. Tuttavia, i volontari possono fare riferimento al profilo di competenza del posto vacante a cui sono interessati, al fine di capire se il loro profilo è adeguato per la posizione.
Profili dei volontari
Ci sono due profili di volontari principali:
• Professionisti junior (meno di 5 anni di esperienza lavorativa);
• Professionisti senior (oltre 5 anni di esperienza lavorativa).
Ai giovani professionisti può essere richiesto di trascorrere un massimo di sei mesi presso un'organizzazione con sede nell'UE (tirocinio di apprendistato) al fine di familiarizzare con la natura umanitaria del progetto.
Per ogni incarico viene specificato se il volontario necessario è un professionista senior o junior.
Alcuni volontari dell'UE per l'aiuto umanitario avranno conoscenze specialistiche pertinenti al contesto dell'aiuto umanitario quali logistica e trasporti, sviluppo organizzativo e rafforzamento delle capacità, acqua e servizi igienico-sanitari, protezione e riparo, alimentazione e salute, dati e conoscenze sui disastri, servizi medici e paramedici, ecc.
Compiti e durata
I volontari lavoreranno su diversi tipi di incarichi, a seconda del loro profilo di competenza ed esperienza. Le attività si svolgeranno in settori quali lo sviluppo organizzativo e la creazione di capacità, la gestione dei progetti, il supporto alla gestione del rischio di catastrofi, cibo e nutrizione, acqua e servizi igienico-sanitari, ecc. I volontari saranno inviati in paesi al di fuori dell'UE dove si svolgono operazioni di aiuto umanitario. Non saranno inviati in paesi o regioni con conflitti armati internazionali o non internazionali. La durata del soggiorno dipende dal progetto specifico su cui lavora il volontario (da 1 a 18 mesi.)
Il programma coprirà le spese durante tutto il soggiorno, compresi i costi di viaggio, le assicurazioni e l'alloggio. Inoltre, i volontari riceveranno un'indennità di sussistenza mensile che copre le spese quotidiane come cibo, trasporti locali e altre spese a seconda del paese in cui si svolge il periodo di volontariato. Tutti i volontari riceveranno un programma di formazione organizzato a livello centrale e saranno valutati in merito alla loro preparazione per l'implementazione.
EU Aid Online Volunteers
Coloro che non possono lasciare il loro paese possono cogliere l'opportunità di aderire a una piattaforma di volontariato online ed entrare in contatto con organizzazioni che necessitano di supporto da offrire a distanza.
Le opportunità specifiche di volontariato online verranno pubblicate sulla piattaforma di posti vacanti non appena disponibili.
Come presentare la candidatura
Le opportunità di invio e il volontariato online vengono pubblicate sulla piattaforma EU Aid Volunteers.
Per ulteriori informazioni: http://ec.europa.eu/echo/what/humanitarian-aid/eu-aid-volunteers_en
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
Inițiativa "Voluntari UE pentru ajutor umanitar" reunește voluntari și organizații din diferite țări, oferind sprijin practic proiectelor de ajutor umanitar și contribuind la consolidarea capacitățior locale și a rezilienței comunităților afectate de dezastre.
Inițiativa "Voluntari UE pentru ajutor umanitar" se adresează cetățenilor UE și rezidenților pe termen lung din țări terțe dintr-un stat membru UE cu diverse background-uri și experiențe, de la noii veniți la profesioniști cu experiență.
Cetățenii din țările potențial candidate, țările SEE sau țări care sunt prezente în politica europeană de vecinătate vor fi eligibili să candideze numai atunci când UE semnează acorduri bilaterale cu aceste țări.
Fiecare activitate de voluntariat depinde de nevoile umanitare ale organizației gazdă și de contextul de desfășurare. În mod normal, nu este necesară experiența de voluntariat. Cu toate acestea, voluntarii pot face referire la competențele necesare conform profilului postului vacant de voluntariat de care sunt interesați, pentru a se înțelege dacă profilul lor este adecvat poziției.
