"Roma Ifjúsági részvétel: Mi a hely...
Az esemény nyitott döntéshozók, szakértők és az RYAP (Roma Youth Action Plan - R...
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Participation /
The Roma Youth Together seminar will gather Roma youth leaders from across Europe from 5 to 8 April 2025 at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg, France.
The seminar aims at empowering young Roma leaders through positive actions and narratives that celebrate Roma's identity and cultural diversity on International Roma Day.
Who can apply
- Roma youth, youth leaders and workers, as well as representatives of organisations and networks working with Roma communities across Europe;
- Aged 18-30;
- Motivated to meet and cooperate with other Roma youth;
- Actively involved in a Roma organisation, youth organisation, community or informal group;
-Committed to empowering Roma youth;
- Willing to share experiences and engage in dialogue and cooperation with other participants;
- Able to attend the entire seminar;
- Able to work in English.
Reimbursement of travel expenses and visa fees, accommodation, and meals provided by the Council of Europe for those who attend the entire seminar.
Deadline: 17 February 2025, 23:59 CET.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations and individuals
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Participation /
Az Európa Tanács szervezésében megvalósuló szeminárium célja, hogy áttenkintse a Roma Ifjúság Akciótervének (2016-2019) eredményeit a romai ifjúsági részvétel kapcsán. Továbbá az is célja, hogy meghatározza az ifjúsági ágazat jövőbeli prioritásait a roma fiatalok részvétele és a romaellenességgel szembeni küzdelem vonatkozásában
A szeminárium összehozza a döntéshozókat, a szakértőket és a Roma Ifjúság akciótervének multiplikátorait (ide értve a roma ifjúsági szervezeteket és hálózatokat) csakúgy, mint a Roma ifjúság Akciótervének informális kontaktcsoportját, az Akcióterv által elért állami intézményeket, az Akcióterv nemzeti és helyi rendezvényein részt vett szervezeteket és fiatalokat, a nemzeti ifjúsági tanácsok képviselőit, trénereket és roma ifjúsági vezetőket.
A szeminárium célkitűzései a következők:
1. A tapasztalatok megvitatása és megosztása a Roma Ifjúság Akciótervének kapcsán (azon belül is az ifjúsági részvételre fókuszálva), és roma ifjúságot érintő ügyek előtérbe helyezése;
2. A Roma Ifjúság Akcióterve elnevezésű projekt elért célkitűzéseinek feltérképezése, és a tanulságok levonása mind nemzeti mind európai szinten;
3. A jó példák megosztása és tovább terjesztése hazai és európai szinten;
4. A roma fiatalok szükségleteinek és elvárásainak áttekintése, és ezek átültetése az Európa Tanács szakpolitikájába és programjaiba, különös fókusszal a fiatalság, a romák és az utazók kapcsolatára.
Kik jelentkezhetnek?
Döntéshozók, szakértők, és a Roma Ifjúság Akciótervének multiplikátorai:
- akik tapasztalattal rendelkeznek az Európa Tanács ifjúsági és romaügyi munkáját illetően,
- akiket a Roma Ifjúság Akciótervének egyik partnere vagy döntéshozója támogat (Roma ifjúsági szervezetek és hálózatok, állami intézmények, az Akcióterv nemzeti és helyi rendezvényein részt vett szervezetek és fiatalok, a nemzeti ifjúsági tanácsok képviselői, trénerek és roma ifjúsági vezetők);
- akik számára nem okoz problémát az angol, mint munkanyelv használata;
- akik az Európai Kulturális Egyezmény valamelyik tagállamának állampolgára (néhány esetben kivétel tehető);
- akik ifjúsági szervezet támogatását élvezik, és amelyiken belül facilitátori tevékenységet folytathatnak;
- akiknek szándékukban áll a szeminár teljes egészén részt venni, beleértve a felkészülési és az azt követő időszakokat.
Az Európa Tanács az utazási költségeket és a vízum (ha szükséges) összegét átvállalja.
Az ellátást és a szállást az Európa Tanács biztosítja és fizeti a strasbourgi Európai Ifjúsági Központban.
A szeminárium nyelve angol lesz.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2019. augusztus 26.
További részletek itt.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Participation /
Seminarul "Roma Youth Together" va reuni lideri ai tinerilor romi din Europa între 5 și 8 aprilie 2025 la Centrul European de Tineret din Strasbourg, Franța.
Seminarul are ca scop împuternicirea tinerilor lideri romi prin acțiuni și relatări pozitive care celebrează identitatea și diversitatea culturală a romilor cu ocazia Zilei internaționale a romilor.
Cine se poate înscrie?
Rambursarea cheltuielilor de deplasare și a taxelor de viză pentru cei care participă la întregul seminar, precum și a cheltuielilor de cazare și masă asigurate de Consiliul Europei.
Termen limită: 17 februarie 2025, 23:59 CET.
Citește mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Participation /
Organised by the Council of Europe, the seminar will be devoted to reviewing the Results of the Roma Youth Action Plan (2016-‐2019) in relation to Roma youth participation and identify future priorities for the youth sector regarding Roma youth participation and combating antigypsyism. It will take place from 24 to 26 September 2019 in Strasbourg.
The Seminar will bring together stakeholders, experts and multipliers of the RYAP including Roma youth organisations and networks as well as the members of the Informal Contact Group of the Roma Youth Action Plan, governmental institutions reached by the RYAP activities, young people and organisations involved in the RYAP at the national and local levels, representatives of national youth councils, trainers and Roma youth leaders.
The objectives of the seminar are:
1. To discuss and share experiences from the RYAP in relation to youth participation and double mainstreaming of Roma youth issues;
2. To explore the extent of which the main objectives of the RYAP project have been achieved and lessons learned at national and European level;
3. To share successful examples of the work on youth participation and double mainstreaming particularly at the European and national level;
4. To review current needs and expectations regarding Roma young people and their translation in the policies and programmes of the Council of Europe regarding youth and Roma and Travellers.
Who can apply
Stakeholders, experts and multipliers of the RYAP who:
- have experience of the Council of Europe’s work in the field of youth and of Roma inclusion,
- are nominated and supported by a partner or stakeholder of the Roma Youth Action Plan (Roma youth organisations and networks, governmental institutions, national or local, reached by the RYAP activities, young people or youth leaders from organisations involved in the RYAP at the national and local levels, representatives of National Youth Councils and International Youth Organisations working with young Roma, trainers and other multipliers involved in RYAP);
- are able to work in English;
- are resident in a state signatory of the European Cultural Convention (in exceptional cases some participants from other countries may also be invited);
- are supported by the youth organisation within which they can act as facilitators;
- are committed and available to attend and contribute for the full duration of the seminar, including the preparatory and follow-up phases.
Travel expenses and visa fees for the seminar in Strasbourg are covered by the Council of Europe.
Board and lodging will be provided and paid for by the Council of Europe at the European Youth Centre Strasbourg.
English will be the working language of the seminar.
Deadline to apply: 26 August 2019.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Az Európai Parlament rendezvénye ok...
Az európai és aktív polgári szerepvállalás fiataloknak történő oktatásában aktív...
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Participation /
This unique opportunity of the European Parliament for secondary school teachers and non-formal educators, active in teaching European and active citizenship, to meet and exchange ideas, challenges, and best practices in a fully participatory format.
Participants will actively help shape the European Parliament’s revamped educational framework. The concept of a new learning offer that would better support teachers and learners.
20-21 March 2025 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.
Who can apply
Any person using non-formal education to teach European and active citizenship to young people in the EU.
Traditional educators will be selected via the EP Liaison Offices in EU Member States.
The language of the event is English.
The European Parliament will arrange and pay for participants’ travel (arrival 20 March, departure 22 March 2025) and accommodation (20-22 March 2025).
Deadline: 20 February 2025, 23:30 CET.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for individuals
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Participation /
Az Európai Parlament második alkalommal szervezi meg a pedagógusok rendezvényét, amelyre olyan oktatók jelentkezését várják, akik aktívan részt vállalnak az európai és aktív polgári szerepvállalás oktatásában – formális vagy nemformális eszközökkel – a fiatalok számára.
Organised in the run up to the European Elections 2024, the event will bring together 100 participants (50 non-formal educators and 50 formal educators) and will take place in a fully participatory format on 23 November 2023 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.
The European Parliament will select 50 non-formal educators and fund their international travel and accommodation.
Who is this call for?
Any person using non-formal education to teach European and active citizenship to young people in the EU.
Traditional educators will be selected via the EP Liaison Offices in EU Member States.
The language of the event is English.
The European Parliament will arrange and pay for the non formal educators' international travel and accommodation costs (arrival 22 November, departure 24 November).
How to apply
Applicants need to fill in the application form by 15 October 2023, 23:30 CET.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Participation /
Il Parlamento europeo sta organizzando un evento per educatori, che riunisce educatori non formali e tradizionali impegnati nell'insegnamento rivolto ai giovani della cittadinanza europea e attiva.
L'evento riunirà 100 partecipanti (50 educatori non formali e 50 educatori formali) e si svolgerà in forma totalmente partecipativa il 17 novembre 2022 presso il Parlamento europeo a Bruxelles, in Belgio.
Il Parlamento europeo selezionerà 50 educatori non formali e finanzierà il loro viaggio internazionale e l'alloggio.
Chi può partecipare
Chiunque utilizzi l'educazione non formale per insegnare la cittadinanza europea e attiva ai giovani dell'UE.
La lingua dell'evento è l'inglese.
Il Parlamento europeo organizzerà e pagherà le spese di viaggio e alloggio internazionali degli educatori non formali (arrivo il 16 novembre, partenza il 18 novembre).
Come candidarsi
I candidati devono compilare il modulo di candidatura entro il 28 settembre 2022, alle 23:30 CET.
Per saperne di più clicca qui.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
Participation /
Parlamentul European oferă profesorilor de liceu și educatorilor non-formali, activi în predarea cetățeniei europene și active, oportunitatea de a se întâlni și de a face schimb de idei, provocări și bune practici într-un format complet participativ.
Participanții vor contribui activ la modelarea cadrului educațional revizuit al Parlamentului European. Conceptul unei noi oferte de învățare care ar sprijini mai bine profesorii și cursanții.
20-21 martie 2025 la Parlamentul European din Bruxelles, Belgia.
Cine poate aplica?
Orice persoană care utilizează educația non-formală pentru a preda cetățenia europeană și activă tinerilor din UE.
Educatorii tradiționali vor fi selectați prin intermediul birourilor de legătură ale PE din statele membre ale UE.
Limba evenimentului este engleza.
Parlamentul European va organiza și va plăti deplasarea participanților (sosire 20 martie, plecare 22 martie 2025) și cazarea (20-22 martie 2025).
Termen limită: 20 februarie 2025, ora 23:30 CET.
Citește mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
MEDEA Díj 2024
Az innováció és a helyes gyakorlatok ösztönzése a média oktatásban való felhaszn...
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Participation /
MEDEA Awards 2025 celebrate innovation and excellence in the use of media (audio, video, graphics, and animation) in education, while promoting best practices in the pedagogical design of media-rich learning resources and services.
MEDEA Award for Best Educational Media:
recognises outstanding educational media, resources, tools, or services across all education levels.
Special MEDEA Jury Prize:
acknowledges exceptional innovation in pedagogic or technical design.
Audience Favourite Prize:
voted on during the Awards Ceremony.
Special Category prize:
an emerging trend in educational media production focusing on “AI-supported media production processes and/or innovative uses of AI in education”.
Who can apply
Students, teachers, schools, universities, training companies, and individuals engaged in educational multimedia. Up to 12 entries for each applicant.
How to apply
Entries should showcase exceptional use of multimedia in a learning environment, including videos, audios, simulations, applications, podcasts, vlogs, and animations. Content can cover any subject matter.
Deadline: 28 February 2025, (midnight) CET.
Finalists will be invited to the Media and Learning Conference on 18-19 June 2025 in Leuven, Belgium, where winners will be announced.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations and individuals
All countries
Participation /
Cilj nagrada MEDEA je potaknuti inovacije i dobru praksu u uporabi medija (audio, video, grafike i animacije) u obrazovanju. Nagradom se isto tako prepoznaje i promiče izvrsnost u izradi i pedagoškom dizajnu resursa za učenje obogaćenih medijima. Od 2010. do 2011. nagrade MEDEA podupire Program za cjeloživotno učenje Europske komisije putem projekta MEDEA2020 project.
Kategorije u kojima se dodjeljuju nagrade za 2011.
Nagrada MEDEA za obrazovni medij kojega je izradio korisnik za 2011
Ovom se nagradom odaje počast najboljem radu kojega su podnijeli nastavnici, studenti, učenici, roditelji, profesori, pojedinci ili organizacije koje predstavljaju osnovno/srednjoškolsko/visoko obrazovanje, obrazovanje odraslih te strukovno obrazovanje i/ili usavršavanje.
Nagrada MEDEA za profesionalno izrađen obrazovni medij za 2011.
Ova će se nagrada dodijeliti najboljem profesionalnom obrazovnom mediju kojega je izradilo profesionalno poduzeće ili polu-profesionalna jedinica za produkciju kao što je radio/TV postaja, profesionalni producent ili izdavač multimedije, profesionalno poduzeće za web dizajn, audiovizualni ili medijski odjel većih ustanova ili organizacija poput sveučilišta, ministarstava/vlade, poduzeća, mutlinacionalnih ustanova i organizacija itd.
Posebna nagrada za europsku suradnju u izradi obrazovnih medija za 2011
Ovom se nagradom prepoznaju izvrsne produkcije i projekti obrazovnih medija koji su rezultat europske prekogranične suradnje, kao i učinak koji takva suradnja može imati na veće razumijevanje i osnaživanje europske dimenzije.
Posebna nagrada za volontiranje na promicanju obrazovnih medija za 2011
Ova će nagrada biti posvećena izradi obrazovne multimedije ili projektu kroz koji se promiču volonterske inicijative (svi obrazovni multimedijski proizvodi bez obzira na format: web mjesta, video, igra ili interaktivna prezentacija kojima se prikazuje, dokumentira ili promiče posvećenost mnogih ljudi u Europi koji u slobodno vrijeme besplatno rade u lokalnim zajednicama).
Posebna nagrada MEDEA žirija za 2011.
Žiri ima diskrecijsko pravo uručiti posebnu nagradu za pristup ili proizvod vezano za priznavanje iznimne inovativnosti u pedagoškom ili tehničkom dizajnu.
Kriteriji žirija
Žiri za ocjenjivanje prijava za nagrade MEDEA prepoznaje primarnu ulogu učinkovitog i inovativnog obrazovnog dizajna za korištenje pokretnih slika u nastavi. Prvenstveno se traže materijali i prostupi koji prikazuju originalno i uspješno korištenje medija u nastavi radi postizanja jasno definiranih obrazovnih ciljeva. Važna je kvaliteta samih materijala s obzirom da će žiri razmatrati sljedeće kriterije primjerene kontekstu učenja:
· Pedagoška kvaliteta: kvaliteta didaktike i komuniciranja. Da li je cilj učenja jasan? Da li postoji vjerojatnost da će materijal dovesti do kvalitetnog učenja?
· Uporaba medija: izbor i odabir vrste medija, prednosti odabranog medija. Da li je vrsta odabranog medija korištena primjereno i na prikladan način?
· Estetska kvaliteta: privlačnost materijala. Da li su stil i dizajn dosljedni i primjereni ciljanim korisnicima? Da li je rad privlačan i ugodan za gledanje i korištenje?
· Uporabnost: intiutivnost materijala. Da li je aplikaciju lako koristiti? Da li postoji podrška, priručnik, mogućnost povratne informacije ili pomoći?
· Tehnička kvaliteta: da li ima nekih nedostataka u sustavu i/ili vezano za kompatibilnost? Da li je za korištenje sustava potrebno imati nerealno ili napredno tehničko znanje itd.?
Nagrade će uključivati i MEDEA kipić kao i opremu i/ili softver (detalji će se objaviti naknadno).
Rok za prijavu bio je 16. rujna 2011.
Više o natjecanju možete saznati na: http://www.medea-awards.com/home
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Participation /
Les prix MEDEA encouragent l'innovation et les bonnes pratiques dans l'utilisation des médias (audio, vidéo, graphiques et animation) dans l'éducation.
Les prix reconnaissent et encouragent également l'excellence dans la production et la conception pédagogique de productions, de ressources, de processus et de services d'apprentissage riches en médias.
Comment postuler
Les candidatures doivent démontrer une utilisation exceptionnelle du multimédia dans un contexte d'apprentissage, y compris des vidéos, des audios, des simulations, des applications, des podcasts, des vlogs, des animations et toute autre utilisation excellente du multimédia éducatif. Le contenu peut porter sur tous les sujets possibles.
Tout matériel multimédia doit avoir été créé après le 1er janvier 2021. Bien entendu, l'inscription peut inclure ou consister en du matériel plus ancien.
Qui peut participer ?
Les étudiants, les enseignants, les écoles, les centres de production, les universités, les sociétés de formation, les agences et toute autre personne travaillant à la création et à l'utilisation de multimédias éducatifs sont invités à soumettre leur candidature.
Les participants peuvent soumettre jusqu'à 12 projets.
Date limite : 29 février 2024, (minuit) CET.
Tous les finalistes seront informés d'ici avril 2024 et seront invités à la conférence sur les médias et l'apprentissage en juin 2024, à Louvain, en Belgique, où les lauréats seront annoncés.
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Participation /
Die MEDEA Awards fördern Innovationen und Good Practice bei Nutzung von Medien (Audio, Video, Grafik und Animation) im Bildungsbereich. Außerdem werden mit den Preisen herausragende Leistungen bei der Produktion und pädagogischen Gestaltung von mediengestützten Lernproduktionen, Ressourcen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen anerkannt und gefördert.
Wie man sich bewirbt
Die Beiträge sollten den außergewöhnlichen Einsatz von Multimedia in einer Lernumgebung zeigen, einschließlich Videos, Audios, Simulationen, Anwendungen, Podcasts, Vlogs, Animationen und jede andere Verwendung von Multimedia im Bildungsbereich. Der Inhalt kann alle möglichen Themenbereiche umfassen.
Alle Multimedia-Materialien müssen nach dem 1. Januar 2021 erstellt worden sein. Natürlich kann der Beitrag auch älteres Material enthalten oder aus diesem bestehen.
Wer kann sich bewerben?