Profilul voluntarilor
Există două profiluri principale pentru voluntari:
Profesioniștii juniori ar putea fi obligați să petreacă mai întâi până la șase luni într-o organizație din UE (stagiu de ucenicie) pentru a se familiariza cu latura umanitară a proiectului.
Fiecare misiune va specifica dacă este nevoie de un voluntar profesionist senior sau junior.
Unii dintre voluntarii UE pentru ajutor umanitar trebuie să aibă cunoștințe de specialitate relevante în contextul ajutorului umanitar, cum ar fi logistică și transport, dezvoltare organizațională și consolidarea capacităților, apă și canalizare, protecție și adăpostire, nutriție și sănătate, date și cunoștințe legate de dezastre, servicii medicale și paramedicale, etc.
Sarcini și durată
Voluntarii vor lucra pe diferite tipuri de misiuni, în funcție de competențele și experiența lor.
Activitățile vor fi în domenii precum dezvoltarea organizațională și consolidarea capacităților, managementul proiectelor, sprijinul pentru managementul riscului în caz de dezastre, alimentație și nutriție, apă și canalizare, etc.
Voluntarii vor merge în țări din afara UE unde au loc operațiuni de ajutor umanitar. Aceștia nu vor merge în țări sau regiuni cu conflicte armate internaționale sau non-internaționale.
Durata desfășurării activității de voluntariat depinde de proiectul specific pentru care lucrează voluntarul. Aceasta poate fi cuprinsă între 1 lună și 18 luni.
Programul acoperă cheltuielile în timpul activității de voluntariat, inclusiv costurile de călătorie, asigurările și cazarea.
În plus, voluntarii vor primi o indemnizație de subzistență lunară care să acopere cheltuielile de zi cu zi, cum ar fi masa, transportul local și alte cheltuieli, în funcție de țara unde se desfășoară activitatea de voluntariat.
Toți voluntarii vor beneficia de un program de formare centralizat și vor fi evaluați privind pregătirea lor pentru stagiul de voluntariat.
Voluntarii online pentru ajutor umanitar din UE
Cei care nu își pot părăsi țara au posibilitatea de a se alătura unei platforme online de voluntariat și de a intra în contact cu organizațiile care au nevoie de sprijin care poate fi oferit de la distanță.
Oportunitățile de voluntariat online sunt publicate pe platformă imediat ce acestea sunt disponibile.
Cum candidezi
Atât oportunitățile pentru activități de voluntariat cât și pentru voluntariatul online sunt publicate pe Platforma Voluntari UE pentru ajutor umanitar.
Mai multe informații: http://ec.europa.eu/echo/what/humanitarian-aid/eu-aid-volunteers_en
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Volunteering /
EU Aid Volunteers initiative brings together volunteers and organisations from different countries, providing practical support to humanitarian aid projects and contributing to strengthening the local capacity and resilience of disaster-affected communities.
The EU Aid Volunteers initiative is open to EU citizens and third country long-term residents in a Member State from a wide range of backgrounds and with different experiences, from newcomers to experienced professionals. Citizens of potential candidate countries, countries from the EEA or the European Neighbourhood Policy will be eligible to apply only when the EU signs bilateral agreements with those countries. Each volunteering placement depends on the humanitarian needs of the hosting organisation and the context of deployment. Normally previous volunteering experience is not needed. However, volunteers can refer to the competence profile of the vacancy they are interested in, in order to understand whether their profile is adequate for the position.
There are two main volunteer profiles:
Junior professionals may be required to first spend up to six months in an organisation based in the EU (apprenticeship placement) in order to familiarise yourself with the humanitarian nature of your project. Each assignment will specify whether the volunteer needed is a senior or junior professional. Some EU Aid Volunteers will have specialist knowledge relevant in the context of humanitarian aid such as logistics and transport, organisational development and capacity building, water and sanitation, protection and shelter, nutrition and health, disaster data and knowledge, medical and paramedical services, etc.
Those who cannot leave their country can take the opportunity to join an online volunteering platform and get in touch with organisations that need support that can be offered remotely. Specific online volunteering opportunities are published on the vacancies platform as soon as they are available.
Opportunities for both deployment and online volunteering are published on the EU Aid Volunteers Platform.
Find out more: http://ec.europa.eu/echo/what/humanitarian-aid/eu-aid-volunteers_en
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
All countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein
Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY)
Volunteering in cross-border, transnational or interregional programmes.
Read this in 7 languages
Volunteering /
Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) is a programme for young people eager to gain new international experiences through volunteering and interested to contribute to solidarity projects through cooperation. Along with local actors, IVY volunteers tackle the challenges that Europe and its neighbouring regions are facing, helping to find and implement common solutions.
IVY volunteers serve in cross-border, transnational or interregional programmes and related projects to support cooperation and contribute to building a strong and united Europe in the regions where they are active. Each experience is between 2 and 6 months long, and volunteers are supported financially.
IVY is an initiative of the European Commission and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).
How does it work
There are two ways to join the Interreg Volunteer Youth:
Each experience is between minimum 2 and maximum 6 months long. Volunteers can be deployed in any of 27 EU Member States and partner countries.
Who can take part
IVY is open to young people (18 to 30 year old) from: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Ukraine.
Belarus* and Russia* are suspended due to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine.
Interreg Project Partner
Young people between 18 and 30 year old can apply to become an Interreg Project Partner. Volunteers involved as Interreg Project Partners contribute specifically to the implementation of the Interreg project they’ve been assigned to, in the flied they love.
There is a big variety of Interreg activities (from the education and culture fields to the health and environment ones, and so on), so all types of backgrounds are welcome to become an Interreg Project Partner.
Interreg Reporter
Young people between 18 and 30 year old can apply to become an Interreg Reporter to help communicate the achievements of Interreg. Good knowledge of using social media in a professional context and produce videos are particularly helpful.
Placements and application
All available placement offers are displayed here and you can apply filling in the form at the bottom of the page with the offer.
Selection process
The coordinating organisation (AEBR) will pre-select some suitable profiles for each specific offer, taking into account the host organisation's specific needs.
The host organisation will choose the successful candidate(s) by setting up interviews with all or some of the pre-selected candidates.
Volunteers receive a daily allowance which ranges from 18 to 32 EUR per day, depending on the host country. It covers accommodation, food, local transport plus pocket money.
AEBR covers also the volunteers’ travel costs based on km distance they would do from their home address to the host organisation’s address.
IVY volunteers are fully covered with health, liability and accident insurance.
Grants to organise your own local event
The European Commission and AEBR also provide additional funds for IVY volunteers who wish to organise local events, known as Citizens’ Engagement Activities, informing citizens of the achievements of the European Regional Policy. As an IVY volunteer, you can come up with your own ideas on how to best raise awareness of the benefits that the Cohesion Policy provides locally, and how to engage citizens in a stimulating debate.
Hosting organisations
Interreg Programme or Project willing to host an Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) are invited to read the regulations here.
For further information please check here or get in touch with the organisers at [email protected]
This is an ongoing opportunity available for individuals
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Palestinian Territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Palestinian Territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Volunteering /
Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) е програма за млади хора, които искат да придобият нов международен опит чрез доброволчество и имат желание да допринесат за проекти за солидарност чрез сътрудничество. Заедно с местните участници, доброволците на IVY се справят с предизвикателствата, пред които са изправени Европа и съседните й региони, помагайки за намирането и прилагането на общи решения.
Доброволците на IVY служат в трансгранични, транснационални или междурегионални програми и свързани проекти, за да подкрепят сътрудничеството и да допринесат за изграждането на силна и обединена Европа в регионите, в които са активни. Всяка дейност е с продължителност между 2 и 6 месеца, като доброволците се подпомагат финансово.
IVY е инициатива на Европейската комисия и Асоциацията на европейските гранични региони (AEBR).