Eingereicht werden können Beiträge von Studierenden, Lehrkräften, Schulen, Bildungseinrichtungen, Universitäten, Ausbildungsbetrieben, Agenturen und allen anderen, die sich mit der Erstellung und Nutzung von multimedialen Bildungsmaterialien befassen.
Die Teilnehmenden können bis zu 12 Beiträge einreichen.
Einsendeschluss: 29. Februar 2024, (Mitternacht) MEZ.
Alle Finalisten werden bis April 2024 benachrichtigt und zur Konferenz Medien und Lernen im Juni 2024 in Leuven, Belgien, eingeladen, wo die endgültigen Gewinner bekannt gegeben werden.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Participation /
A MEDEA-díjak odaítélésének célja az oktatás területén megjelenő, a médiához (audió, videó, grafika és animáció) kapcsolódó innováció és jó gyakorlatok támogatása. A díjak emellett elismerik a médiaelemekben gazdag oktatási anyagok kiemelkedő szintű elkészítését és pedagógiai tervezését.
How to apply
Entries should demonstrate exceptional use of multimedia in a learning setting including videos, audios, simulations, applications, podcasts, vlogs, animations, and any other excellent use of educational multimedia. Content can include all possible subject matter.
Any multimedia material must have been created after 1st January 2021. Of course, the entry may include or consist of older material.
Who can apply
Entries are welcome from students, teachers, schools, production facilities, universities, training companies, agencies, and anyone else working on the creation and use of educational multimedia.
Participants can submit up to 12 entries.
Deadline: 29 February 2024, (midnight) CET.
All finalists will be notified by April 2024 and will be invited to the Media and Learning Conference in June 2024, in Leuven, Belgium, where the final winners will be announced.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Participation /
Finalità dei Premi MEDEA è incoraggiare l'innovazione e le buone pratiche nell'uso dei media (audio, video, grafica e animazione) nell'educazione. I premi intendono anche evidenziare e promuovere l'eccellenza nella produzione e progettazione pedagogica di risorse educative multimediali. A partire dal 2015, i Premi MEDEA ricevono il sostegno dell'Associazione Media & Learning.
-MEDEA Award for Best Educational Media
Questo premio sarà assegnato al miglior media educativo, risorsa, strumento o servizio prodotto in tutti i settori e a tutti i livelli di istruzione e formazione.
-Special MEDEA Jury Prize
I giudici possono, a loro discrezione, assegnare un premio speciale a un approccio o a una produzione in riconoscimento di un'eccezionale innovazione nel design pedagogico o tecnico.
Come candidarsi
Le candidature dovrebbero dimostrare un uso eccezionale dei multimedia in un contesto di apprendimento tra cui video, audio, simulazioni, applicazioni, podcast, vlog, animazioni e qualsiasi altro uso eccellente dei multimedia educativi.
Le iscrizioni sono benvenute da studenti, insegnanti, scuole, strutture di produzione, università, società di formazione, agenzie e chiunque altro lavori sulla creazione e l'uso di multimedia educativi. I contenuti possono includere tutti gli argomenti possibili.
I partecipanti possono presentare fino a 12 materiali multimediali.
Qualsiasi materiale multimediale deve essere stato creato dopo il 1 gennaio 2020. Naturalmente, è possibile includere materiale antecedente.
Scadenza: 17 marzo 2023 (mezzanotte CET).
Tutti i finalisti saranno avvisati entro maggio 2023 e saranno invitati a partecipare alla cerimonia di premiazione che avrà luogo durante la Media and Learning Conference il 7-8 giugno 2023, a Lovanio in Belgio, dove saranno annunciati i vincitori finali.
Per ulteriori informazioni: http://www.medea-awards.com
This is a recurring opportunity available for
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Participation /
Premiile MEDEA 2025 celebrează inovația și excelența în utilizarea media (audio, video, grafică și animație) în educație, promovând în același timp cele mai bune practici în proiectarea pedagogică a resurselor și serviciilor de învățare bogate în media.
Premiul MEDEA pentru cele mai bune media educaționale: recunoaște media, resursele, instrumentele sau serviciile educaționale remarcabile la toate nivelurile de învățământ.
Premiul special al juriului MEDEA: recunoaște inovația excepțională în proiectarea pedagogică sau tehnică.
Premiul favorit al publicului: votat în timpul ceremoniei de decernare a premiilor.
Premiul pentru categoria specială: o tendință emergentă în producția media educațională axată pe „procese de producție media susținute de IA și/sau utilizări inovatoare ale IA în educație”.
Cine poate aplica?
Studenți, profesori, școli, universități, companii de formare și persoane implicate în multimedia educațional. Până la 12 înscrieri pentru fiecare candidat.
Cum să aplici?
Înscrierile trebuie să prezinte utilizarea excepțională a multimedia într-un mediu de învățare, inclusiv videoclipuri, înregistrări audio, simulări, aplicații, podcasturi, vloguri și animații. Conținutul poate acoperi orice subiect.
Termen limită: 28 februarie 2025, (miezul nopții) CET.
Finaliștii vor fi invitați la Conferința Media and Learning din 18-19 iunie 2025 de la Leuven, Belgia, unde vor fi anunțați câștigătorii.
Află mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Participation /
El objetivo de los Premios MEDEA es fomentar la innovación y buenas prácticas en el uso de los medios de comunicación (audio, vídeo, gráficos y animación) en la educación. Los premios también reconocen y promueven la excelencia en la producción y diseño pedagógico de los recursos media para el aprendizaje. Desde 2010 a 2014, los Premios MEDEA son apoyados por el Programa Permanente de la Comisión Europea a través del proyecto MEDEA2020.
Categorías de la concesión 2013
Premio MEDEA creados por los usuarios de medios educativos.
Este premio honra a la mejor obra presentada por profesores, estudiantes, alumnos, padres, representantes individuales u organizaciones en la educación primaria, secundaria, superior, de adultos, formación profesional y/o capacitación.
El Premio MEDEA para los productores profesionales de medios educativos.
Este premio será otorgado al mejor trabajo media educativo realizado por una compañía profesional o semiprofesional de la unidad de producción, como un locutor, productor multimedia profesional o editor, empresa profesional de diseño Web, audiovisual o los departamentos de comunicación de las grandes instituciones u organizaciones como las universidades , los departamentos gubernamentales, empresas, instituciones y organizaciones multinacionales, etc.
Premio especial para la colaboración europea en la creación de medios de comunicación para la Educación 2013
Este premio reconoce a los medios de comunicación las producciones y proyectos educativos excelentes que surgen como resultado de la colaboración europea transfronteriza y reconoce el impacto que este tipo de colaboración puede tener en el aumento de la comprensión y refuerzo de la dimensión europea.
Premio Especial para la promoción del Año de la Ciudadanía Europea 2013
Este premio estará dedicado a los trabajos o producciones que utilizan claramente los medios de comunicación para fomentar la concienciación y promover la ciudadacía europea y los derechos de sus ciudadanos.
En este premio se incluyen todas las producciones de los medios de comunicación educativos, no importa en qué formato se presenten, ya sea formato web, vídeo, juegos o presentaciones interactivas, que ilustren, documenten o promuevan el tema del año europeo.
Premio Especial del Jurado especial de MEDEA
Los jueces podrán, a su discreción, proponer un premio especial a un enfoque o producción en reconocimiento a la innovación excepcional en el diseño pedagógico o técnico que aporta.
Pudo ser presentado hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2013 (medianoche) cualquier material multimedia o programa que fuera creado después del 1 de enero de 2010, y cuyo fin fuera su uso en la educación formal y no formal así como en las formaciones.
Más información sobre el concurso en: http://www.medea-awards.com
Le mantendremos informado cuando una nueva convocatoria sea publicada.
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Метою нагород MEDEA є заохочення інновацій та кращих практик використання засобів масової інформації (аудіо, відео, графіки та анімації) в освіті. Нагороди також визнають і сприяють досконалості у виробничому та педагогічному дизайні багатих на ЗМІ навчальних продуктів, ресурсів, процесів та послуг.
З 2015 року нагороди MEDEA підтримуються Асоціацією медіа та навчання.
Категорії нагород 2020
Ця нагорода буде присуджена найкращому професійному або створеному користувачем освітньому медіа-продукту, ресурсу, інструменту чи послузі, направленому на студентів вищої освіти, безперервної освіти та/або освітньої сфери.
На власний розсуд судді можуть вручити спеціальну нагороду підходу або продукту на знак визнання виняткового новаторства в педагогічному чи технічному дизайні.
Як взяти участь
Учасники можуть подати до 8 робіт.
Будь-який мультимедійний матеріал повинен бути створений після 1 січня 2018 року. Звичайно, робота може містити старіші матеріали або складатися з них.
Заявки необхідно подати через онлайн-форму та надіслати роботу до Секретаріату нагород MEDEA поштою, електронною поштою або факсом до дати завершення прийняття робот 31 січня 2020 року (опівночі) за центрально-європейським часом.
Про всіх фіналістів буде повідомлено на початку квітня 2020 року. Фіналістів буде запрошено взяти участь у церемонії нагородження, яка відбудеться під час конференції «Медіа та навчання» 17-18 червня 2020 року у місті Льовен (Бельгія), де будуть оголошені остаточні переможці.
Дізнайтеся більше: http://www.medea-awards.com
This is a recurring opportunity available for
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Participation /
The aim of the MEDEA Awards is to encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media (audio, video, graphics and animation) in education. The awards also recognise and promote excellence in the production and pedagogical design of media-rich learning productions, resources, processes and services.
From 2015 onwards, the MEDEA Awards are supported by the Media & Learning Association.
Award Categories 2019
The MEDEA Award for User-Generated Educational Media
This award honours the best entry submitted by teachers, students, learners, parents, professors, individual or organisational representatives in higher education, or continuing education and/or training.
The MEDEA Award for Professionally Produced Educational Media
This award is awarded to the best professional educational media product, resource, tool or service produced or managed by a professional company or semi-professional production unit such as a broadcaster, professional multimedia producer or publisher, professional web design company, audiovisual or media department in larger institutions or organisations such as universities, government departments, companies, multinational institutions and organisations, etc where the production is aimed at the higher education or continuing education and/or training sector.
The special MEDEA Jury
The judges may, at their discretion, present a special award to an approach or production in recognition of exceptional innovation in pedagogic or technical design.
How to apply
Participants can submit up to 8 entries.
Any multimedia material must have been created after 1st January 2016. Of course, the entry may include or consist of older material.
Entries need to be submitted via the online submission form and sent to arrive at the MEDEA Awards Secretariat via post, e-mail or fax before the closing date 15th March 2019, (midnight) CET.
All finalists will be notified in mid-April 2019 and will be invited to take part in the Awards Ceremony taking place during the Media & Learning Conference on the 5-6 June 2019, in Leuven (Belgium), where the final winners will be announced.
Find out more: http://www.medea-awards.com
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Az Európai Fogyatékossági Fórum Fot...
Hívd fel a figyelmet a fogyatékossággal élő fiatalokra!
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Participation /
The European Disability Forum is inviting photographers, both amateur and professional, to join the competition focusing on accessibility and the daily challenges faced by persons with disabilities.
Who can participate
The competition is open to EU/EEA citizens or residents of all ages.
How to apply
Participants must submit:
Each participant may submit one entry.
1st place award: 500 euros;
2nd place award: 300 euros;
3rd place award: 200 euros.
Deadline: 30 March 2024, 23.59 CET.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for individuals
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Европейският форум за хората с увреждания, под мотото за 2023 г. „Премахване на бариерите – Истории и гласове на жени и момичета с увреждания“ кани всички граждани или жители на ЕС/ЕИП от всички възрасти да се присъединят към конкурса и да изпратят едно изображение, което разбива стереотипите и предубежденията около жени с увреждания от различен културен, произход и/или етнически контекст.
Конкурсът е отворен за всички, които искат да допринесат за представянето на овластяването на жените и момичетата с увреждания по света.
Кой може да участва
Конкурсът е отворен за граждани или жители на ЕС/ЕИП от всички възрасти и няма входна такса.
Как да кандидатствам
Участниците трябва да представят:
Всеки участник може да изпрати една работа. Участникът трябва да е физическо лице, а не организация.
Тримата финални номинирани ще получат:
- Награда за 1-во място: 500 евро;
- Награда за 2-ро място: 300 евро;
- Награда за 3-то място: 200 евро.
Краен срок: 15 декември 2023 г., 23.59 CET.
Прочетете повече тук.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Le Forum européen des personnes handicapées, sous le slogan 2023 « Levez les barrières - Histoires et voix de femmes et de jeunes filles handicapées », invite tous les citoyens ou résidents de l'UE/EEE de tous âges à participer au concours et à soumettre une image qui brise les stéréotypes et les idées préconçues entourant les femmes handicapées issues de divers contextes culturels, historiques et/ou ethniques.
Le concours est ouvert à tous ceux qui souhaitent contribuer à la représentation de l'autonomisation des femmes et des jeunes filles handicapées dans le monde.
Qui peut participer
Le concours est ouvert aux citoyens ou résidents de l'UE/EEE de tous âges et il n'y a pas de frais de participation.
Comment poser sa candidature
Les participants doivent soumettre :
Chaque participant ne peut soumettre qu'une seule candidature. Le participant doit être un individu et non une organisation.
Les trois finalistes recevront :
Date limite : 15 décembre 2023, à 23h59.
Plus d'informations ici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Das Europäische Behindertenforum lädt alle EU- / EAA-Bürger oder Einwohner jeden Alters ein, sich dem Wettbewerb anzuschließen und in einem Bild einzureichen, das Stereotypen und Vorurteile gegenüber Frauen mit Behinderungen aus verschiedenen Kulturkreisen und/oder ethnischem Hintergrund abbaut.
Der Wettbewerb steht allen offen, die einen Beitrag zur Darstellung der Selbstbestimmung von Frauen und Mädchen mit Behinderungen auf der ganzen Welt leisten wollen.
Wer kann teilnehmen
Der Wettbewerb ist offen für EU / EWR-Bürger oder Einwohner jeden Alters und es gibt keine Teilnahmegebühr.
Wie kann man sich bewerben
Alle Teilnehmer müssen einreichen:
Jeder Teilnehmer kann einen Beitrag einreichen. Der Teilnehmer sollte eine Einzelperson und keine Organisation sein.
Die drei Finalisten erhalten:
- 1. Preis: 500 Euro;
- 2. Preis: 300 Euro;
- 3. Preis: 200 Euro.
Deadline: 15. Dezember 2023, 23.59 CET.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Az Európai Fogyatékosságügyi Fórum a 2023-as "Breaking Barriers - Stories and voices of women and girls with disabilities" mottóval arra kéri az EU/EGT minden korosztálybeli állampolgárt vagy lakost, hogy csatlakozzon a versenyhez, és küldjön be egy olyan képet, amely lebontja a fogyatékossággal élő nőkkel kapcsolatos sztereotípiákat és előítéleteket a különböző kulturális, származási és/vagy etnikai kontextusokból.
The competition is open to all who wish to contribute to portraying the empowerment of women and girls with disabilities around the world.
Who can participate
The competition is open to EU/EEA citizens or residents from all ages and there is no entry fee.
How to apply
Participants must submit:
Each participant may submit one entry. Participant should be an individual and not an organisation.
The three final nominees will receive:
- 1st place award: 500 euros;
- 2nd place award: 300 euros;
- 3rd place award: 200 euros.
Deadline: 15 December 2023, 23.59 CET.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Forumul European al Persoanelor cu Dizabilități invită fotografii, atât amatori, cât și profesioniști, să participe la concursul axat pe accesibilitate și provocările zilnice cu care se confruntă persoanele cu dizabilități.
Cine poate participa?
Concursul este deschis cetățenilor sau rezidenților UE/SEE de toate vârstele.
Cum să aplici?
Participanții trebuie să trimită:
Premiul pentru locul 1: 500 de euro;
Premiul pentru locul 2: 300 de euro;
Premiul pentru locul 3: 200 de euro.
Termen limită: 30 martie 2025, ora 23.59 CET.
Citește mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
The European Disability Forum is inviting all EU/EAA citizens or residents from all ages to join the competition and capture in one image what access to justice (or lack thereof) looks like to people with disabilities.
Who can participate
The competition is open to EU/EAA citizens or residents from all ages and there is no entry fee.
How to apply
Under the theme "Reclaiming your Rights" participants will have to submit engaging visuals that put forward the experience of people with disabilities throughout the justice system, in a single photograph, of which three will be selected for prizes.
All participants must submit:
Each participant may submit one entry. Participant should be an individual and not an organisation.
A jury will select 20 finalists. All 20 final photos, including the three winners, will be exhibited during various events and in other European countries as well, including the European Day of Persons with Disabilities and Brussels Photo Exhibit.
Out of the 20 finalists, the Jury will select the 3 final nominees.The three final nominees will receive:
- 1st place award: 500 euros;
- 2nd place award: 300 euros;
- 3rd place award: 200 euros.
These 3 final nominees will also be invited to Brussels to take part in the European Day of Persons with Disabilities organised by the European Commission on the 28-29 November 2019, in Brussels.
Deadline: entries should be submitted to Naomi Mabita – [email protected] by 15th September 2019, 23.59 CET.
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Nemzetközi Gyermek Béke-díj
Évente olyan gyermeknek ítélik oda, aki bátran harcol a gyermekek jogaiért.
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Participation /
Every year KidsRights organises a prize that aims to award a child whose courageous or otherwise extraordinary efforts have made an impact on behalf of the rights of children worldwide.
Who can be nominated
How to nominate
Any person above the age of 18 or organisation worldwide can nominate a child between 12 and 17 years old who has a history of standing up and fighting for the rights of him/herself and other children.
The winner will receive the statuette "Nkosi", a the "Desmond Tutu study and care fund" to enable the child to study and a worldwide platform to promote his/her ideals to the benefit of children's rights.
Furthermore, KidsRights will invest a project fund of €100,000 in projects in the country of the winner.
Deadline: 27 April 2025.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations and individuals
All countries
Participation /
A díjat a KidsRights minden évben olyan gyermeknek ítéli oda, aki bátor vagy hasonlóan kiemelkedő tettével nagy hatást gyakorolt a gyermekjog helyzetére.
The winner will receive the statuette 'Nkosi, which shows how a child sets the world in motion, a study and care grant, and a worldwide platform to promote his or her ideals to the benefit of children's rights.
Furthermore, KidsRights will invest a project fund of €100,000 in projects that are closely connected to the winner's area of work, in the country of the winner.
Who can be nominated
How to nominate
Any person or organisation worldwide can nominate a changemaker between 12 and 17 years old who has a history of standing up and fighting for the rights of him/herself and other children.
Deadline: 1 March 2023.
Find out more: http://childrenspeaceprize.org
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Participation /
Tutti gli anni KidsRights organizza un premio che intende premiare un/una ragazzo/a il cui coraggio o altri comportamenti straordinari hanno avuto un impatto per quanto riguarda i diritti dei bambini di tutto il mondo.
Il/la ragazzo/a deve:
- essere sopra i 12 anni e sotto i 18 anni di età; (non deve avere più di 17 anni al momento della scadenza della nomina), da tutto il mondo;
- avere una storia di lotta per i diritti per se stesso e gli altri bambini;
- capacità di viaggiare all'estero e sentirsi a proprio agio nel comunicare con altre persone;
- accettare di essere candidato per l'International Children's Peace Prize;
Il premio internazionale per la pace dei bambini non può essere assegnato postumo. Le nomine di gruppo sono possibili a condizione che ogni individuo del gruppo abbia fatto uno sforzo dimostrabile e abbia co-avviato le attività che hanno portato a una differenza eccezionale per i diritti del bambino e la posizione dei bambini vulnerabili, in qualsiasi parte del mondo.
Le organizzazioni non sono accettate come candidati idonei.
Il vincitore riceverà la statuetta 'Nkosi, una borsa di studio e assistenza e l’opportunità di promuovere i suoi ideali a favore dei bambini su una piattaforma mondiale.
Inoltre KidsRights investirà la somma di 100,000 euro in progetti strettamente legati al settore di lavoro del vincitore nel suo paese d’origine.
Come partecipare
Qualunque cittadino o organizzazione può candidare un/a ragazzino/a tra i 12 e i 17 anni con una storia di solidarietà e lotta per i diritti dei bambini.
Scadenza: 1° Marzo 2022.
Per ulteriori informazioni: https://donate.kidsrights.org/international-childrens-peace-prize-nominations
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Participation /
În fiecare an, KidsRights premiază un copil ale cărui eforturi curajoase sau extraordinare au avut un impact în promovarea drepturilor copiilor din întreaga lume.
Cine poate fi nominalizat?
Câștigătorul/ câștigătoarea va primi statueta 'Nkosi (care ilustrează modul în care un copil pune lumea în mișcare), o bursă de studiu și de îngrijire, precum și accesul la o platformă mondială pentru promovarea idealurilor sale în beneficiul drepturilor copilului.
În plus, KidsRights va investi 100.000 EUR în proiecte care sunt strâns legate de domeniul de lucru al câștigătorului/ câștigătoarei, în țara acestuia/ acesteia.
Termen limită: 27 aprilie 2025.
Aflați mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Participation /
Every year KidsRights organises a prize which aims to award a child whose courageous or otherwise extraordinary efforts have made an impact on behalf of the rights of children worldwide.
The winner will receive the statuette 'Nkosi, which shows how a child sets the world in motion, a study and care grant, and a worldwide platform to promote his or her ideals to the benefit of children's rights.
Furthermore, KidsRights will invest a project fund of €100,000 in projects that are closely connected to the winner's area of work, in the country of the winner.
How to apply
Any person or organisation worldwide can nominate a child between 12 and 18 years old who has a history of standing up and fighting for children’s rights.
Find out more on: http://childrenspeaceprize.org
This is a recurring opportunity available for
All countries
Európa Ifjúsági Fővárosa 2026
Az Európa Ifjúsági Fővárosa címet egy európai város kaphatja meg egyéves időtart...
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Participation /
The European Youth Forum is launching the ‘European Youth Capital’ (EYC) 2028. This title is assigned to a European city for one year to empower young people, boost youth participation, and strengthen European identity. Each year, a new European city is given the chance to showcase its innovative ideas, projects, and activities that aim to raise young voices and bring a new youth perspective to all aspects of city life.
The European Youth Capital initiative aims to support both young people and the city to open up these possibilities and lead the way for other European municipalities to follow.
A city can become a European Youth Capital if it distinguishes itself in a positive way and has an ambitious programme for empowering youth.
Cities are asked to set out their vision to become the European Youth Capital 2028 and how it can empower young people, boost youth participation, and bring change to their city.
The folllowing key elements are essential to any application for the EYC title:
Any Local Authority (defined as a municipality or group of municipalities located in a common geographical area) from Member States of the Council of Europe.
The city awarded the title will be announced during the Award Ceremony in Ghent (Belgium), European Youth Capital 2028, taking place in November 2025.
- 11 February 2025 (23:59 CET), for submission of detailed application forms.
The application includes a fee of 300 Euros, to be paid before the deadline at the European Youth Forum.
- 17 June 2025 (23:59 CET), for final application forms. The third application round does not include a fee.
An info session will be held Wednesday 18 December 2024, at 15:00 CET
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Participation /
Le Forum européen de la jeunesse lance la "Capitale européenne de la jeunesse" (CEJ) 2025. Ce titre est attribué à une ville européenne pour une période d'un an afin de donner plus de pouvoir aux jeunes, de stimuler leur participation et de renforcer l'identité européenne. Chaque année, une nouvelle ville européenne se voit offrir la possibilité de présenter ses idées, projets et activités innovants visant à faire entendre la voix des jeunes et à apporter une nouvelle perspective de la jeunesse à tous les aspects de la vie urbaine. L'initiative Capitale européenne de la jeunesse vise à aider les jeunes et la ville à ouvrir ces possibilités et à montrer la voie à d'autres municipalités européennes.
La Capitale européenne de la jeunesse a un impact positif dans de nombreux domaines :
Une ville peut devenir une Capitale européenne de la jeunesse si elle se distingue de manière positive et si elle dispose d'un programme ambitieux pour renforcer l'autonomie des jeunes.
Les villes sont invitées à exposer leur vision de la Capitale européenne de la jeunesse 2025 et la manière dont elle peut renforcer les capacités des jeunes, stimuler leur participation et apporter des changements dans leur ville.
Les éléments clés suivants sont essentiels à toute candidature au titre de CEJ :
Le Forum européen de la jeunesse a organisé un webinaire le 11 janvier 2022, pour les villes intéressées par la candidature au titre de Capitale européenne de la jeunesse 2025.
Ouvert à toute autorité locale (définie comme une municipalité ou un groupe de municipalités situées dans une zone géographique commune) des États membres du Conseil de l'Europe, qui sont parties à la Convention culturelle européenne adoptée en 1954 à Paris. Les municipalités candidates, ainsi que les structures de jeunesse participantes, sont invitées à présenter un programme à facettes multiples mettant en évidence leur approche de la participation des jeunes et leurs projets pour créer un meilleur environnement pour les jeunes dans leur ville.
Dates limites
Plus d'informations ici (en anglais).
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
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Das Europäische Jugendforum startet die "Europäische Jugendhauptstadt" (EYC) 2024. Dieser Titel wird einer europäischen Stadt für einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr verliehen, um junge Menschen zu befähigen, die Beteiligung junger Menschen zu fördern und die europäische Identität zu stärken.
Jedes Jahr erhält eine neue europäische Stadt die Chance, ihre innovativen Ideen, Projekte und Aktivitäten vorzustellen, die darauf abzielen, die Stimme junger Menschen zu erheben und eine neue Jugendperspektive in alle Aspekte des Stadtlebens zu bringen.
Die Initiative Europäische Jugendhauptstadt zielt darauf ab, sowohl junge Menschen als auch die Stadt dabei zu unterstützen, diese Möglichkeiten zu eröffnen und anderen europäischen Kommunen den Weg zu weisen.
Die Europäische Jugendhauptstadt hat in vielen Bereichen eine positive Wirkung:
Eine Stadt kann eine Europäische Jugendhauptstadt werden, wenn sie sich auf positive Weise profiliert und ein ehrgeiziges Programm zur Stärkung der Jugend hat.
Die Städte werden gebeten, ihre Vision, die Europäische Jugendhauptstadt 2024zu werden, darzulegen und zu erläutern, wie sie junge Menschen befähigen, die Beteiligung der Jugend fördern und Veränderungen in ihrer Stadt bewirken kann.
Bitte prüfen Sie die Bewerbungskriterien.
Das Europäische Jugendforum wird am 3. Dezember 2020 ein Webinar für Städte veranstalten, die sich für den Titel "Europäische Jugendhauptstadt 2024" bewerben möchten.
Offen für alle Gebietskörperschaften (definiert als eine Gemeinde oder eine Gruppe von Gemeinden, die in einem gemeinsamen geographischen Gebiet liegen) aus den Mitgliedstaaten des Europarates, die Vertragsparteien des 1954 in Paris angenommenen Europäischen Kulturabkommens sind.
Die antragstellenden Gemeinden sind eingeladen, zusammen mit den teilnehmenden Jugendstrukturen ein facettenreiches Programm vorzustellen, in dem sie ihren Ansatz der Jugendbeteiligung und ihre Pläne zur Schaffung eines besseren Umfelds für junge Menschen in ihren Städten hervorheben.
- 17. Januar 2021 (23:59 MEZ), zur Einreichung von Konzeptnotizen.
Der Antrag enthält eine Gebühr von 300 Euro, die vor Ablauf der Frist beim Europäischen Jugendforum zu entrichten ist.
- 23. Mai 2021 (23:59 MEZ), für die Einreichung von detaillierten Antragsformularen.
Der Antrag enthält eine Gebühr von 700 Euro, die vor Ablauf der Frist beim Europäischen Jugendforum zu entrichten ist.
- 20. September 2021 (23:59 MEZ), für die endgültigen Antragsformulare. Die dritte Bewerbungsrunde ist gebührenfrei.
Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie hier.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
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Az Európai Ifjúsági Fórum (European Youth Forum) felhívást tesz közzé az Európa ifjúsági Fővárosa 2026 címre. Ezt a címet egy európai város kapja meg egyéves időtartamra a fiatalok szerepvállalásának erősítése, a fiatalok részvételének ösztönzése és az európai identitás erősítése érdekében. Minden évben egy új európai város kap lehetőséget arra, hogy bemutassa innovatív ötleteit, projektjeit és tevékenységeit, amelyek célja, hogy lehetőséget adjon a fiataloknak, hogy hallassák hangjukat, és új ifjúsági szemléletet vigyen a város életének minden aspektusába.
Az Európa Ifjúsági Fővárosa kezdeményezés célja, hogy támogassa mind a fiatalokat, mind a várost abban, hogy megnyissa ezeket a lehetőségeket, és utat mutasson más európai településeknek.
The European Youth Capital creates a positive impact in many areas:
A city can become a European Youth Capital if it distinguishes itself in a positive way and has an ambitious programme for empowering youth.
Cities are asked to set out their vision to become the European Youth Capital 2026 and how it can empower young people, boost youth participation, and bring change to their city.
The folllowing key elements are essential to any application for the EYC title:
The European Youth Forum will host a webinar on 10 January 2026, for cities that are interested to apply for the European Youth Capital 2026 title.
Open to any Local Authority (defined as a municipality or group of municipalities located in a common geographical area) from Member States of the Council of Europe, which are parties to the European Cultural Convention adopted in 1954 in Paris.
Applicant municipalities together with participating youth structures are invited to present a multi-faceted programme highlighting their approach to youth participation and plans for creating a better environment for young people in their cities.
The city awarded the title will be announced during the Award Ceremony in Lublin (Poland), European Youth Capital 2023, taking place in November 2023.
- 6 February 2023 (23:59 CET), for submission of concept notes.
The application includes a fee of 300 Euros, to be paid before the deadline at the European Youth Forum.
- 5 June 2023 (23:59 CET), for submission of detailed application forms.
The application includes a fee of 700 Euros, to be paid before the deadline at the European Youth Forum.
- 25 September 2023 (23:59 CET), for final application forms. The third application round does not include a fee.
További információk itt.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
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Il Forum europeo della gioventù ha lanciato la "Capitale Europea della Gioventù" (EYC) 2026. Questo titolo viene assegnato a una città europea per un periodo di un anno durante il quale si intende conferire più potere ai giovani e rafforzare la loro partecipazione, rafforzare l'identità europea. Ogni anno, una nuova città europea ha la possibilità di mostrare le sue idee innovative, i progetti e le attività che mirano a dare voce ai giovani e portare una nuova prospettiva a tutti gli aspetti della vita cittadina.
Una città può diventare una Capitale Europea della Gioventù se si distingue in modo positivo e ha un programma ambizioso per responsabilizzare i giovani. Le città sono invitate a presentare la propria visione per diventare la Capitale Europea della Gioventù 2025 e illustrare come dare potere ai giovani, accrescere la loro partecipazione e portare un cambiamento nella loro città.
Il titolo è conferito da una giuria congiunta di organizzazioni giovanili europee e partner istituzionali.
La capitale europea della gioventù crea un impatto positivo in molti settori:
-Apre nuove opportunità
-Porta un cambiamento positivo
-Incoraggia la partecipazione attiva
-Promuove il volontariato
-Promuove l'identità europea
-Premia diversità e inclusione
-Rafforza le organizzazioni giovanili
-Aumenta gli investimenti nella gioventù
-Amplifica la propria voce in Europa
-Trasforma in un punto d'incontro internazionale
-Mette in collegamento i giovani fra loro
Tutti i comuni degli Stati membri del Consiglio d'Europa hanno diritto al titolo di "Capitale Europea della Gioventù".
I seguenti elementi chiave sono essenziali per la candidatura:
-Partecipazione giovanile
-Processo di co-decisione;
-Dimensione europea
- 6 febbraio 2023 (23:59 CET).
Scopri di più: https://www.youthforum.org/news/applications-for-the-european-youth-capital-2026-are-open
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Participation /
La Capitale européenne de la jeunesse est un titre accordé à une ville européenne pour un an, au cours de cette période, la ville mettra en valeur sa jeunesse liées culturel, social, politique et économique et le développement.
Toutes les municipalités dans les ‰tats membres de l'Union européenne et / ou le Conseil de l'Europe sont invités à appliquer. Le titre de Capitale européenne de la jeunesse donne des villes européennes l'occasion de présenter un programme à multiples facettes sur un an, qui met en évidence la richesse, la diversité et les caractéristiques communes de l'Europe de l'approche intergénérationnelle, et de l'autonomisation des jeunes à travers le continent.
La date limite pour les demandes était le 14 avril 2009.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
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O Fórum Europeu da Juventude está a lançar a "Capital Europeia da Juventude" (CJE) 2026. Este título é atribuído a uma cidade europeia por um período de um ano, com o objetivo de capacitar os jovens, estimular a sua participação e reforçar a identidade europeia. Todos os anos, é dada a uma nova cidade europeia a oportunidade de mostrar as suas ideias, projetos e atividades inovadoras que visam dar voz aos jovens e trazer uma nova perspetiva da juventude a todos os aspetos da vida da cidade.
A iniciativa Capital Europeia da Juventude tem por objetivo apoiar tanto os jovens como a cidade para explorar essas possibilidades e abrir caminho para que outros municípios europeus as sigam.
A Capital Europeia da Juventude tem um impacto positivo em muitos domínios:
Uma cidade pode tornar-se Capital Europeia da Juventude quando se distingue de forma positiva e tem um programa ambicioso de capacitação dos jovens.
As cidades são convidadas a apresentar a sua visão para se tornarem Capital Europeia da Juventude 2026 e a forma como podem capacitar os jovens, impulsionar a participação dos jovens e trazer mudanças para a sua cidade.
Os seguintes elementos-chave são essenciais para qualquer candidatura ao título de CJE:
O Fórum Europeu da Juventude organizará um webinar a 10 de janeiro de 2026, destinado às cidades interessadas em candidatar-se ao título de Capital Europeia da Juventude 2026.
Critérios de Elegibilidade
Disponível para qualquer autoridade local (definida como um município ou um grupo de municípios situados numa área geográfica comum) dos Estados-Membros do Conselho da Europa que sejam partes na Convenção Cultural Europeia adoptada em 1954 em Paris.
Os municípios candidatos, juntamente com as estruturas juvenis participantes, são convidados a apresentar um programa multifacetado que destaque a sua abordagem à participação dos jovens e os planos para criar um melhor ambiente para os jovens nas suas cidades.
A cidade a quem for atribuído o título será anunciada durante a cerimónia de entrega dos prémios em Lublin (Polónia), Capital Europeia da Juventude 2023, que terá lugar em novembro de 2023.
Descobre mais aqui.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
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Forumul European al Tineretului lansează "Capitala Europeană a Tineretului" (EYC) 2028. Acest titlu este atribuit unui oraș european timp de un an pentru a responsabiliza tinerii, a stimula participarea tinerilor și a consolida identitatea europeană. În fiecare an, unui nou oraș european i se oferă șansa de a-și prezenta ideile, proiectele și activitățile inovatoare menite să ridice vocea tinerilor și să aducă o nouă perspectivă a tinerilor în toate aspectele vieții orașului.
Inițiativa „Capitala europeană a tineretului” își propune să sprijine atât tinerii, cât și orașul pentru a deschide aceste posibilități și pentru a deschide calea pe care alte municipalități europene să o urmeze.
Un oraș poate deveni o Capitală europeană a tineretului dacă se distinge într-un mod pozitiv și are un program ambițios pentru responsabilizarea tinerilor.
Orașele sunt invitate să își definească viziunea de a deveni Capitala europeană a tineretului 2028 și modul în care aceasta îi poate responsabiliza pe tineri, poate stimula participarea tinerilor și poate aduce schimbări în orașul lor.
Următoarele elemente-cheie sunt esențiale pentru orice candidatură la titlul EYC:
Orice autoritate locală (definită ca o municipalitate sau un grup de municipalități situate într-o zonă geografică comună) din statele membre ale Consiliului Europei.
Orașul care va primi titlul va fi anunțat în timpul ceremoniei de premiere de la Ghent (Belgia), Capitala europeană a tineretului 2028, care va avea loc în noiembrie 2025.
Termene limită
11 februarie 2025 (23:59 CET), pentru depunerea formularelor de cerere detaliate.
Cererea include o taxă de 300 de euro, care trebuie plătită înainte de termenul limită la Forumul European al Tinerilor.
17 iunie 2025 (23:59 CET), pentru formularele de candidatură finale. A treia rundă de aplicare nu include o taxă.
O sesiune de informare va avea loc miercuri, 18 decembrie 2024, la ora 15:00 CET
Află mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Participation /
El foro europeo de juventud lanza el programa Capital Juvenil Europea (EYC) 2018. Este título se asigna a una ciudad europea por un período de un año. La iniciativa capital europea de juventud alienta al desarrollo de nuevas ideas y proyectos innovadores con respecto a la participación activa de los jóvenes en la sociedad y trate de presentar un modelo de desarrollo para otros municipios europeos. La primera capital de juventud europea es Rotterdam que se declaró capital juvenil europea 2009.
Una ciudad puede convertirse en capital juvenil europea si se distingue de forma positiva y tiene un programa ambicioso para la juventud. El título se confiere por un jurado constituido entre miembros de organizaciones de juventud europeas y socios institucionales. Por favor, lee los criterios de solicitud aquí.
Todos los municipios de los Estados Miembros de la Unión Europea y del Consejo de Europa pueden ser elegidos para conseguir el título de Capital Juvenil Europea.
Fechas límite:
- 28 de febrero de 2015 (23:59 CET), para la presentación de solicitudes.
La aplicación incluye una cuota de 300 euros, que se abonará antes de la fecha límite en el Foro Europeo de la Juventud.
- 28 de junio de 2015 (23:59 CET), los formularios de solicitud completos.
La aplicación incluye una cuota de 700 euros, que se abonará antes de la fecha límite en el Foro Europeo de la Juventud.
- 11 de Octubre de 2015 (23:59 CET) actualizado.
Encuentra más información aquí.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
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Європейський молодіжний форум запускає «Європейську молодіжну столицю 2023». Цей титул присвоюється європейському місту терміном на один рік для розширення можливостей молоді, посилення участі молоді та зміцнення європейської ідентичності.
Щороку новому європейському місту надається можливість продемонструвати свої інноваційні ідеї, проекти та заходи, що показують голос молоді та привносять нову молодіжну складову в усі аспекти життя міста.
Ініціатива "Європейська молодіжна столиця" має на меті підтримати і молодь, і місто, щоб відкрити ці можливості та показати вірний шлях для інших європейських муніципалітетів.
Європейська молодіжна столиця створює позитивний вплив у багатьох сферах:
Місто може стати європейською молодіжною столицею, якщо проявить себе позитивно та матиме амбітну програму розширення можливостей молоді.
Міста повинні висвітлити своє бачення становлення Європейською молодіжною столицею 2023 року і як це може розширити можливості молоді, посилити участь молоді та внести зміни у місто.
Перевірте критерії заявки.
Хто може брати участь
Усі муніципалітети разом з партисипативними молодіжними структурами з держав-членів Ради Європи мають право отримати звання «Європейська молодіжна столиця».
Європейський молодіжний форум проведе вебінар для міст, які зацікавлені подати заявку на звання Європейської молодіжної столиці 2023 року.
Вебінар надасть огляд процесу подачі заявки та відбудеться 02 грудня 2019 року.
- 12 січня 2020 (23:59 CET), подача концептуальних записок.
Заявка включає плату в розмірі 300 євро, яка повинна бути сплачена до встановленого терміну Європейському молодіжному форуму.
- 24 травня 2020 (23:59 CET), подача детальних заявок.
Заявка включає плату в розмірі 700 євро, яка повинна бути сплачена до встановленого терміну Європейському молодіжному форуму.
- 20 вересня 2020 (23:59 CET), для остаточних заявок.
Читайте більше за посиланням: https://www.youthforum.org/youthcapital
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Participation /
The European Youth Forum is launching the ‘European Youth Capital’ (EYC) 2024. This title is assigned to a European city for a period of one year during to empower young people, boost youth participation and strengthen European identity.
Each year, a new European city is given the chance to showcase its innovative ideas, projects and activities that aim to raise up young voices and bring a new youth perspective to all aspects of city life. The European Youth Capital initiative aims to support both young people and the city to open up these possibilities and lead the way for other European municipalities to follow.
The European Youth Capital creates a positive impact in many areas:
A city can become a European Youth Capital if it distinguishes itself in a positive way and has an ambitious programme for empowering youth.
Cities are asked to set out their vision to become the European Youth Capital 2024 and how it can empower young people, boost youth participation, and bring change to their city.
The European Youth Forum will host a webinar on 3 December 2020, for cities that are interested to apply for the European Youth Capital 2024 title.
Open to any Local Authority (defined as a municipality or group of municipalities located in a common geographical area) from Member States of the Council of Europe, which are parties to the European Cultural Convention adopted in 1954 in Paris. Applicant municipalities together with participating youth structures are invited to present a multi-faceted programme highlighting their approach to youth participation and plans for creating a better environment for young people in their cities.
- 17 January 2021 (23:59 CET), for submission of concept notes.
The application includes a fee of 300 Euros, to be paid before the deadline at the European Youth Forum.
- 23 May 2021 (23:59 CET), for submission of detailed application forms.
The application includes a fee of 700 Euros, to be paid before the deadline at the European Youth Forum.
- 20 September 2021 (23:59 CET), for final application forms. The third application round does not include a fee.
Find out more by visiting European Youth Forum website.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom
Demokráciáért Világfórum
Éves találkozó a demokráciák előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások értékelésére vilá...
Read this in 5 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The World Forum for Democracy is an annual gathering of leaders, opinion-makers, civil society activists, representatives of business, social innovators, academia, and media to debate key challenges for democracies worldwide and encourage democratic innovation.
The 2024 edition under the topic "Democracy and Diversity - Can we transcend the divides?" is taking place in Strasbourg (France) from 6 to 8 November 2024.
How to apply
Interested public or private organisations worldwide are invited to express their interest in presenting an initiative aimed at enhancing democracy and contributing to sustainable peace.
Examples of possible initiatives and their challenges (non-exhaustive):
One presenter for the selected initiatives will be invited to Strasbourg to take part in the World Forum.
Travel and accommodation expenses may be covered by the Council of Europe if required.
Submissions should be made by answering the questionnaire and sending it to [email protected] by 17 May 2024.
Find out more here.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
A Demokrácia Világfórum a vezetők, véleményformálók, civil társadalmi aktivisták, az üzleti élet, a társadalmi innovátorok, a tudományos élet és a média képviselőinek éves találkozója, amelynek célja a demokráciák előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások megvitatása világszerte, valamint a demokratikus innováció ösztönzése. A 2023-as eseményre 2023. november 6-8. között kerül sor Strasbourgban (Franciaország), a "Demokrácia = béke?" témára összpontosítva.
The labs are the heart of the World Forum for Democracy. Their idea is to address specific issues through the critical analysis of tested initiatives.
The labs will allow participants to learn about ground-breaking initiatives that offer responses to the key questions above based on an analysis of their real impact and replicability.
The initiatives should help understand how democracy and democratic institutions and practices can help accelerate the fight against democratic backsliding.
The initiatives should be presented in short speeches of ten minutes and critically assessed by multidisciplinary panels and participants in the labs.
How to apply
Interested public or private organisations worldwide are invited to express their interest in presenting an initiative aimed at enhancing democracy and reversing democratic decline from all over the world.
Examples of possible initiatives and their challenges (non-exhaustive):
Submissions should be made by answering the questionnaire and sending it to [email protected] by 15 June 2023.
One presenter for the selected initiatives will be invited to Strasbourg to take part in the World Forum.
Travel and accommodation expenses may be covered by the Council of Europe if required.
Find out more here.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Il Forum mondiale per la democrazia è un incontro annuale di leader, opinionisti, attivisti della società civile, rappresentanti delle imprese, innovatori sociali, del mondo accademico e dei media per discutere le sfide chiave per le democrazie di tutto il mondo e incoraggiare l'innovazione democratica. L'edizione del 2023, che si svolgerà a Strasburgo (Francia) dal 6 all'8 novembre 2023, sarà incentrata sul tema "Democrazia: Una nuova speranza?".
I laboratori sono il cuore del Forum mondiale per la democrazia. L'idea è quella di affrontare questioni specifiche attraverso l'analisi critica di iniziative sperimentate. I laboratori permetteranno ai partecipanti di conoscere iniziative innovative che offrono risposte alle domande chiave di cui sopra sulla base di un'analisi del loro impatto reale e della loro replicabilità. Le iniziative dovrebbero aiutare a capire come la democrazia e le istituzioni e le pratiche democratiche possano contribuire ad accelerare la lotta contro il regresso democratico.
Le iniziative dovrebbero essere presentate in brevi discorsi di dieci minuti e valutate criticamente da panel multidisciplinari e dai partecipanti ai laboratori.
Come candidarsi
Le organizzazioni pubbliche o private interessate di tutto il mondo sono invitate ad esprimere il loro interesse a presentare un'iniziativa volta a rafforzare la democrazia e ad invertire il declino democratico da tutto il mondo.
Esempi di possibili iniziative e le loro sfide (non esaustivo):
- Democrazia deliberativa e politica pubblica
- Costruire comunità resilienti, partecipative e connesse attraverso nuove forme di impegno civico e partnership pubblico-privato
- Attivismo mirato ai problemi dei gruppi sottorappresentati, minoranze, comunità indigene, immigrati, rifugiati
- Mostrare modelli democratici non tradizionali che migliorano la partecipazione dei cittadini
- Educazione civica, nuove piattaforme per sviluppare una democrazia informata e impegnata
- Affrontare il divario di ricchezza, modi nuovi o più efficaci per sollevare le persone dalla povertà, attivismo crowdfunding
- Promuovere la responsabilità dei funzionari eletti e la loro comunicazione con i cittadini, colpire la corruzione, migliorare l'integrità della vita pubblica
- Processi di riconciliazione, racconto della verità, giustizia riparativa
- Advocacy, protezione, sostegno o aiuto agli attivisti che promuovono i valori democratici
- Promozione del dialogo interculturale, della diversità culturale e dell'espressione artistica come metodo di impegno dei cittadini con la democrazia
- Incentivi alla governance etica, alla partecipazione democratica o disincentivi a comportamenti sociali polarizzanti e intolleranti e all'estremismo politico
- Prevenire la sovversione dei processi democratici, sostenere il fact-checking e contrastare i pregiudizi
- Inclusione di non cittadini, bambini o altri gruppi esclusi nel processo democratico
- Monitoraggio dei crimini d'odio, estremismo, disuguaglianze, polarizzazione o altre tendenze sociali/politiche negative
L'invito a manifestare interesse per l'edizione 2023 è chiuso.
Un rappresentante per la presentazione delle iniziative selezionate sarà invitato a Strasburgo per partecipare al Forum mondiale. Se necessario, le spese di viaggio e alloggio possono essere coperte dal Consiglio d'Europa.
Per saperne di più clicca qui.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
O Fórum Mundial da Democracia é um encontro anual de líderes, formuladores de opinião, ativistas da sociedade civil, representantes de empresas, inovadores sociais, académicos e meios de comunicação social para debater os principais desafios para as democracias em todo o mundo e promover a inovação democrática.
A edição de 2024, com o tema "Democracia e Diversidade - Podemos transcender as divisões?", realiza-se em Estrasburgo (França), de 6 a 8 de novembro de 2024.
Como te podes candidatar
As organizações públicas ou privadas interessadas de todo o mundo são convidadas a manifestar o seu interesse em apresentar uma iniciativa destinada a reforçar a democracia e a contribuir para uma paz sustentável.
Exemplos de possíveis iniciativas e respectivos desafios (não exaustivos):
Um dos apresentadores das iniciativas selecionadas será convidado a deslocar-se a Estrasburgo para participar no Fórum Mundial.
As despesas de deslocação e alojamento podem ser cobertas pelo Conselho da Europa, se necessário.
As candidaturas devem ser submetidas respondendo ao questionário e enviando-o para [email protected] até 17 de maio de 2024.
Descobre mais aqui.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Forumul mondial pentru democrație este o reuniune anuală a liderilor, a formatorilor de opinie, a activiștilor societății civile, a reprezentanților mediului de afaceri, a inovatorilor sociali, a mediului academic și a mass-mediei pentru a dezbate provocările cheie pentru democrațiile din întreaga lume și pentru a încuraja inovarea democratică.
Ediția din 2024, cu tema "Democrație și diversitate - Putem să depășim clivajele?", are loc la Strasbourg (Franța), în perioada 6-8 noiembrie 2024.
Cum te poți înscrie?
Organizațiile publice sau private interesate din întreaga lume sunt invitate să își exprime interesul de a prezenta o inițiativă menită să consolideze democrația și să contribuie la o pace durabilă.
Exemple de inițiative posibile și provocările acestora:
Un reprezentant al inițiativele selectate va fi invitat la Strasbourg pentru a lua parte la Forumul mondial.
Cheltuielile de călătorie și de cazare pot fi acoperite de Consiliul Europei, dacă este necesar.
Prezentările inițiativelor trebuie făcute prin răspunsul la chestionar și trimiterea acestuia la adresa [email protected] până la 17 mai 2024.
Află mai multe aici.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The Strasbourg World Forum for Democracy is an annual gathering of leaders, opinion-makers, civil society activists, representatives of business, social innovators, academia, and media to debate key challenges for democracies worldwide and encourage democratic innovation. The 2019 edition, taking place on 7-8 November, will focus on information and democracy.
In particular, the forum will explore to what extent the information we consume today is reliable, and what lessons we can and should learn for ensuring the free flow of reliable information in the future.
The labs are the heart of the World Forum for Democracy. Their idea is to address specific issues through the critical analysis of tested initiatives.
The labs will allow participants to learn about ground-breaking initiatives that offer responses to the key questions above based on an analysis of their real impact and replicability.
The initiatives must help understand how democracy and democratic institutions and practices can help combat disinformation and fake news, and how can artificial intelligence and new technologies become an enabler of democracy.
The initiatives should be presented in short speeches of ten minutes and critically assessed by multidisciplinary panels and participants in the labs.
Interested organisations worldwide are invited to express their interest in presenting an initiative aimed at changing the way people receive and process information.
These initiatives should be able to share evidence about efforts that have led to the creation of best practices and new approaches to countering disinformation, while offering a sustainable and ethical solution.
Examples of possible initiatives and their challenges (non-exhaustive):
Submissions should be made by answering the questionnaire and sending it to [email protected] by 24 May 2019.
The World Forum Task Force will select the most interesting and relevant proposals in June 2019.
Find out more here.
Az Európai Gazdasági és Szociális B...
Az EGSZB évente díjazza a civil társadalmi kezdeményezések kiválóságát.
Read this in 7 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The European Economic and Social Committee rewards excellence in civil society initiatives through its annual Civil Society Prize.
The prize will reward innovative initiatives carried out by civil society organisations and/or individuals on the territory of the EU that support people with mental health conditions and promote an environment fostering mental well-being on an individual or collective basis.
The aim of the award is to raise awareness of the contribution that civil society can make to promoting a European identity and citizenship in a way that underpins the common values that are the foundation of European integration. The theme of the 14th edition is "Mental health".
The Prize is open to civil society organisations (CSOs) officially registered within the European Union and acting at local, national, regional or European level. It is also open to individuals. Third-country nationals are also eligible, provided they are legally resident in the territory of the EU.
For each category, a maximum of three prizes will be awarded to the three top-ranked candidates (first prize EUR 14.000, second, third, fourth and fifth prize EUR 9 000).
Up to two representatives per winner will be invited to the ceremony, with travel and accommodation covered by the EESC.
The prize award ceremony will take place during the EESC Civil Society Week in spring 2024.
Deadline: 30 September 2023, 10:00 (CEST).
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations and individuals
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
A travers son Prix de la société civile, le Comité économique et social européen récompense l'excellence dans les initiatives de la société civile. Le thème du Prix 2021 est : « l’action climatique».
Ce Prix a pour but de récompenser et d'encourager des initiatives et réalisations concrètes menées à bien par des personnes et/ou d'organisations de la société civile sur le territoire de l’UE et qui ont pour but de promouvoir une transition vers une économie à faible émission de carbone et low-carbone et résistante aux phénomènes climatiques.
Pour être éligibles les initiatives devront avoir déjà été mises en oeuvre ou avoir commencé et devront couvrir au moins un des domaines suivants (liste non exhaustive, liste complète ici) :
Les initiatives éligibles devront se concentrer leurs actions pour :
Promouvoir un engagement total et/ou la reconnaissance de la transition vers une société neutre en carbone par la société civile
Promouvoir la participation des citoyens dans le débat climatique
Promouvoir la sensibilisation contre le réchauffement climatique parmi les consommateurs ou encourager le changements de nos comportements
Concevoir ou mettre en oeuvre des projets qui luttent activement pour des politiques climatiques fortes aux niveau local, régional, national ou européen
Promouvoir la justice climatique au sens large en considérant les droits humains et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises
Promouvoir l’éducation climatique à l’école à tous les niveaux
Promouvoir l’engagement de la société civile dans la mise en oeuvre des politiques climatiques aux niveaux local, régional, national ou européen
Le prix du CESE est ouvert aux organisations de la société civile enregistrées officiellement dans l'Union européenne et qui exercent leur action au niveau local, national, régional ou européen. Il peut également récompenser des personnes à titre individuel. Les ressortissants de pays tiers peuvent participer, à condition de résider légalement sur le territoire de l'UE.
1er : 14 000 €
2ème : 9 000 €
3ème : 9 000 €
4ème : 9 000 €
5ème : 9 000 €
Date limite : 30 juin 2021 à 10h.
La cérémonie de la remise du prix aura lieu les 8 et 9 décembre 2021 à Bruxelles, lors de la session plénière du CESE.
Deux représentants par lauréat seront invités à la cérémonie. Le voyage et l'hébergement seront organisés par le CESE.
Plus d'informations ici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Der Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss würdigt Spitzenleistungen im Bereich zivilgesellschaftlicher Initiativen mit seinem jährlichen Preis für die Zivilgesellschaft. Das Thema des Preises 2021 lautet: "Klimaschutz".
Mit dem Preis werden innovative Initiativen gewürdigt, die von Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft und / oder Einzelpersonen auf dem Gebiet der EU durchgeführt werden und die einen gerechten Übergang zu einer kohlenstoffarmen und klimaresistenten Wirtschaft fördern sollen.
Förderfähige Initiativen sollten bereits umgesetzt oder begonnen worden sein und mindestens einen der folgenden Bereiche abdecken (nicht erschöpfende Liste, vollständige Liste hier):
Der EWSA-Preis für die Zivilgesellschaft steht Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft (CSOs) offen, die offiziell in der Europäischen Union registriert sind und auf lokaler, nationaler, regionaler oder europäischer Ebene tätig sind. Es steht auch Einzelpersonen offen. Drittstaatsangehörige sind ebenfalls förderfähig, sofern sie sich rechtmäßig im Hoheitsgebiet der EU aufhalten.
1. Platz: 14.000 Euro
2. Platz: 9.000 Euro
3. Platz: 9.000 Euro
4. Platz: 9.000 Euro
5. Platz: 9.000 Euro
Deadline: 30. Juni 2021, 10:00 (MESZ).
Die Preisverleihung findet am 8. und 9. Dezember 2021 in Brüssel während der EWSA-Plenartagung statt.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Az Európai Gazdasági és Szociális Bizottság (European Economic and Social Committee - EESC) a civil társadalmi kezdeményezések kiválóságát a Civil Társadalmi Díjjal jutalmazza.
The prize will reward innovative initiatives carried out by civil society organisations and/or individuals on the territory of the EU that support people with mental health conditions and promote an environment fostering mental well-being on an individual or collective basis.
The aim of the award is to raise awareness of the contribution that civil society can make to promoting a European identity and citizenship in a way that underpins the common values that are the foundation of European integration. The theme of the 14th edition is "Mental health".
The Prize is open to civil society organisations (CSOs) officially registered within the European Union and acting at local, national, regional or European level. It is also open to individuals. Third-country nationals are also eligible, provided they are legally resident in the territory of the EU.
For each category, a maximum of three prizes will be awarded to the three top-ranked candidates (first prize EUR 14.000, second, third, fourth and fifth prize EUR 9 000).
Up to two representatives per winner will be invited to the ceremony, with travel and accommodation covered by the EESC.
The prize award ceremony will take place during the EESC Civil Society Week in spring 2024.
Deadline: 30 September 2023, 10:00 (CEST).
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Comitetul Economic și Social European premiază excelența în inițiativele societății civile prin intermediul Premiului anual CESE pentru societatea civilă.
Premiul va recompensa inițiativele inovatoare desfășurate de organizațiile societății civile și/sau de persoane fizice de pe teritoriul UE care sprijină persoanele cu afecțiuni psihice și promovează un mediu care favorizează bunăstarea mentală la nivel individual sau colectiv.
Scopul premiului este de a crește gradul de conștientizare a contribuției pe care societatea civilă o poate aduce la promovarea unei identități și a unei cetățenii europene într-un mod care să susțină valorile comune care stau la baza integrării europene. Tema celei de-a 14-a ediții este "Sănătatea mintală".
Premiul este deschis organizațiilor societății civile (ONG-uri) înregistrate oficial în Uniunea Europeană și care acționează la nivel local, național, regional sau european. De asemenea, este deschis și persoanelor fizice. Cetățenii țărilor terțe sunt, de asemenea, eligibili, cu condiția să aibă reședința legală pe teritoriul UE.
Pentru fiecare categorie, se vor acorda cel mult trei premii celor mai bine clasați trei candidați (premiul întâi 14.000 EUR, premiul al doilea, al treilea, al patrulea și al cincilea 9.000 EUR).
La ceremonie vor fi invitați până la doi reprezentanți pentru fiecare câștigător, transportul și cazarea fiind acoperite de CESE.
Ceremonia de decernare a premiilor va avea loc în cadrul Săptămânii societății civile a CESE, în primăvara anului 2024.
Termen limită: 30 septembrie 2023, ora 10:00 (CEST).
Aflați mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
El Comité Económico y Social premia la excelencia en las iniciativas de la sociedad civil a través de su Premio anual de la Sociedad Civil.
El tema del premio 2014 es: "La integración de Roma."
El objetivo este año es premiar y alentar las iniciativas y logros concretos de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y/o individuos que han contribuido significativamente a la promoción de la identidad europea y la integración.
El objetivo general del premio es despertar la conciencia de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, la contribución que pueden aportar a la creación de una identidad europea y de ciudadanía de manera que sea la base de los valores comunes que apuntalan la integración europea.
El Premio del Comité de la Sociedad Civil está abierto a organizaciones de la sociedad civil, establecidas en la Unión Europea, y que actúen a nivel local, nacional, regional o europeo.
Los candidatos al premio han de ser propuestos por:
• uno o varios miembros del Comité Económico y Social Europeo, o
• uno o varios CES nacionales o instituciones similares, o
• una o varias organizaciones y redes europeas de la sociedad civil .
Las organizaciones europeas de la sociedad civil no están autorizadass a nominarse a sí mismos. Las solicitudes enviadas directamente a la CES no serán consideradas.
1 º: 20.000 euros
2 º 5.000 euros
3º 5.000 euros
Fecha límite: fue 30 de junio de 2014
Encuentra más información aquí.
Te mantendremos al tanto cuando salgan nuevas convocatorias.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The European Economic and Social Committee rewards excellence in civil society initiatives through its annual Civil Society Prize.
The theme of the 2018 prize is: "Identities, European Values and Cultural Heritage in Europe".
The aim of the 2018 prize is to reward and encourage tangible initiatives and achievements by civil society organisations and/or individuals that have made a significant contribution to promoting European identity and integration. Its overall objective is to raise awareness of the multiple layers and richness of European identities, exploiting the full potential of Europe's cultural wealth, facilitating access to European cultural heritage and promoting European values (respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law).
Eligible initiatives should cover at least one of the following areas:
The EESC Civil Society Prize is open to civil society organisations officially registered within the European Union and acting at local, national, regional or European level. It is also open to individuals.
Third-country nationals are also eligible, provided they are legally resident in the territory of the EU.
1st: 14.000 Euros
2nd 9.000 Euros
3rd 9.000 Euros
4th 9.000 Euros
5th 9.000 Euros
Deadline: 7 September 2018, 23:59 (CET).
The prize award ceremony will take place on 13 December 2018, during the EESC plenary session.
Two representatives per winner will be invited to the ceremony, with travel and accommodation organised by the EESC.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Társadalmi Innovációs Verseny
Támogatja a társadalmi, etikai és környezeti változást kiváltó innovatív ötletek...
Read this in 5 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The Social Innovation Tournament is the European Investment Bank initiative which aims to promote innovative ideas and to reward initiatives that contribute to creating social, ethical and environmental impact. It covers projects in a wide range of fields such as education, healthcare, environment, circular economy, inclusion, job creation, ageing and many more.
The winning projects in the General Category and Special Category will be awarded a first or second prize of €100 000 and €40 000 respectively. The Audience Choice Award of €10,000 will be decoded by the public, based on their votes.
The winner of the first prize in the General Category will also benefit from an EY mentoring voucher (half-day business plan fine-tuning).
In 2023, the Special Category prizes will go to projects focusing on sustainable cities and communities
The finalists will be invited to a tailor-made training programme (Mentoring Bootcamp, e-training on pitching and communication techniques, Rehearsal Bootcamp) to provide them with the necessary guidance for the finalisation of their proposals.
Other awards:
All finalists will present their proposals at the Pitching Competition, to be held in Stockholm, Sweden on 27-28 September 2023.
Eligible applicants
The Tournament is open individuals or teams (students teams are also welcome) from or residing in the European Union Member States,Candidate and Potential Candidate countries and EFTA countries whose proposals are to be implemented in one or more of these countries
The Tournament aims to attract both non-for-profit and for-profit organisations, in particular young entrepreneurs and social enterprises, NGOs, corporate responsibility departments of private sector companies of any size, government or local government entities and university communities
How to apply
Any single applicant can submit as many proposals as they want.
Proposals should be submitted in English and sent to [email protected].
Deadline: 23 February 2023, 23:59 CET.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations and individuals
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
A Társadalmi Innovációs Verseny (Social Innovation Tournament) az Európai Beruházási Bank (European Investment Bank) kezdeményezése, amelynek célja az innovatív ötletek előmozdítása és a társadalmi, etikai és környezeti hatások eléréséhez hozzájáruló kezdeményezések díjazása. A verseny számos területen - például az oktatás, az egészségügy, a környezetvédelem, a körforgásos gazdaság, a befogadás, a munkahelyteremtés, az idősödés és még sok más területen - zajló projektekre terjed ki.
The winning projects in the General Category and Special Category will be awarded a first or second prize of €100 000 and €40 000 respectively. The Audience Choice Award of €10,000 will be decoded by the public, based on their votes.
The winner of the first prize in the General Category will also benefit from an EY mentoring voucher (half-day business plan fine-tuning).
In 2023, the Special Category prizes will go to projects focusing on sustainable cities and communities
The finalists will be invited to a tailor-made training programme (Mentoring Bootcamp, e-training on pitching and communication techniques, Rehearsal Bootcamp) to provide them with the necessary guidance for the finalisation of their proposals.
Other awards:
All finalists will present their proposals at the Pitching Competition, to be held in Stockholm, Sweden on 27-28 September 2023.
Eligible applicants
The Tournament is open individuals or teams (students teams are also welcome) from or residing in the European Union Member States,Candidate and Potential Candidate countries and EFTA countries whose proposals are to be implemented in one or more of these countries
The Tournament aims to attract both non-for-profit and for-profit organisations, in particular young entrepreneurs and social enterprises, NGOs, corporate responsibility departments of private sector companies of any size, government or local government entities and university communities
How to apply
Any single applicant can submit as many proposals as they want.
Proposals should be submitted in English and sent to [email protected].
Deadline: 23 February 2023, 23:59 CET.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Il Torneo dell'innovazione sociale è l'iniziativa della Banca europea per gli investimenti che mira a promuovere idee innovative e a premiare le iniziative che contribuiscono a creare un impatto sociale, etico e ambientale. Copre progetti in una vasta gamma di settori come l'istruzione, la sanità, l'ambiente, l'economia circolare, l'inclusione, la creazione di posti di lavoro, l'invecchiamento e molti altri.
Per celebrare il decimo anniversario del SIT, i progetti vincitori della categoria generale e della categoria speciale riceveranno un primo o un secondo premio di 75 000 e 30 000 euro rispettivamente, e un premio del pubblico di 10 000 euro.
Il vincitore del primo premio della categoria generale beneficerà anche di un voucher di mentoring EY (mezza giornata di messa a punto del business plan).
Nel 2022, i premi della categoria speciale andranno a progetti incentrati sull'economia blu e verde.
I finalisti saranno invitati a un programma di formazione su misura (Mentoring Bootcamp, e-training sulle tecniche di pitching e comunicazione, Rehearsal Bootcamp) per fornire loro la guida necessaria per la finalizzazione delle loro proposte.
Altri premi:
Il premio Audience Choice Award del valore di 10 000 euro è deciso dal voto del pubblico.
I finalisti diventano membri del SIT Alumni Network e beneficiano di numerose opportunità, dal capacity building e varie iniziative di apprendimento al networking e alla visibilità internazionale, per scalare l'impatto della loro impresa. Tutti i finalisti presenteranno le loro proposte alla Pitching Competition, che si terrà a Vienna, Austria, il 29 settembre 2022.
Ogni singolo candidato può presentare tutte le proposte che vuole.
La proposta deve essere presentata in inglese e inviata a [email protected].
Scadenza: 24 febbraio 2022.
Per ulteriori informazioni: http://bit.ly/2z3Ih3s
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Turneul de inovare socială este inițiativa Băncii Europene de Investiții care urmărește promovarea ideilor inovatoare și recompensarea inițiativelor care creează impact social, etic și de mediului. Acesta acoperă proiecte dintr-o gamă variată de domenii precum educație, asistență medicală, mediu, economie circulară, incluziune, crearea de locuri de muncă, îmbătrânire și multe altele.
Proiectele câștigătoare din categoria generală și categoria specială vor primi un Premiu I sau Premiu II de 75.000 EUR și, respectiv, 30.000 EUR și un premiu “Alegerea publicului”, de 10.000 EUR.
Câștigătorul premiului I la Categoria Generală va beneficia și de un voucher de mentorat EY (elaborarea planului de afaceri într-o jumătate de zi).
În 2022, Premiile de Categoria Specială vor fi acordate proiectelor care se concentrează pe economia albastră și verde.
Finaliștii vor fi invitați la un program de training personalizat (Mentoring Bootcamp, training online despre pitching de prezentări și tehnici de comunicare, Rehearsal Bootcamp) pentru a le oferi îndrumarea necesară în vederea finalizării propunerilor lor.
Alte premii:
Toți finaliștii își vor prezenta propunerile la Pitching Competition, care va avea loc la Viena, Austria, în data de 29 septembrie 2022.
Candidați eligibili
Turneul se adresează persoanelor sau echipelor (echipele studenților sunt, de asemenea, binevenite) din sau cu reședința în statele membre ale Uniunii Europene, țările candidate și potențial candidate la UE și țările AELS ale căror propuneri urmează să fie puse în aplicare într-una sau mai multe dintre aceste țări;
Turneul urmărește să atragă atât organizații non-profit, cât și organizații care generează profit, în special tineri antreprenori și întreprinderi sociale, ONG-uri, departamente de responsabilitate sociala corporativă ale companiilor din sectorul companiilor private de orice dimensiune, entități locale sau guvernamentale și comunități academice.
Cum se aplică
Orice candidat poate depune câte propuneri dorește.
Propunerile trebuie trimise în limba engleză și trimise la adresa de e-mail: [email protected].
Termen limită: 24 februarie 2022, 23:59 CET.
Mai multe informații pot fi găsite aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
El Torneo de Innovación Social es la iniciativa principal del Programa Social del Instituto. El objetivo del torneo es promover y apoyar las ideas innovadoras y oportunidades que generen un impacto social, centrándose en los objetivos sociales, éticos y medioambientales, y crear y potenciar los valores sociales que luchan contra la exclusión social. Pueden estar relacionados con la lucha contra el desempleo, la marginación de las comunidades mas desfavorecidas y la promoción del acceso a la educación en una amplia gama de campos, desde la educación y la atención sanitaria en un medio natural o urbano, a las nuevas tecnologías, nuevos sistemas y nuevos procesos. El premio de la categoría especial irá dirigido a temas relacionados con la igualdad de oportunidades, haciendo especial énfasis en las personas con discapacidad.
El torneo tendrá dos fases. Primero, un Comité de Selección formado principalemnte por un grupo de expertos en innovación, medio ambiente y otras disciplinas relevantes seleccionará 15 proyectos. Los finalistas serán aconsejados por un gruppo de mentores que les proporcionará la orientación necesaria para la finalización de sus propuestas.
En el evento final, que se celebrará en Milán, Italia, el 24 de septiembre de 2015, todos los finalistas tienen que presentar y defender su proyecto ante un jurado compuesto por especialistas en innovación social.
Todos los proyectos competirán en una categoría general, con un primer premio dotado en 25.000 € y un segundo premio de 10.000 €.
Los proyectos que entren en la categoría especial, este año relacionado con la igualdad de oportunidades, con un especial énfasis en las personas con discapacidad, también competirán por ese premio especial dotado de 25.000 €.
Ningún ganador puede obtener más de un premio.
Quién puede participar
El torneo está abierto para organizaciones con y sin ánimo de lucro, en particular para los jóvenes emprendedores y empresas sociales, Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, departamentos de responsabilidad social de las empresas del sector privado, de cualquier tamaño, las entidades gubernamentales de todo tipo, desde estatales hasta locales, y comunidades universitarias. Las aportaciones de equipos de escuelas secundarias también serán bienvenidos.
Las propuestas pueden ser presentadas con carácter individual o por equipos.
Países que puede participar:
- Los 27 países miembros de
- Candidatos y potenciales candidatos a formar parte de
- Países de
Las inscripciones deben ser enviadas solo de manera electrónica.
Los proyectos pueden ser remitidos en francés o en ingles, pero las presentaciones en el evento final deberán hacerse en inglés.
Fecha límite de presentación: 21 de marzo de 2015
Más información: http://institute.eib.org/programmes/social/social-innovation-tournament
European Investment Bank Institute
43, boulevard J.F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 4379 75000
Email: http://institute.eib.org/contact-us-2
Web: http://institute.eib.org
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The Social Innovation Tournament is the flagship initiative of the Institute’s Social Programme. The aim of the Tournament is to promote and support innovative ideas and opportunities that generate a social impact (targeting social, ethical or environmental goals) and create and sustain social value in relation to the fight against social exclusion. Entries may be related to fighting unemployment, marginalisation of disadvantaged communities and promoting access to education in a wide range of fields, from education and health care to natural or urban environment, through new technologies, new systems, and new processes.
This year’s Special Category Prize will award projects focusing on sustainable development, with special emphasis on circular economy.
The Tournament runs in two rounds. A Selection Committee comprised mainly of EIB Group experts in innovation, the environment, and other relevant disciplines selects up to 15 projects.
The finalists are invited to a mentoring boot camp (27-28 June 2018) to provide them with the necessary guidance for the finalisation of their proposals.
In the Final Event, to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 23-28 October 2018, where all the finalists have to present and defend their project to a Jury composed of social innovation specialists.
All projects will compete for the General Category 1st and 2nd Prizes of EUR 50 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively. Projects falling under the Special Category (in 2018, projects focusing on sustainable development, with special emphasis on circular economy) will also compete for the Special Category 1st and 2nd Prizes of EUR 50 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively. No winner may be awarded more than one prize.
Eligible applicants
The Tournament is open individuals or teams from (or residing in) the European Union Member States, Candidate and Potential Candidate countries, and EFTA countries that submit proposals to be implemented in one or more such countries.
Any single applicant can submit as many proposals as they want.
The Tournament aims to attract both non-for-profit and for-profit organisations, in particularly young entrepreneurs and social enterprises, NGOs, corporate responsibility departments of private sector companies of any size, government or local government entities and university communities. Entries from high school teams will also be welcome.
Applications need to be submitted only electronically here.
Projects can be submitted in French or English. Presentations at the Final Event will be in English.
Deadline: 6 March 2018, 23:59 CET.
Find out more: https://institute.eib.org/whatwedo/social/social-innovation-tournament
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye
Európai Ifjúsági Nagy Károly-díj
Részvételi lehetőség az EU fejlesztéséről, integrációról és európai identitásról...
Read this in 10 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The European Charlemagne Youth Prize rewards youth-run projects that support democracy in Europe and promote cooperation and understanding both in Europe and internationally.
It highlights the daily work by young people in strengthening a shared sense of European identity and rewards their active participation in the development of Europe.
Eligibility criteria
The prize for the best project is EUR 7,500, the second, EUR 5000, and the third, EUR 2,500.
The 3 final laureates will be invited to visit the European Parliament (in Brussels or Strasbourg).
One representative from each of the three European laureates will be offered the opportunity of a Schuman traineeship in the European Parliament.
The representatives of all the 27 national projects selected will also be invited to a four-day trip to Aachen, Germany.
Deadline: 30 January 2025, 23:59 CET.
For more information please contact your national European Parliament Liaison Office or submit your questions to: [email protected].
Read more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for individuals
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Европейска младежка награда „Карл Велики“
Млади хора от всички държави-членки на ЕС са поканени да участват в конкурс за развитие на ЕС, интеграция и въпроси на европейската идентичност от Европейския парламент и Фондацията на Международната награда Карл Велики в Аахен.
Тема на конкурса:
„Европейската младежка награда „Карл Велики“ се присъжда на проекти, които обхващат:
- теми свързани с насърчаване на европейското и международно разбирателство;
- теми свързани с насърчаване развитието на споделено чувство за европейска идентичност и интеграция;
- служат като пример за подражание на младите хора, живеещи в Европа;
- предлагат практически примери за съвместен живот на европейците като една общност.
Проектите могат да се фокусират върху организирането на различни младежки събития, младежки обмени или интернет проекти с европейско измерение.
Изисквания за кандидатстване:
- кандидатите да са на възраст 16-30 години;
- трябва да са граждани или жители на една от държавите-членки на ЕС;
- могат да кандидатстват индивидуално, групово или като организация;
- в случаите, когато кандидатът е група лица или организация, заявлението трябва да бъде подадено на името на отговорното лице, представляващо групата или организацията.
Допустими са предложения на всички официални езици на Европейския съюз
Представените за конкурса проекти могат да бъдат:
- национален (т.е. осъществен в една държава членка и насочен към участници от тази държава членка) или международен (т.е. осъществен в повече от една държава членка и/или насочен към участници от повече от една държава членка);
- проектът може да бъде подаден само в една държава-членка на ЕС - в случай на международни проекти, кандидатурата трябва да бъде подадена в държавата-членка, с която проектът има най-близка връзка.
Наградата за най-добър проект е 7500 евро, за класирания на второ място проект - 5000 евро и за проекта, класиран на трето място - 2500 евро.
Един представител от избраните 27 национални печеливши проекта ще бъде поканен на церемонията по награждаването, както и няколкодневен престой в Аахен, Германия през май 2022 г.
Наградите за най-добрите три проекта ще бъдат връчени от председателя на Европейския парламент и представител на фондацията на Международната награда „Карл Велики“ в Аахен.
Като част от наградата, първите трима печеливши ще бъдат поканени да посетят Европейския парламент (в Брюксел или в Страсбург).
Процедура за подбор:
Победителят в Европейската младежка награда „Карл Велики“ ще бъде избран в двуфазен процес.
Първо: национални журита, състоящи се от най-малко двама членове на Европейския парламент (ЕП) и един представител от младежкия сектор и се избират ежегодно. За повече информация, моля, свържете се с вашето национално бюро за връзка с Европейския парламент.
Второ: европейското жури се състои от председателя на Европейския парламент, двама членове на Европейския парламент, трима представители на фондацията на Международната награда „Карл Велики“ в Аахен и двама представители на младежкия сектор (включително бивши лауреати).
Ако имате въпроси, пишете на: [email protected].
Крайният срок за изпращане на вашия проект е 2 февруари 2023 г. в 00:00 CET.
За повече информация относно конкурса, моля, прочетете правилата и се свържете с националното бюро за връзка на Европейския парламент.
Научете повече: http://www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu/
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
TEST Европейска младежка награда „Карл Велики“
Млади хора от всички държави-членки на ЕС са поканени да участват в конкурс за развитие на ЕС, интеграция и въпроси на европейската идентичност от Европейския парламент и Фондацията на Международната награда Карл Велики в Аахен.
Тема на конкурса:
„Европейската младежка награда „Карл Велики“ се присъжда на проекти, които обхващат:
- теми свързани с насърчаване на европейското и международно разбирателство;
- теми свързани с насърчаване развитието на споделено чувство за европейска идентичност и интеграция;
- служат като пример за подражание на младите хора, живеещи в Европа;
- предлагат практически примери за съвместен живот на европейците като една общност.
Проектите могат да се фокусират върху организирането на различни младежки събития, младежки обмени или интернет проекти с европейско измерение.
Изисквания за кандидатстване:
- кандидатите да са на възраст 16-30 години;
- трябва да са граждани или жители на една от държавите-членки на ЕС;
- могат да кандидатстват индивидуално, групово или като организация;
- в случаите, когато кандидатът е група лица или организация, заявлението трябва да бъде подадено на името на отговорното лице, представляващо групата или организацията.
Допустими са предложения на всички официални езици на Европейския съюз
Представените за конкурса проекти могат да бъдат:
- национален (т.е. осъществен в една държава членка и насочен към участници от тази държава членка) или международен (т.е. осъществен в повече от една държава членка и/или насочен към участници от повече от една държава членка);
- проектът може да бъде подаден само в една държава-членка на ЕС - в случай на международни проекти, кандидатурата трябва да бъде подадена в държавата-членка, с която проектът има най-близка връзка.
Наградата за най-добър проект е 7500 евро, за класирания на второ място проект - 5000 евро и за проекта, класиран на трето място - 2500 евро.
Един представител от избраните 27 национални печеливши проекта ще бъде поканен на церемонията по награждаването, както и няколкодневен престой в Аахен, Германия през май 2022 г.
Наградите за най-добрите три проекта ще бъдат връчени от председателя на Европейския парламент и представител на фондацията на Международната награда „Карл Велики“ в Аахен.
Като част от наградата, първите трима печеливши ще бъдат поканени да посетят Европейския парламент (в Брюксел или в Страсбург).
Процедура за подбор:
Победителят в Европейската младежка награда „Карл Велики“ ще бъде избран в двуфазен процес.
Първо: национални журита, състоящи се от най-малко двама членове на Европейския парламент (ЕП) и един представител от младежкия сектор и се избират ежегодно. За повече информация, моля, свържете се с вашето национално бюро за връзка с Европейския парламент.
Второ: европейското жури се състои от председателя на Европейския парламент, двама членове на Европейския парламент, трима представители на фондацията на Международната награда „Карл Велики“ в Аахен и двама представители на младежкия сектор (включително бивши лауреати).
Ако имате въпроси, пишете на: [email protected].
Крайният срок за изпращане на вашия проект е 2 февруари 2023 г. в 00:00 CET.
За повече информация относно конкурса, моля, прочетете правилата и се свържете с националното бюро за връзка на Европейския парламент.
Научете повече: http://www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu/
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Das Europäische Parlament und die Stiftung Internationaler Karlspreis zu Aachen laden junge Menschen aus allen Mitgliedstaaten der EU ein, an einem Wettbewerb zu den Themen Entwicklung der EU, europäische Integration und Europäische Identität teilzunehmen.
Thema des Wettbewerbs:
Der 'Europäische Karlspreis der Jugend' wird an Projekte vergeben, die:
- die europäische und internationale Verständigung fördern,
- die Entwicklung eines gemeinsamen Gefühls der europäischen Identität und Integration fördern,
- als Vorbild für in Europa lebende junge Menschen dienen
- praktische Beispiele für das Zusammenleben der Europäer als eine Gemeinschaft bieten.
Die Projekte können sich auf die Organisation verschiedener Jugendveranstaltungen, Jugendaustausche oder Internetprojekte mit einer europäischen Dimension konzentrieren.
Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme:
- Die Teilnehmer sollten 16-30 Jahre alt sein;
- müssen Bürger oder Einwohner eines der EU-Mitgliedstaaten sein;
- können sich entweder einzeln oder in Gruppen bewerben; bei Gruppen- und grenzüberschreitenden Projekten kann das Projekt nur in einem Land eingereicht werden, das eng mit dem Projekt verbunden ist.
Förderfähig sind Anträge in allen Amtssprachen der Europäischen Union.
Die für den Wettbewerb eingereichten Projekte müssen begonnen haben und:
a) zwischen dem 1. Januar 2020 und dem 1. Februar 2021 abgeschlossen sein oder
b) noch laufen.
Der Preis für das beste Projekt beträgt 7.500 EUR, der zweite Preis 5000 EUR und der dritte Preis 2.500 EUR.
Ein Vertreter der 27 ausgewählten nationalen Siegerprojekte wird am 11. Mai 2021 zur Preisverleihung und zu einem mehrtägigen Aufenthalt in Aachen, Deutschland, eingeladen.
Die Preise für die drei besten Projekte werden vom Präsidenten des Europäischen Parlaments und vom Vertreter der Stiftung Internationaler Karlspreis zu Aachen überreicht.
Im Rahmen der Preisverleihung werden die drei Preisträger zu einem Besuch des Europäischen Parlaments (in Brüssel oder in Straßburg) eingeladen.
Der Gewinner oder die Gewinnerin des Europäischen Karlspreises der Jugend wird in einem zweistufigen Verfahren ausgewählt.
1. : Nationale Jurys, die aus mindestens zwei Mitgliedern des Europäischen Parlaments (MdEP) und einem Vertreter von Jugendorganisationen bestehen, wählen bis zum 15. März 2021 einen nationalen Preisträger aus jedem der 27 Mitgliedstaaten aus.
2. : Die europäische Jury, bestehend aus drei Mitgliedern des Europäischen Parlaments, dem Präsidenten des Europäischen Parlaments und vier Vertretern der Stiftung Internationaler Karlspreis zu Aachen, wählt im April 2021 aus den 27 nationalen Siegerprojekten, die von den nationalen Jurys eingereicht wurden, den Gewinner aus.
Wenn Sie Fragen haben, schicken Sie eine E-Mail: [email protected].
Einsendeschluss für Ihr Projekt ist der 1. Februar 2021 um 00:00 Uhr MEZ.
Für weitere Informationen über den Wettbewerb lesen Sie bitte die Regeln und wenden Sie sich an das nationale Verbindungsbüro des Europäischen Parlaments.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: http://www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Az Európai Parlament és az aacheni Nemzetközi Nagy Károly-díj Alapítvány (Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen) az Európai Unió valamennyi tagállamából fiatalokat hív meg az EU fejlődésével, integrációjával és az európai identitással kapcsolatos kérdésekről szóló versenyre.
Theme of the competition:
The European Charlemagne Youth Prize is awarded to projects, which:
The projects can focus on the organisation of various youth events, youth exchanges or internet projects with a European dimension.
Application requirements
Applications in all official languages of the European Union are eligible
The projecs submitted for the competition be
- a project can be either national (i.e. carried out in one Member State and targeting participants from this one Member State) or international (i.e. carried out in more than one Member State and/or targeting participants from more than one Member State);
- a project can only be submitted in one EU Member State - in case of international projects, the application must be submitted in the Member State that the project has the closest link to.
The prize for the best project is EUR 7,500, the second, EUR 5000, and the third, EUR 2,500.
One representative of the 27 national winning projects selected will be invited to the award ceremony and a stay of several days in Aachen, Germany in May 2022.
The prizes for the best three projects will be presented by the President of the European Parliament and representative of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.
As part of the prize, the three laureates will be invited to visit the European Parliament (in Brussels or in Strasbourg).
Selection procedure
The winner of the European Charlemagne Youth Prize will be selected in a two-phase process.
First: national juries consisting of at least two Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and one representative from the youth sector and is selected annually. For more information please contact your national European Parliament Liaison Office.
Second: the European jury consists of the President of the European Parliament, two Members of the European Parliament, three representatives of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen, and two representatives of the youth sector (including former prize winners).
If you have any questions, email: [email protected].
The deadline to submit your project is 2 February 2023 at 00:00 CET.
For more information regarding the competition please read the rules and contact the national European Parliament Liaison Office.
Find out more: http://www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Il Premio Europeo Carlo Magno per la Gioventù è assegnato a progetti che:
- promuovono la comprensione europea ed internazionale,
- favoriscono lo sviluppo di un concetto condiviso dell'identità e dell'integrazione europee,
- costituiscono un modello di comportamento per i giovani in Europa ed offrono esempi concreti di cittadini europei che formano un'unica comunità.
Criteri di partecipazione:
- i partecipanti devono avere tra i 16 e i 30 anni;
- devono essere cittadini o residenti di uno degli Stati membri UE;
- possono presentare domanda singolarmente o in gruppo, o un'organizzazione;
-un progetto può essere nazionale (cioè realizzato in uno Stato membro e rivolto a partecipanti di questo Stato membro) o internazionale (cioè realizzato in più di uno Stato membro e/o rivolto a partecipanti di più di uno Stato membro);
- un progetto può essere presentato solo in uno Stato membro dell'UE - nel caso di progetti internazionali, la domanda deve essere presentata nello Stato membro con cui il progetto ha il legame più stretto
- Il premio per il miglior progetto è di 7500 euro, il secondo 5000 euro e il terzo 2500 euro,
- I rappresentanti dei progetti nazionali selezionati saranno invitati alla cerimonia di premiazione e ad un soggiorno di alcuni giorni ad Aachen, in Germania nel maggio 2023.
- I premi per i primi tre progetti verranno presentati dal Presidente del Parlamento Europeo e il rappresentante della Fondazione del Premio Internazionale Carlo Magno di Aachen.
- Come parte del premio, i tre vincitori verranno invitati al Parlamento Europeo (a Bruxelles o a Strasburgo).
Procedura di selezione:
Il vincitore del Premio Europeo Carlo Magno verrà selezionato in due fasi.
- Prima fase: giurie nazionali, che consistono in almeno due membri del Parlamento Europeo (MEPs) e un rappresentante di organizzazioni giovanili, selezioneranno un vincitore nazionale da ciascun Stato membro.
- Seconda fase: la giuria europea, che consiste in tre membri del Parlamento Europeo e il Presidente del PE e da quattro rappresentanti della Fondazione del Premio Internazionale Carlo Magno di Aachen, selezionerà il vincitore tra i 27 progetti presentati dalle giurie nazionali entro l'aprile 2023.
Scadenza: 2 febbraio 2023. Le candidature apriranno nel gennaio 2023.
Per ulteriori informazioni sul concorso: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/charlemagneyouthprize/it/rules.html
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Premiul european Charlemagne pentru tineret recompensează proiectele derulate de tineri care sprijină democrația în Europa și promovează cooperarea și înțelegerea atât în Europa, cât și la nivel internațional.
Premiul evidențiază activitatea zilnică a tinerilor în consolidarea unui sentiment comun de identitate europeană și recompensează participarea activă a acestora la dezvoltarea Europei.
Premiul este gestionat în comun de Parlamentul European și de Fundația Premiului Internațional Charlemagne din Aachen și a fost lansat în 2008.
Criterii de eligibilitate
Pentru a participa, trebuie să:
Poți depune un proiect fie în calitate de candidat individual, fie în numele unei organizații sau al unui grup de tineri.
Premiul pentru cel mai bun proiect este de 7.500 EUR, al doilea, de 5.000 EUR, iar al treilea, de 2.500 EUR.
Cei 3 laureați finali vor fi invitați să viziteze Parlamentul European (la Bruxelles sau Strasbourg).
Unui reprezentant al fiecăruia dintre cei trei laureați europeni i se va oferi oportunitatea unui stagiu Schuman în Parlamentul European.
Reprezentanții tuturor celor 27 de proiecte naționale selectate vor fi, de asemenea, invitați la o excursie de patru zile la Aachen, Germania.
Termen limită: 30 ianuarie 2025, ora 23:59 CET.
Pentru mai multe informații, te rugăm să contactezi biroul național de legătură cu Parlamentul European sau să trimiți întrebările tale la adresa: [email protected].
Citește mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Európska cena Karola Veľkého pre mládež odmeňuje projekty vedené mládežou, ktoré podporujú demokraciu
v Európe a podporujú spoluprácu a porozumenie v Európe aj na medzinárodnej úrovni. Zdôrazňuje každodennú prácu mladých ľudí pri posilňovaní spoločného zmyslu pre európsku identitu a odmeňuje ich aktívnu účasť na rozvoji Európy.
Cenu spoločne organizujú Európsky parlament a Nadácia Medzinárodnej ceny Karola Veľkého z Aachenu a bola založená v roku 2008.
Ak sa chcete zúčastniť, musíte:
Všetky prihlásené projekty najskôr vyhodnotí národná porota členského štátu projektu, ktorý vyberie jednu nomináciu.
Cena za najlepší projekt je 7 500 EUR, druhý 5 000 EUR a tretí 2 500 EUR.
Traja koneční laureáti budú pozvaní na návštevu Európskeho parlamentu (v Bruseli alebo Štrasburgu).
Jednému zástupcovi z každého z troch európskych laureátov bude ponúknutá možnosť Schumanovej stáže v Európskom parlamente.
Zástupcovia všetkých 27 vybraných národných projektov budú pozvaní aj na štvordňový výlet do nemeckého Aachenu.
Termín na podanie vášho projektu je 12. februára 2024
o 23:59 SEČ.
Ak chcete získať ďalšie informácie, obráťte sa na svoj národný kontaktný úrad Európskeho parlamentu alebo pošlite svoje otázky na adresu: [email protected].
Viac sa dozvieš tu.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Evropski parlament (www.europarl.europa.eu) in Fundacija za mednarodno nagrado Karla Velikega iz Aachna (http://www.karlspreis.de) vabita mlade iz vseh držav članic Evropske unije, da sodelujejo v tekmovanju na temo razvoja EU, povezovanja in vprašanj evropske identitete.
Namen evropske mladinske nagrade Karla Velikega je spodbujati razvoj evropske zavesti med mladimi, pa tudi njihovo sodelovanje pri projektih evropskega povezovanja. Nagrada se podeli za projekte mladih, ki spodbujajo razumevanje, krepijo razvoj skupnega občutka evropske identitete ter ponazarjajo praktične primere Evropejcev, ki živijo kot enotna skupnost.
Evropsko mladinsko nagrado Karla Velikega vsako leto skupaj podelita Evropski parlament in Fundacija za mednarodno nagrado Karla Velikega iz Aachna.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
La gente joven de todos los Estados Miembros de la UE está invitada a participar en un concurso sobre desarrollo de la UE, integración y cuestiones de identidad europea por el Parlamento Europeo y la Fundación del Premio Internacional Carlomagno de Aachen.
Tema del concurso:
El “Premio Europeo Juventud Carlomagno” premia a proyectos que:
· Promuevan el entendimiento Europeo e internacional.
· Fomenten el desarrollo de un sentido compartido de identidad e integración europea.
· Sirvan como modelo para la gente joven que vive en Europa y ofrezca ejemplos prácticos de europeos que vivan juntos como una comunidad.
Los proyectos pueden enfocarse en la organización de varios eventos juveniles, intercambios juveniles o proyectos de internet con una dimensión europea.
Criterios de participación:
· Los participantes deben tener entre 16-30 años.
· Deben ser ciudadanos o residentes en uno de los 28 Estados Miembro de la UE.
· Pueden concursar ya sea individualmente o en grupos.
· Los proyectos enviados para el concurso deben haber comenzado y deben seguir ejecutandose o han terminado dentro del año(12 meses) que precede a la fecha límite de solicitud actual.
· El premio para el mejor proyecto son 5.000€, el segundo 3.000€ y el tercero 2.000€.
· Representantes de los 28 proyectos nacionales seleccionados serán invitados a una ceremonia de entrega de premios en Aachen, Alemania, el 12 de mayo de 2015.
· Los premios para los mejores tres proyectos serán presentados por el Presidente del Parlamento Europeo y un representante de la Fundación del Premio Internacional Carlomagno de Aachen.
· Como parte del concurso, los tres premiados serán invitados a visitar el Parlamento Europeo (en Bruselas o en Estrasburgo).
Procedimientos de selección:
El ganador del Premio Europeo Juventud Carlomagno será seleccionado en un proceso de dos fases.
· Primera fase: Los jurados nacionales, compuestos al menos por dos Miembros del Parlamento Europeo (MPEs) y un representante de organizaciones juveniles, seleccionarán un ganador nacional de cada uno de los 28 Estados Miembros el 13 de marzo de 2015.
· Segunda fase: El jurado europeo, compuesto por tres MPEs y por el Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, cuatro representantes de la Fundación del Premio Internacional Carlomagno de Aachen seleccionarán al ganador entre los 28 proyectos enviados por los jurados nacionales el 23 de abril de 2015.
Fecha límite: 23 de Febrero de 2015.
Para más información sobre la competición, por favor lea las normas de participación o contacte con la Oficina nacional de Información del Parlamento Europeo.
Más información: http://www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Young people from all the EU Member States are invited to participate in a competition on EU development, integration and European identity issues by the European Parliament and the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.
The 'European Charlemagne Youth Prize' is awarded to projects, which:
- promote the European and international understanding,
- foster the development of a shared sense of European identity and integration,
- serve as a role model for young people living in Europe
- offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community.
The projects can focus on the organisation of various youth events, youth exchanges or internet projects with a European dimension.
Participation requirements
- participants should be 16-30 years old;
- must be citizens or residents of one of the EU Member States;
- can apply, either individually or in groups, in the case of group and cross-border projects, the project can only be submitted in one country which is closely linked to the project.
Applications in all official languages of the European Union are eligible
The projects submitted for the competition must have started and:
a) have finished between 1 January 2020 and 1 February 2021 or
b) be still running.
The prize for the best project is EUR 7,500, the second, EUR 5000 and the third, EUR 2,500.
One representative of the 27 national winning projects selected will be invited to the award ceremony and a stay of several days in Aachen, Germany on 11 May 2021.
The prizes for the best three projects will be presented by the President of the European Parliament and representative of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.
As part of the prize, the three laureates will be invited to visit the European Parliament (in Brussels or in Strasbourg).
The winner or the European Charlemagne Youth Prize will be selected in a two-phases process.
First: national juries consisting of at least two Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and one representative of youth organisations will select one national winner from each of the 27 Member States by 15 March 2021.
Second: the European jury consisting of three MEPs, the President of the European Parliament and four representatives of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen will select the winner from the 27 national winning projects submitted by national juries in April 2021.
If you have any questions, email: [email protected].
Deadline to submit your project is 1 February 2021 at 00:00 CET.
For more information regarding the competition please read the rules and contact the national European Parliament Liaison Office .
Find out more: http://www.charlemagneyouthprize.eu
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Access City Award 2024
Elismeri a városok által az akadálymentesítés érdekében tett erőfeszítéseket.
Read this in 9 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The Access City Award rewards EU cities prioritising accessibility for persons with disabilities.
Who can apply
All EU cities of over 50 000 inhabitants and urban areas composed of two or more towns with a combined population of over 50,000 inhabitants, if they are in EU countries with fewer than 2 cities with over 50 000 inhabitants.
The winner and runners-up will receive a monetary prize:
Special award
This year an "Accessible Sports Infrastructure" special mention is given to a city that demonstrates how they feature accessibility in their sports infrastructure.
Deadline: 10 September 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Наградата Access City Award награждава градове в ЕС, даващи приоритет на достъпността за хора с увреждания.
Кой може да кандидатства
Всички градове в ЕС с над 50 000 жители и градски райони, съставени от два или повече града с общо население от над 50 000 жители, ако са в държави от ЕС с по-малко от 2 града с над 50 000 жители.
Победителят и подгласниците ще получат парична награда:
Специална награда
Тази година специално отличие за „Достъпна спортна инфраструктура“ се дава на град, който демонстрира достъпност в своята спортна инфраструктура.
Краен срок : 10 септември 2024 г., 23:59.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Lancé par la Commission européenne, le prix Access City reconnaît et célèbre la volonté, la capacité et les efforts d'une ville pour devenir plus accessible, afin de :
- garantir l'égalité d'accès aux droits fondamentaux
- améliorer la qualité de vie de sa population et veiller à ce que chacun, indépendamment de son âge, de sa mobilité ou de ses capacités, ait un accès égal à toutes les ressources et à tous les plaisirs que les villes ont à offrir.
Cette édition aura une mention spéciale pour les villes dont le travail sur l'accessibilité est aligné sur les valeurs du Nouveau Bauhaus européen : durabilité, esthétique et inclusivité.
Qui peut participer
Les Prix sont ouverts à toutes les villes de l’UE de plus de 50 000 habitants et aux zones urbaines constituées de plusieurs villes, ayant une population totale de plus de 50 000 habitants et situées dans un pays de l’UE comptant moins de deux villes de plus de 50 000 habitants.
L'organisme soumissionnaire doit être une autorité gouvernementale de l'un des États membres de l'UE.
Les jurys examinent les mesures prises et prévues dans les domaines suivants:
La Commission européenne attribuera un prix en espèces à chacun des premiers lauréats et des deux finalistes, comme suit :
Prix spécial
Cette année, une mention spéciale « New European Bauhaus » est attribuée à une ville dont le travail en matière d'accessibilité est conforme aux valeurs du « New European Bauhaus » : durabilité, esthétique et inclusivité.
Comment postuler
Les organismes candidats doivent remplir le formulaire de candidature et sont également invités à télécharger ou à fournir des liens vers un maximum de cinq documents étayant et illustrant les points forts de leur candidature.
Les lauréats du Prix européen des villes accessibles 2024 seront officiellement annoncés lors de la conférence de la Journée européenne des personnes handicapées, qui se tiendra du 30 novembre au 1er décembre 2023.
Date limite : le 18 septembre 2023, à midi (CEST).
Plus d'informations ici
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Der von der Europäischen Kommission ins Leben gerufene Access City Award würdigt die Bereitschaft, die Fähigkeit und die Bemühungen einer Stadt, barrierefreier zu werden, um:
- einen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu den Grundrechten zu gewährleisten;
- die Lebensqualität ihrer Bevölkerung zu verbessern und sicherzustellen, dass jeder, unabhängig von Alter, Mobilität oder Fähigkeiten, den gleichen Zugang zu allen Ressourcen und Annehmlichkeiten hat, die Städte zu bieten haben.
Wer kann sich bewerben?
Der Award steht allen EU-Städten mit mehr als 50.000 Einwohnern und städtischen Gebieten offen, die aus zwei oder mehr Städten mit einer Gesamtbevölkerung von mehr als 50.000 Einwohnern bestehen.
Die einreichende Stelle muss eine staatliche Behörde in einem der EU-Mitgliedstaaten sein.
Die Europäische Kommission vergibt an den ersten Gewinner und die beiden Nächstplatzierten jeweils einen Geldpreis wie folgt:
1. Preis: 150 000 € (Gewinner des Titels "Barrierefreie Stadt 2022")
2. Preis: 120 000 € (Gewinner des zweiten Platzes)
3. Preis: 80.000 € (Gewinner des dritten Platzes).
Wie man sich bewirbt:
Die Teilnehmer sollten das Bewerbungsformular ausfüllen. Zusätzlich können sie bis zu fünf Dokumente hochladen oder verlinken, die die Stärken ihrer Bewerbung unterstützen und illustrieren.
Die Gewinner des European Access City Award 2022 werden bei der Preisverleihung in Brüssel am 3. Dezember 2021 offiziell bekannt gegeben.
Einsendeschluss: 8. September 2021, 24:00 Uhr MEZ.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Az Európai Bizottság által alapított Access City Award díj elismeri és díjazza egy város hajlandóságát, képességét és erőfeszítéseit, hogy akadálymentesebbé váljon, annak érdekében, hogy:
- az alapvető jogokhoz való egyenlő hozzáférést biztosítsa;
- javítsa lakossága életminőségét, és biztosítsa, hogy kortól és képességektől függetlenül mindenki egyenlő mértékben férjen hozzá a városok által kínált erőforrásokhoz és lehetőségekhez.
This edition has a special mention for cities whose work on accessibility is aligned with the values of the New European Bauhaus: sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness.
Who can apply
The Award is open to all EU cities of over 50 000 inhabitants and to urban areas composed of two or more towns with a combined population of over 50,000 inhabitants, if they are in EU countries with fewer than 2 cities with over 50 000 inhabitants.
The submitting body must be a government authority in one of the EU Member States.
The juries will consider measures taken and planned in the following areas:
The European Commission will award a monetary prize to each of the first winners and the two runners-up as follows:
Special award
This year a ‘New European Bauhaus’ special mention is given to a city whose work on accessibility is aligned with the values of the New European Bauhaus: sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness.
How to apply:
Entrants should fill the application form, in addition they are also invited to upload, or provide links, to up to five documents supporting and illustrating the strong points of their application.
The winners of the European Access City Award 2024 will officially be announced during the European Day of Persons with Disabilities conference on 30 November - 1 December 2023.
Határidő: 2023. szeptember 18., dél
További információk itt.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Launched by the European Commission, the Access City Award recognises and celebrates a city's willingness, ability and efforts to become more accessible, in order to:
- guarantee equal access to fundamental rights;
- improve the quality of life of its population and ensure that everybody, regardless of age, mobility or ability, has equal access to all the resources and pleasures cities have to offer.
Who can apply
The Award is open to all EU cities of over 50 000 inhabitants and to urban areas composed of two or more towns with a combined population of over 50,000 inhabitants.
The submitting body must be a government authority in one of the EU Member States.
The juries will consider measures taken and planned in the following areas:
The European Commission will award a monetary prize to each of the first winners and the two runners-up as follows:
How to apply:
Entrants should fill the application form, in addition they are also invited to upload, or provide links, to up to five documents supporting and illustrating the strong points of their application.
The winners of the European Access City Award 2023 will officially be announced at the Award Ceremony on 24-25 November 2022.
Deadline: 8 September 2022, 23:59 CET.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Lanciato dalla Commissione europea, Access City Award riconosce e celebra la volontà, le capacità e gli sforzi di una città per diventare più accessibili, al fine di:
- garantire parità di accesso ai diritti fondamentali;
- migliorare la qualità della vita della sua popolazione e garantire che tutti, indipendentemente dall'età, dalla mobilità o dalle capacità, abbiano uguale accesso a tutte le risorse e i vantaggi che le città hanno da offrire.
Le giurie prenderanno in considerazione le misure adottate e pianificate nelle seguenti aree:
-ambiente creato dall'uomo e spazi pubblici
-trasporti e relative infrastrutture
-informazione e comunicazione, comprese le nuove tecnologie (TIC)
-strutture e servizi pubblici.
Chi può presentare domanda
Il premio è aperto a tutte le città dell'UE con oltre 50 000 abitanti e alle aree urbane composte da due o più città con una popolazione complessiva di oltre 50.000 abitanti.
Le città con meno di 50.000 abitanti possono partecipare alla categoria dei premi speciali per il patrimonio culturale.
L'organismo che ha presentato la richiesta deve essere un'autorità governativa in uno degli Stati membri dell'UE.
Come presentare la candidatura
I partecipanti devono compilare il modulo di iscrizione, inoltre sono invitati a caricare (o fornire un link) fino a cinque documenti che illustrano i punti di forza della loro candidatura.
I vincitori dell'European Access City Award 2023 saranno annunciati ufficialmente alla cerimonia di premiazione che si terrà a Bruxelles il 24-25 novembre 2022.
I premi
La Commissione europea assegnerà un premio in denaro a ciascuno dei primi vincitori e ai due secondi classificati come segue:
• 1 ° premio: € 150 000
• 2 ° premio: € 120 000
• 3 ° premio: € 80 000
Questa nuova edizione dell'Access City Award terrà conto dell'attuale situazione globale e sarà creata una menzione speciale "Accessibilità dei servizi pubblici in tempi di pandemia" per premiare gli sforzi delle città.
Scadenza: 8 settembre 2022, mezzanotte CET.
Scopri di più qui.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
O Prémio Cidade Acessível premeia as cidades da UE que dão prioridade à acessibilidade para as pessoas com deficiência.
Quem pode candidatar-se
Todas as cidades da UE com mais de 50 000 habitantes e as zonas urbanas compostas por duas ou mais cidades com uma população combinada superior a 50 000 habitantes, caso se situem em países da UE com menos de duas cidades com mais de 50 000 habitantes.
O vencedor e os segundos classificados receberão um prémio monetário:
1º lugar: 150 000 EUR
2º lugar: 120 000 EUR
3º lugar: 80 000 EUR
Prémio especial
Este ano, é atribuída uma menção especial “Infra-estruturas desportivas acessíveis” a uma cidade que demonstre a forma como integra a acessibilidade nas suas infra-estruturas desportivas.
Deadline: 10 do setembro de 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Descobre mais aqui
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Premiul Access City Award premiază orașele UE care acordă prioritate accesibilității pentru persoanele cu dizabilități.
Cine poate aplica?
Toate orașele UE cu peste 50.000 de locuitori și zonele urbane compuse din două sau mai multe orașe cu o populație totală de peste 50.000 de locuitori, dacă se află în țări UE cu mai puțin de 2 orașe cu peste 50.000 de locuitori.
Orașele câștigătoare vor primi premii în bani:
Locul 1: 150.000 EUR
Locul 2: 120.000 EUR
Locul 3: 80.000 EUR
Premiu special
În acest an, o mențiune specială "Infrastructură sportivă accesibilă" este acordată unui oraș care demonstrează modul în care caracterizează accesibilitatea în infrastructura sa sportivă.
Termen limită: 10 septembrie 2024, 23:59 CEST.
Aflați mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Launched by the European Commission, the Access City Award recognises and celebrates a city's willingness, ability and efforts to become more accessible, in order to:
- guarantee equal access to fundamental rights;
- improve the quality of life of its population and ensure that everybody, regardless of age, mobility or ability, has equal access to all the resources and pleasures cities have to offer.
The Award is open to all EU cities of over 50 000 inhabitants and to urban areas composed of two or more towns with a combined population of over 50,000 inhabitants.
The submitting body must be a government authority in one of the EU Member States.
On the basis of the Withdrawal Agreement, the United Kingdom is to be treated as if it was a Member State during and after the transition period for actions which implement Union programmes and activities committed under the current Multiannual Financial Framework (2014-2020). Thus UK applicants are eligible to participate in this ACA prize 2021.
The European Commission will award a monetary prize to each of the first winners and the two runners-up as follows:
Entrants should fill the application form, in addition they are also invited to upload, or provide a link, to a ten slides PowerPoint presentation illustrating the strong points of their application.
The winners of the European Access City Award 2021 will officially be announced at the Award Ceremony in Brussels on 2 December 2020.
Find out more by visiting the European Commission's Access City Award page.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Nemzetközi Ifjúsági Konferencia
Lehetőség a fiatalok számára, hogy megvitassák a demokráciát és a nyitott társad...
Read this in 7 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The International Youth Think Tank is inviting young people to take part to the International Youth Conference and get the chance of discussing a democratic and open society together with European decision makers.
Participants will have the opportunity to submit a personal presentation and argumentation of why they should be the chosen.
The conference is going to take place between 20 and 23 November 2023 in Barcelona, Spain, the first European Capital of Democracy.
The overall goal for the conference is to stand up for an open and democratic society, to empower people, and to resist the pessimistic ideas of nationalism and polarisation.
Who can apply
How to apply
Deadline: 14 August 2023.
Selected participants will have travel, lodging and meal costs covered.
Find more information here.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Международният младежки мозъчен тръст кани младите хора да вземат участие в Международната младежка конференция и да получат шанс да обсъдят демократичното и отворено общество заедно с Европейските лидери. Участниците ще имат възможност да представят своите идеи и предложения в 10-минутно изявление за това как да се развива демократичното и отворено общество.
Конференцията ще се проведе между 22 и 25 ноември 2021 г. в Гьотеборг, Швеция.
Кой може да кандидатства:
Как да кандидатствам:
Краен срок за кандидатстване: 16 август 2021 г.
На избраните участници ще бъдат поето разходите за пътуване, настаняване и храна.
За повече информация, вижте тук.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Le think tank international de jeunesse invite les jeunes à prendre part à la Conférence internationale de la jeunesse et à saisir l’opportunité de discuter d’une société ouverte et démocratique avec les décideurs politiques européens.
Les participants auront la possibilité de présenter leurs idées et suggestions pour assurer la pérennité de la société ouverte et démocratique lors d’une prise de parole de 10 minutes.
La conférence se déroulera entre le 22 et 25 novembre 2021 à Göteborg, en Suède.
Qui peut participer
Les jeunes résidents européens âgés de 18 à 24 ans
Comment postuler
Envoie ta candidature en ligne
Fournis une présentation de toi et dis pourquoi tu dois participer à cette conférence (tu peux soumettre une petite vidéo, un texte, une image ou un fichier audio)
Date limite : le 16 août 2021
Les frais de voyage, d’hébergement et de nourriture des participants sélectionnés seront couverts.
Plus d’informations ici
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Der "International Youth Think Tank" lädt junge Menschen ein, an der Internationalen Jugendkonferenz teilzunehmen und die Chance zu bekommen, gemeinsam mit europäischen Entscheidungsträgern über eine demokratische und offene Gesellschaft zu diskutieren.
Die Teilnehmenden werden die Möglichkeit haben, ihre Ideen und Vorschläge zur Erhaltung einer demokratischen und offenen Gesellschaft in einem 10-minütigen Statement zu präsentieren.
Die Konferenz findet vom 22. bis 25. November 2021 im schwedischen Göteborg statt.
Wer kann sich bewerben
Junge Menschen im Alter von 18 bis 24 Jahren, die in Europa leben.
Wie man sich bewirbt
Bewerbungsfrist: 16. August 2021.
Ausgewählte Teilnehmende werden eingeladen. Reise-, Unterkunfts- und Verpflegungskosten werden übernommen.
Finden Sie mehr Informationen hier.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Az International Youth Think Tank lehetőséget biztosít fiataloknak, hogy részt vegyenek a Nemzetközi Ifjúsági Konferencián, és lehetőséget kapjanak arra, hogy az európai döntéshozókkal együtt vitassák meg a demokratikus és nyitott társadalmat.
A résztvevőknek lehetőségük lesz arra, hogy személyes prezentációt és érvelést nyújtsanak be arról, hogy miért éppen őket kellene kiválasztani.
The conference is going to take place between 20 and 23 November 2023 in Barcelona, Spain, the first European Capital of Democracy.
The overall goal for the conference is to stand up for an open and democratic society, to empower people, and to resist the pessimistic ideas of nationalism and polarisation.
Who can apply
How to apply
Deadline: 14 August 2023.
Selected participants will have travel, lodging and meal costs covered.
Find more information here.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
L'International Youth Think Tank ha lanciato un bando per la sua seconda International Youth Conference 2022 e invita i giovani a candidarsi per poter discutere di una società democratica e aperta insieme ai decisori europei. I partecipanti avranno l'opportunità di presentare le loro idee e suggerimenti su come sostenere una società democratica e aperta in una dichiarazione di 10 minuti.
La conferenza si terrà tra il 21 e il 24 novembre 2022 a Göteborg, in Svezia.
L'obiettivo generale della conferenza è quello di difendere una società aperta e democratica, di dare potere alle persone e di resistere alle idee pessimistiche del nazionalismo e della polarizzazione.
Chi può candidarsi:
-giovani dai 18 ai 24 anni e residenti in Europa.
Come candidarsi:
-presentare la propria candidatura online;
-fornire una descrizione di se stessi e del perché si intende partecipare alla conferenza
-caricare un breve video, un testo, un'immagine o un file audio.
I partecipanti selezionati avranno i costi di viaggio, alloggio e pasti coperti dall’organizzazione.
Scadenza: 16 agosto 2022.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Think-tank-ul Internațional pentru Tineret invită tinerii să participe la Conferința internațională a tinerilor și să aibă ocazia de a discuta despre o societate democratică și deschisă împreună cu factorii de decizie europeni.
Participanții vor trebui să susțină o prezentare personală și o argumentare a motivelor pentru care ar trebui să fie aleși ca participanți.
Conferința va avea loc în perioada 20 - 23 noiembrie 2022, în Barcelona, Spania, prima Capitală Europeană a Democrației.
Obiectivul general al conferinței este de a sprijini o societate deschisă și democratică, de a împuternici oamenii și de a rezista ideilor pesimiste ale naționalismului și ale polarizării.
Pot candida
Cum poți să candidezi
Termen limită: 14 august 2023.
Participanților selectați le vor fi acoperite cheltuielile de călătorie, cazare și masă.
Mai multe informații pot fi găsite aici.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The International Youth Think Tank announced an open call for its second International Youth Conference and is inviting young people to apply for a chance of discussing a democratic and open society together with European decision-makers. Participants will have the opportunity to present their ideas and suggestions on how to sustain a democratic and open society in a 15-minute statement.
The conference is going to take place between 16 and 19 November 2020 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Deadline: 12 August 2020
Selected participants will have travel, accommodation and subsistence covered.
Find more information on the International Youth Think Tank website.
Női Innovátorok Európai Díja
Jutalmazza a korszakalkotó innovációk mögött álló női vállalkozókat.
Read this in 8 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The European Prize for Women Innovators celebrates the outstanding achievements of women entrepreneurs driving positive change for people and the planet through their innovative ventures.
All applicants must:
There are three prize categories:
Deadline: 25 September 2024, 17.00 CET.
Please register for an informative webinar on 5th July 2024.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for individuals
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Европейската награда за жени иноватори отбелязва изключителните постижения на жени предприемачи, налагащи положителна промяна за хората и планетата чрез своите иновативни начинания.
Всички кандидати трябва:
Има три категории награди:
Краен срок : 25 септември 2024 г., 17.00 CET.
Моля, регистрирайте се за информационен уебинар на 5 юли 2024 г.
Научете повече тук .
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Le prix européen des femmes innovatrices récompense les réalisations exceptionnelles d'entrepreneuses qui, grâce à leurs projets innovants, apportent des changements positifs pour les personnes et la planète.
Il existe trois catégories de prix :
Date limite : 25 septembre 2024, à 17h.
Plus d'informations ici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
A Női Innovátorok Európai Díja (European Prize for Women Innovators) a nők szerepét ismeri el a korszakalkotó innovációk megalkotásában, továbbá az innovatív vállalkozásokat vezető nők kiemelkedő eredményeit díjazza.
The Prize will reward women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, who have created the largest impact on the innovation ecosystem by transforming ideas into new and advanced products and/or services for the benefit and wealth of the European citizens.
Award Criteria
There are three prize categories:
Deadline: 27 September 2023 (17.00 CET).
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Il Premio per le Donne Innovatrici intende accrescere l'attenzione pubblica sull'esigenza dell'Europa di maggiore innovazione ed incoraggia le ricercatrici ad alto livello di sfruttare le opportunità commerciali ed aziendali offerte dai loro progetti di ricerca e di divenire imprenditrici.
La Commissione europea premierà fino a quattro donne innovatrici in totale che hanno creato il maggiore impatto sull'ecosistema dell'innovazione trasformando le idee in prodotti e/o servizi nuovi e avanzati a beneficio e ricchezza dei cittadini europei.
- Il Premio è aperto alle sole donne
- Le candidate devono essere residenti di uno Stato membro UE o un paese associato al Programma Horizon Europe
Per il Rising Innovator Award, è necessario avere 35 anni o meno all'inizio dell'anno del bando.
- Le candidate devono essere fondatrici o co-fondatrici di una società innovativa esistente e attiva registrata almeno due anni prima della scadenza della presentazione (la società deve essere registrata prima del 1° gennaio 2020).
Si prega di notare, tuttavia, che norme speciali possono essere applicate per le entità di alcuni paesi.
Criteri del premio
- Innovazione rivoluzionaria;
- Impatto;
- Ispirazione.
-Women Innovators" (tre premi di 100 000 EUR ciascuno)
-Rising Innovators (tre premi di 50 000 EUR)
Scadenza: 18 agosto 2022, 17:00 CET.
Per saperne di più, vedere qui.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
O Prémio Europeu para Mulheres Inovadoras reconhece o papel das mulheres na introdução de inovações revolucionárias no mercado, distinguindo as realizações extraordinárias de mulheres que dirigem empresas inovadoras.
O prémio recompensará mulheres de toda a UE e dos países associados ao Horizonte Europa que tenham criado o maior impacto no ecossistema de inovação, transformando ideias em produtos e/ou serviços novos e avançados para benefício e riqueza dos cidadãos europeus.
Critério de atribuição de prémios
Existem três categorias de prémios:
Deadline: 25 de setembro de 2024. 17h00 CET
Sabe mais aqui.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Premiul European pentru Femei Inovatoare celebrează realizările remarcabile ale femeilor antreprenor care determină schimbări pozitive pentru oameni și planetă prin intermediul întreprinderilor lor inovatoare.
Toți candidații trebuie:
Există trei categorii de premii:
Termen-limită: 25 septembrie 2024, ora 17.00 CET.
Pentru mai multe informații, te poți înregistra aici pentru un webinar informativ, ce va avea loc pe 5 iulie 2024.
Află mai multe aici.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
El Premio Mujer Innovadora anima a aumentar la atención pública en la necesidad de investigaciones sobre como explotar comercialmente las oportunidades de negocio para mujeres para que se conviertan en empresarias y ayuden a lograr los objetivos de la estrategia Europa 2020. La comisión europea concederá hasta tres premios sobre los resultados que han sido ya obtenidos, no a proyectos en curso.
- Sólo podrán participar mujeres
- Deberán residir en un país de la UE o zona del programa Horizonte 2020.
- Deberán ser fundadoras de una empresa registrada antes del 1 de enero de 2013.
La facturación anual de la empresa tuvo que ser al menos de 0,10 millones de euros en el 2012 o 2013.
Tanto el candidato como la persona física o la empresa fundada/co-fundada por el candidato deben haber recibido o están recibiendo financiación de la Unión Europea, del Programa Marco de EURATOM o del Programa Marco de la competitividad y la Innovación (CIP), o acciones relacionadas con búsqueda y la innovación de Dondos Estructurados y de Investigación (prioritario en 2014 conocodo como Fondos Estructurales).
Criterios de Adjudicación
-La originalidad y la comercialización del producto elaborado o servicio prestado por la empresa del candidato.
-El impacto económico para Europa
-El impacto social para Europa.
-Alto contenido científico de innovación.
Los ganadores serán anunciados en la primavera de 2016.
Fecha límite: 20 de octubre de 2015, a las 12:00 (CET).
Más información:
> Contacts
DG RTD-European Union Women Innovators prize
European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
Brussels, Belgium
Email: [email protected]
Internet: http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/index_en.cfm?section=women-innovators
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The Prize for Women Innovators recognises the role of women in bringing about game-changing innovations to market honouring the outstanding achievements of women running innovative companies.
The European Commission will award up to four women innovators in total (three women and one young woman innovator, so-called 'rising innovator') who have created the largest impact on the innovation ecosystem by transforming ideas into new and advanced products and/or services for the benefit and wealth of the European citizens.
Please note, however, that special rules may apply for entities from certain countries.
Three prizes of EUR 100,000 each for the Women Innovators category and EUR 50,000 for the Rising Innovator category.
More information and rules available on the European Commission pages.
This is a recurring opportunity available for
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Kosovo
Youth4Climate: Vezető ambíció
Fiataloknak szóló lehetőség arra, hogy megosszák ötleteiket a klímavédelemmel ka...
Read this in 4 languages
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
The Italian government, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is inviting young people and youth led organisations to get involved with the Youth4Climate global initiative and share their innovative climate projects.
Young people aged 18 to 29 from across the world.
How to participate
Entrants need to submit concrete proposals (in English, French, and Spanish) in the following thematic areas:
1. Climate and environmental education
2. Sustainable energy
3. Food and agriculture
4. Natural heritage
5. Sustainable consumption and production.
The best proposal receive a financial contribution of US$30,000, mentoring, training and knowledge sharing.
Deadline: 26 May 2024.
Read more here.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Le gouvernement italien, en collaboration avec le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD), invite les jeunes et les organisations de jeunesse à participer à l'initiative mondiale Youth4Climate et à partager leurs projets innovants en matière de climat.
Les jeunes âgés de 18 à 29 ans du monde entier
Comment participer
Les participants doivent soumettre des propositions concrètes (en anglais, français et espagnol) dans les domaines thématiques suivants :
1. Éducation au climat et à l'environnement
2. Énergie durable
3. Alimentation et agriculture
4. Patrimoine naturel
5. Consommation et production durables
La meilleure proposition recevra une contribution financière de 30 000 USD (soit environ 27 600 euros), un mentorat, une formation et un partage des connaissances.
Date limite : 26 mai 2024.
Plus d'informations ici.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
A világ minden tájáról származó fiatalok jelentkezését várjuk a Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition teljes finanszírozású eseményére, amelyre Milánóban (Olaszország) kerül sor 2021. szeptember 28. és 30. között.
Az olasz kormány által összehívott, az ENSZ ifjúsági 2019-es csúcstalálkozójának sikerére építő rendezvény lehetőséget ad a fiatal kiküldötteknek, hogy ötleteket és konkrét javaslatokat terjesszenek elő az éghajlatváltozás napirendjének legsürgetőbb kérdéseiben, és megvitassák azokat a miniszterekkel a pre-COP 26-on (az esemény neve) való részvételkor.
Kik pályázhatnak?
• fiatalok a világ minden tájáról,
• akik 2021. szeptember 28-án 15 és 29 év közöttiek (1991. szeptember 28. és 2006. szeptember 28. között születtek).
Tapasztalt, fiatal klímaharcosokat ösztönzünk a jelentkezésre, hogy esélyt kaphassanak arra, hogy egyikei lehessenek az országukat képviselő fiataloknak Milánóban.
Hogyan kell jelentkezni?
Nyújtsd be jelentkezésedet, és részletezd azt, ahogyan más fiatalokkal együttműködsz a klímaharc előmozdítása érdekében.
Határidő: 2021. március 14.
Bővebben információk itt.
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Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Guvernul italian, în colaborare cu Programul Națiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare (PNUD), invită tinerii și organizațiile conduse de tineri să se implice în inițiativa globală Youth4Climate și să împărtășească proiectele lor inovatoare în domeniul climei.
Tineri cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 29 de ani din întreaga lume.
Cum poți participa?
Participanții trebuie să trimită propuneri concrete (în engleză, franceză și spaniolă) în următoarele domenii tematice:
1. Educație privind clima și mediul
2. Energie durabilă
3. Alimentație și agricultură
4. Patrimoniul natural
5. Consumul și producția durabilă.
Cea mai bună propunere va primi o contribuție financiară de 30 000 USD, mentorat, formare și schimb de cunoștințe.
Termen limită: 26 mai 2024.
Citește mai multe aici.
DepicT! 2023
Rövidfilm pályázat bárki számára a világ bármely pontjáról.
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Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
International short films competition offering young filmmakers worldwide the opportunity to showcase their talent during the Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival and getting a chance of winning up to £2,500 prize money, invaluable industry exposure and other exclusive prizes.
Entry requirements
Short films should be 90 seconds or less in duration, of any productions techniques (except for advertisements) and completed after January 2022.
If the original language is not English, the film must include subtitles. Each entrant can submit up to three entries.
In 2023 organisers are looking out for submissions on the following topics:
Deadline to submit films: 13 June 2023.
Find out more here.
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Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
A nemzetközi rövidfilmfesztivál alkalmat biztosít fiatal filmkészítők számára, hogy megmutassák tehetségüket az Encounters Short Film & Animation fesztiválon, továbbá a lehetőséget arra, hogy megnyerjék az akár 2,500£ összegű jutalmat vagy más értékes díjakat.
Entry requirements
Short films should be 90 seconds or less in duration, of any productions techniques (except for advertisements) and completed after January 2022.
If the original language is not English, the film must include subtitles. Each entrant can submit up to three entries.
In 2023 organisers are looking out for submissions on the following topics:
Deadline to submit films: 13 June 2023.
Find out more here.
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Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Concorso Internazionale per cortometraggi che offre a giovani registi di tutto il mondo l'opportunità di dimostrare il proprio talento durante l'Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival, avere l'opportunità di vincere fino a 2500 euro, acquisire visibilità nel settore ed altri esclusivi premi.
Depict è aperto a cortometraggi di tutte le tecniche di produzione, compresi animazione, documentari, fiction, film sperimentali o d'artista e lavori ibridi. NON si accettano pubblicità.
I cortometraggi devono avere una durata massima di 90 secondi e devono essere stati completati dopo il gennaio 2022.
Se la lingua originale non è l'inglese, il film deve comprendere sottotitoli o un testo in inglese.
Ciascun candidato può presentare fino a 3 lavori.
Scadenza: 12 giugno 2023, h. 17.00.
Per ulteriori informazioni: https://filmfreeway.com/Depict
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Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
DepicT! este un festival internaţional de scurtmetraje care le oferă tinerilor regizori din întreaga lume oportunitatea de a-şi prezenta filmul la Festivalului de scurtmetraje şi animaţie Encounters şi de a câştiga până la 2.500 de lire sterline, expunere publică şi alte premii exclusive.
Condiții de participare
Scurtmetrajele trebuie să aibă mai puțin de 90 de secunde, pot aborda orice stil (cu excepția reclamelor) și trebuie să fi fost terminate după ianuarie 2022.
Dacă filmul nu este în engleză, acesta trebuie să includă subtitrarea. Fiecare participant poate prezenta până la zece filme.
În 2023, organizatorii sunt în căutarea unor propuneri video pe următoarele teme:
Termen limită pentru trimiterea filmelor: 13 iunie 2023.
Mai multe informații puteți găsi aici.
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
El Concurso Internacional de Cortometrajes ofrece a los jóvenes cineastas de todo el mundo la oportunidad de mostrar su talento durante los encuentros del Festival de Cortometrajes y Animación y tener la oportunidad de ganar hasta 3.000 £, una exposición y otros premios exclusivos.
Los cortometrajes deben tener menos de 90 segundos de duración, estar realizado en cualquier técnica de producción (con excepción de los anuncios) y haber sido terminado después de septiembre de 2012.
Si la lengua original no es el inglés, la película debe incluir subtítulos o una transcripción en inglés. Cada participante puede presentar un máximo de diez trabajos.
Fecha límite para presentar películas: Es el 7 de julio del 2016 a las 17:00 (BST)
Participation /
Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
International short films competition offering young filmmakers worldwide the opportunity to showcase their talent during the Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival and getting a chance of winning up to £2,500 prize money, invaluable industry exposure and other exclusive prizes.
If your films are longer than 90 seconds, you can still enter a film to Encounters Film Festival.
Find out more by visiting the Depict competition page
#BeInclusive EU Sport Díj
A #BeInclusive egy olyan kezdeményezése az Európai Bizottságnak, mellyel azokat...
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Previous deadline has passed. New deadline will be announced soon.
Launched by the European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) the #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards aim to reward best projects that have successfully supported social inclusion through sport.
Who can apply
Any organisation or private authority which has successfully developed a sport project aimed at social inclusion, carried out in the Erasmus+ Programme Countries or third countries associated to the programme or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature.
Individuals applicants are not eligible.
How to apply
Organisations will have to submit their projects (text, videos, images or other material).
Ongoing projects are eligible.
Applicants are encouraged to submit entries in English or to include a translation into English.
Projects can include young people with a migrant background, refugees, ethnic minorities, disadvantaged, marginalized or underprivileged groups, people with a disability, individuals with difficult social backgrounds or any other group that faces challenging social circumstances.
The three prize categories include:
The winner and the finalists (ranked second and third) in each category will be announced at an award ceremony.
Each winner will receive €10 000 and each finalist will receive €2 500.
Deadline: 28 September 2023, 17:00 CET.
Find out more here.
This is a recurring opportunity available for organisations
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Türkiye