Как работи
Има два начина да се присъедините към Interreg Volunteer Youth:
• Като репортери на Interreg, за да помогнете да се подчертаят резултатите от програмите на Interreg
• Като партньори по проекта Interreg, за да допринасете за изпълнението на проектите
Всяка дейност е с продължителност между минимум 2 и максимум 6 месеца. Доброволците могат да бъдат разположени във всяка от 27 държави-членки на ЕС и страни партньори.
Кой може да участва
IVY е насочен към млади хора (18 до 30 години) от: Албания, Алжир, Армения, Австрия, Белгия, Босна и Херцеговина, България, Хърватия, Република Кипър, Чехия, Дания, Египет, Естония, Финландия, Франция, Грузия, Германия, Гърция, Унгария, Исландия, Ирландия, Израел, Италия, Йордания, Косово, Латвия, Ливан, Лихтенщайн, Литва, Люксембург, Малта, Република Молдова, Черна гора, Холандия, Република Северна Македония, Норвегия, Палестина, Полша , Португалия, Румъния, Сърбия, Словакия, Словения, Испания, Швеция, Швейцария, Тунис, Турция, Обединеното кралство и Украйна.
Беларус* и Русия* са отстранени поради руската военна агресия срещу Украйна.
Партньор по проекта Interreg
Млади хора на възраст между 18 и 30 години могат да кандидатстват, за да станат партньори по проекта Interreg. Доброволците, включени като партньори допринасят конкретно за изпълнението на проекта Interreg, към който са били назначени, в сферите, който предпочитат.
Има голямо разнообразие от дейности по Interreg (от сферите на образованието и културата до здравеопазването и околната среда и т.н.), така че хора с всякакъв опит са добре дошли да станат партньори по проекта Interreg.
Interreg Reporter
Млади хора на възраст между 18 и 30 години могат да кандидатстват да станат Interreg Reporter, за да помогнат за разпространяването на постиженията на Interreg. Доброто познаване на използването на социални медии в професионален контекст и създаването на видеоклипове са особено полезни.
Предложения и апликационни форми
Тук се показват всички налични оферти за стаж и можете да кандидатствате чрез попълване на формата в долната част на страницата с офертата.
Процес на подбор
Координиращата организация (AEBR) ще избере предварително някои подходящи профили за всяка конкретна оферта, като вземе предвид специфичните нужди на приемащата организация.
Приемащата организация ще избере успешния(ите) кандидат(и), като организира интервюта с всички или с някои от предварително избраните кандидати.
Доброволците получават дневна надбавка, която варира от 18 до 32 евро на ден, в зависимост от страната домакин. Тя покрива настаняване, храна, местен транспорт плюс джобни пари.
AEBR покрива и пътните разходи на доброволците въз основа на километровото разстояние, което биха изминали от домашния си адрес до адреса на приемащата организация.
За доброволците на IVY са осигурени със здравна застраховка, застраховка „Гражданска отговорност“ и застраховка срещу злополука.
Безвъзмездни средства за организиране на собствено местно събитие
Европейската комисия и AEBR също предоставят допълнителни средства за доброволците на IVY, които желаят да организират местни събития, известни като дейности за ангажиране на гражданите, информиращи гражданите за постиженията на Европейската регионална политика. Като доброволец на IVY можете да измислите свои собствени идеи как най-добре да повишите осведомеността за ползите, които Кохезионната политика предоставя на местно ниво, и как да включите гражданите в стимулиращ дебат.
Приемащи организации
Програма или проект на Interreg, които желаят да бъдат домакини на Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY), са поканени да прочетат правилата тук.
За допълнителна информация, моля, проверете тук или се свържете с организаторите на [email protected]
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Palestinian Territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Palestinian Territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Volunteering /
Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) offre la possibilité aux jeunes volontaires âgés de 18 à 30 ans de s'engager comme volontaires dans un programme ou projet transfrontalier, transnational ou interrégional. Chaque expérience se déroule sur une période de 2 à 6 mois.
Comment ça fonctionne
Il y a deux façons de rejoindre Interreg Volunteer Youth : soit en tant que Partenaire d'un projet Interreg, soit en tant que Journaliste Interreg. Chaque expérience se déroule sur une période de 2 à 6 mois. Les volontaires peuvent être déployés dans l'un des 28 Etats membres de l'UE. Cela signifie qu'ils peuvent aussi être déployés dans l'une des régions ultrapériphériques de l'UE.
Qui peut participer
Les candidats éligibles doivent résider légalement et/ou avoir la nationalité d'un pays membre de l'Union européenne ou des pays partenaires.
Partenaire d'un projet Interreg
Les jeunes âgés entre 18 et 30 ans peuvent postuler pour devenir des partenaires de projet Interreg. Le volontariat consiste à redonner à la société en mettant ses compétences au profit, dans ce cas, d'activités menées dans le cadre d'un projet Interreg. A partir des offres de placement disponibles, les compétences spécifiques sont clés pour faire d'IVY une expérience bénéfique pour toutes les parties impliquées. Etant donné la diversité des activités Interreg (éducation, culture, santé, environnement...) tous les types de parcours et de profils sont les bienvenus pour devenir un partenaire de projet Interreg.
Journaliste Interreg
Les jeunes âgés entre 18 et 30 ans peuvent postuler pour devenir des journaliste Interreg, bien que la priorité soit donnée aux candidats passionnés ou expérimentés en communication. Le volontariat consiste à redonner à la société en mettant ses compétences au profit, dans ce cas, d'activités menées dans le cadre d'un projet Interreg. A partir des offres de placement disponibles, les compétences spécifiques sont clés pour faire d'IVY une expérience bénéfique pour toutes les parties impliquées.
Vous pouvez postuler directement via les missions disponibles sur le site internet de l'initiative ou vous pouvez également vous enregistrer sur la base de données disponible sur ce même site et rejoindre la plateforme "Connect".
Toutes les offres de placements disponibles sont consultables sur www.interregyouth.com/placement-offers (parfois la date de début est passée mais si l'offre est toujours en ligne, cela signifie qu'elle est toujours disponible donc n'hésitez pas à postuler avant qu'il ne soit trop tard).
Si vous êtes particulièrement intéressé par une ou plusieurs offres de volontariat plus spécifiques et que vous pensez que votre profil correspond à l'offre, vous pouvez aussi envoyer un email à [email protected] pour exprimer votre intérêt.
Processus de sélection
L'organisation coordinatrice (AEBR) pré-sélectionnera quelques profils pour l'offre spécifique, en prenant en compte les besoins spécifiques de l'organisation d'accueil.
L'organisation d'accueil choisira le ou les candidats en organisatn des interviews avec tous ou certains candidats pré-sélectionnés.
Les volontaires reçoivent une allocation quotidienne pouvant aller jusqu'à 32 € par jour pendant la durée totale de leur placement (pas simplement par jour travaillé mais aussi pendant les week-ends et vacances). Cette allocation varie selon le pays d'accueil du volontaire et a pour but de couvrir les frais de nourriture, de logement, de transport sur place, etc. Elle doit aussi permettre au volontaire d'avoir un peu d'argent de poche. Par conséquent, aucune autre dépense spécifique, telle que le loyer, n'est payée par AEBR car l'allocation remise au volontaire doit justement lui permettre de couvrir ce type de frais. De plus, AEBR ne couvre pas les frais de voyage en fonction du nombre de km parcourus depuis leur adresse personnelle. Attention, notez bien qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un remboursement mais d'une somme forfaitaire, par exemple, un montant fixé et transféré au volontaire une seule fois et calculée sur la distance kilométrique réalisée pour la mobilité IVY.
Pour plus d'informations, merci de consulter www.interregyouth.com/faqs ou de contacter les organisateurs à [email protected].
Les organisations d'accueil
Les organisations qui souhaitent accueillir un volontaire d'un projet ou programme IVY sont invités à consulter Interreg Volunteer Youth.
This is an ongoing opportunity available for
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Palestinian Territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Palestinian Territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom